When human females are pregnant, they're advised to stay away from alcohol, for fear of harming the fetus. 当人类女性怀孕时,人们就会建议她们戒酒,以免伤害胎儿。 And most parents refrain from giving their infants bottles fu
When you're in a stressful situation, are you confident or insecure? 当你身处压力时,你是自信满满还是不知所措? Do you react positively or negatively? 是行动更积极还是更消极? The answer may depend in part on whom you
After all,too much oxygen can be toxic. 毕竟过多的氧气是有毒的。 After several days of breathing nothing but pure oxygen, you'd begin to experience nausea, dizziness, muscle twitches, and convulsions. 只呼吸纯氧几天之后,你会觉
It's time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 又到了再次查看科学一刻来信的时候了。一位听众朋友写到: Dear A Moment of Science,I know that gorillas and chimpanzees can learn sign language and u
We've all heard the phrase dog is man's best friend. 我们都听过这句话狗是人类最好的朋友。 But how did dogs get to be so friendly with humans? 但是为什么狗对人类那么友好呢? It turns out that dog domestication wasn't s
Have you ever wondered why we humans don't have spots or stripes? 你是否曾经好奇过为什么我们人类身上没有斑点或条纹? Let me think,Humans and animals get their skin color from melanin pigments, which can be either black or yel
Whether or not a treatment for an illness or disorder works usually doesn't depend on whether we believe it will work. 对于疾病或内分泌失调的治疗方案是否凑效常常不取决于我们是否相信它会产生效果。 For example, if
Juice may be tasty, but it's not really that nutritious. 果汁也许好喝,但并不怎么营养。 While orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin, it doesn't contain a significant amount of other minerals and vitamins. 橙汁富含维生素,
Here's a neat question you may have never thought to ask. How far away is the horizon? 你可能从未思考过这个简单的问题,地平线有多远? Think about it. 想想这个问题, The Earth seems flat from our viewpoint, and if you are
Once again we go to the mailbag. A listener writes: 我们又一次打开邮箱。一位听众写到: Dear A Moment of Science, Besides chimps, which animals do you think are the most likepeople? 亲爱的科学一刻,除了黑猩猩,你认为哪种
You've probably heard someone use the phrase blood red,but have you ever wondered if all blood really is red? 你可能听到有些人这样说血红色,但是你是否想过是不是所有的血都是红色的? For example, think about the bugs
Oftentimes when we cry, we feel a lump in the throat. 很多时候,当我们哭泣时,我们会感到哽咽。 Does alump actually form, or is there some other explanation? 难道是真的在喉咙中形成了块状物?或是有其它的解释?
You've just snacked on rice cakes. 你刚刚吃完了一些米糕这类小点心, Why are you still hungry? 但是为什么你还是感觉饥饿呢? That yummy feeling of being pleasantly full depends partly on the weight and volume of what youea
When a vegetable is growing, it protects itself from insects by producing chemical nutrients thatmake it taste bad or seem repellant to predators. 蔬菜在生长的过程中会产生化学养分,使其口感变差或让捕食者排斥,以此来保
Most of us have had the same experience. 大多数人都有过这样的经历, We see a big, red tomato in the grocery store, take it home for our salad, and find out that it tastes like cardboard. 从商店里挑选出又大又红的番茄回去做沙