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  • 时差N小时 水母暴增破坏全球旅游景点

    Huge swarms of stinging jellyfish and similar slimy animals are ruining beaches in Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean, Australia and elsewhere, U.S. researchers reported on Dec.12. 研究人员12月12日报告,大群带刺的水母,以及...

  • 时差N小时 新疆丝路文物展将从台北开跑

    Some 150 priceless artifacts from the Silk Road era, including a remarkably well-preserved female mummy unearthed in Xinjiang in northwestern China, are now being exhibited at Taiwan's National Museum of History in Taipei. 包括在中国西北部边疆...

  • 时差N小时 好玩的猫咪游戏潜藏致命性

    If you have a cat, it's likely that at some point you've seen it do this: while playing with your foot it suddenly dropped to its side, latched on with its front claws and began a coordinated kicking motion with both back legs. 如果你养猫,在某...

  • 时差N小时 垃圾邮件

    The flood of e-mail spam, or junk e-mails, that bombards Internet users daily has become a nagging problem, according to a survey released by the Taiwan Internet Association. 台湾互联网协会最近公布的调查显示,网民每天都要接受大...

  • 时差N小时 能读懂心思的机器

    The electroencephalograph, or EEG, is a machine commonly used by doctors and researchers who want to know what the brain is doing without having to open up someone's head and look inside. 脑电图仪,简称EEG,是一种医生或研究人员经常使...

  • 时差N小时 南极冰层下洪流加速冰河流入海中

    Floods under Antarctica ice speeding glacious into sea 南极冰层下洪流加速冰河流入海中 Scientists unveiled the first direct evidence that massive floods deep below Antarctica's ice cover are accelerating the flow of glaciers into the se...

  • 时差N小时 抑郁症的警讯

    Dear Annie: Today I mourn the loss of a dear friend. She was vibrant, energetic and full of life, but on a crisp autumn afternoon, she committed suicide. 亲爱的安妮:今天我要悼念一位亲密的朋友。她曾是一位热情活泼,精力充...

  • 时差N小时 油画背后潜藏素描,疑为达芬奇真迹

    Three sketches possibly drawn by Leonardo da Vinci have been found on the back of one of the master's major works, the Louvre museum said on Dec. 18. Describing the find as an exceptional discovery, the museum said in a statement that the drawings we...

  • 时差N小时 科学家找出长毛象基因组上取得重大进展

    Scientists say they have reconstructed around half of the genome of the woolly mammoth, a species that became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age some 11,000 years ago.The sequence comes from DNA in hair snipped from two woolly mammoths whose bodi...

  • 时差N小时 怎样把胡子刮干净

    In theory, shaving ought to be simple: the razor cuts the hair. 理论上说,刮胡子应该很简单:剃须刀切断胡须。 In practice, it's not just a matter of razors and hair, there's also shaving cream to considerfoamy stuff that you smea...

  • 时差N小时 强力胶

    If you've ever had a spill when working with SuperGlue? Then you know that the warning on the side of the tube is the absolute truth: SuperGlue will indeed bond skin in a matter of seconds. 你使用强力胶的时候,胶水溢出过吗?你知道,...

  • 时差N小时 联合国发起"大猩猩年"

    The Year of the Gorilla began on Dec. 1-a U.N. effort to raise money for primates threatened with extinction from disease, hunting and deforestation. 11月1日由联合国官员发起的大猩猩年正式启动,为因疾病、人类捕猎和砍伐森...

  • 时差N小时 原始的蚂蚁农场

    Our ancestors developed agriculture about twelve thousand years ago. As they harvested the first crops, they undoubtedly congratulated themselves on their clevernessafter all, cultivation is far more efficient than hunting and gathering. Little did t...

  • 时差N小时 预防肥胖要趁早

    A recent survey conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) showed that one out of every four junior high school students is currently overweight. The survey sample included roughly 4,400 junior high students in Taiwan. It found that 35% of boys and...

  • 时差N小时 鱼,鱼,鱼,音乐鱼

    Don: Today on A Moment of Science, herring make sounds when passing gas... 唐:今日科学时刻,鲱鱼放屁时会发出声音... Yael: Don, be serious! 雅艾尔:唐,正经点! Don: I am serious, Yael! The Atlantic herring is one of the...
