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  • 时差N小时 台北动物园赢得接纳两只中国猫熊资格

    The Taipei City Zoo in Muzha won the bid to house a pair of giant pandas from China, and people will be able to see the endangered animals at the end of this year at the earliest. 台北木栅动物园已获得从中国引进一对大熊猫的资格。...

  • 时差N小时 小公主扰乱婚姻生活

    Dear Annie: My wife of 50 years and I are at an impasse. A year ago, her 30-year-old daughter, Carol, moved in with us and brought her dogs along. Carol has a good job, but contributes nothing and has absolutely no responsibilities. Her mother and I...

  • 时差N小时 买鞋子

    Mike: I like the look of that pair over there. What do you think? 麦克:我喜欢那边的那双鞋。你觉得它怎么样? Amanda: The leather pair? Good choice. Leather shoes allow your feet to breathe, so they won't get all sweaty and smelly...

  • 时差N小时 比现代人更聪明

    Y: Hey, Don. I bet you think you're pretty smart. 耶尔:你好,唐。我敢打赌,你肯定认为自己特别聪明。 D: Well, Yael, I guess so. I mean I've no genius or anything. 唐:是的,耶尔。我认为自己是挺聪明的,但可不...

  • 时差N小时 海洋杀手

    Don: Time now for another episode of a Moment of Science. Did you know? So Yael, did you know that thereve been 23 mass extinctions since life begun on earth. 唐:又到了我们的科学时刻了。耶尔,你知道吗?自从地球出现以来,...

  • 时差N小时 梅子干皮肤

    Prune skin on this Moment of Science At some time, we've all probably taken a long bath or been in the pool for a while, and then notice that parts of the palms of our hands and the bottoms of our feet became wrinkled. This Moment of Science answers...

  • 时差N小时 学生也可以休产假

    One thing we don't quite understand is why the local press should hype the maternity leave the Ministry of Education has decided to grant high-school girls. Perhaps there was no other issue the local media thought interesting enough to attract reader...

  • 时差N小时 鸟儿睡觉也唱歌

    Don: I was awakened this morning by a flock of birds outside my bedroom window. They were singing up a storm at five in the morning. Somebody ought to blast music in the ears of birds when they're sleeping. See how they like it. 唐:今天早上我被...

  • 时差N小时 打游戏还是做正事?

    Mike: Hey, Amanda, have you heard of the new online computer game? It's called Skullfire and it's all the rage right now! 迈克:嘿,阿曼达,你知道最新的在线电脑游戏吗?它叫作Skullfire,是当下最火爆的游戏! Amanda:...

  • 时差N小时 耳石(下)

    These mini rock slides can be caused by head injury or viruses and can even happen suddenly in some people, It is much more common in adults over fifty. Is there any cure? The problem sometimes resolves itself after several weeks, but there is also a...

  • 时差N小时 耳石(上)

    Ear rocks, also known as otoliths, are tiny pebbles of calcium carbonate in our inner ear that help keep us balanced. Theyre located deep inside the inner ear in a small pouch called a utricle. When we move our heads, the tiny rocks move around and b...

  • 时差N小时 北冰洋的淡水湖忧患(下)

    Most marine organisms are adapted to the oceans salt concentration. Just as humans cannot drink saltwater, plankton and other small marine creatures floating with the currents cannot survive in fresh water. These organisms form the base of the arctic...

  • 时差N小时 北冰洋的淡水湖忧患(上)

    An ocean is the last place youd expect to find a freshwater lake. As strange as it may seem, the Arctic Ocean is home to a lake roughly twice the size of Lake Victoria, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. This arctic lake is located in...

  • 时差N小时 昆虫的世界(下)

    Heres how Knab explained it: males gather around some landmarka cornstalk, perhaps the head of an unsuspecting humanand wait for eligible females. When a female enters the swarm, the males immediately pick up her flight tone, which is different from...

  • 时差N小时 昆虫的世界(上)

    Have you ever walked into a swarm of insectsgnats, mosquitoes, or one of their many cousinsand then found yourself unable to shake the swarm? You fake left, go right, but the little buggers still hover above. As if it that werent bad enough, did you...
