新奇事件簿 英国三分之一将会变痴呆
One in three people born in the United Kingdom this year will suffer from dementia in their lifetime. Dementia is when the brain no longer works properly because of illness, old age or injury. People with dementia have problems remembering things. Th
新奇事件簿 1/4英国民众每周徒步时间少于1小时
Research has found that 25 per cent of British people walk for less than one hour each week. That's just nine minutes a day. Another 43 per cent walked for less than two hours per week. This research suggests people need to do more exercise. The Brit
新奇事件簿 今年全球12人死于自拍
Travellers and phone-camera lovers need to note a new danger that has recently come to light. This new life-threatening hazard has sprung up in the past few years and is now a ubiquitous part of life. It is also proving to be twice as lethal as being
新奇事件簿 新型冠状病毒可能人传人
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that a new coronavirus strain could be passed from human to human. The virus, called nCoV-EMC, looks like an offshoot of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed 775 people and infected
新奇事件簿 《迷失Z城》吓坏农场牲畜
A movie produced by Hollywood actor Brad Pitt has made the headlines for scaring farm animals. Filming is taking place in the countryside in Northern Ireland in the U.K. The movie is called 'The Lost City of Z' and is set in the 1920s. It is about a
新奇事件簿 大众将召回1100万辆车
The troubled German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) has announced it will recall around 11 million cars following the emissions tests scandal that has mired the company in controversy. Some industry analysts predict the recall could cost the auto manufactur
新奇事件簿 法电台希望播放英文歌曲
Radio stations in France have been protesting against a possible new government rule. DJs were already unhappy with a 30-year-old system that requires them to make sure that 40 per cent of the songs they play are in French. Now the government wants t
新奇事件簿 医生呼吁医院禁用香水
Doctors in Canada have called for a ban on the use of perfumes and aftershaves in hospitals and clinics. They say the chemicals in the scents can trigger asthma and allergies. Research shows that over half of asthma attacks are caused by irritants su
新奇事件簿 年轻人失业率成大问题
A new report says the number of young people without a job is still very high in many countries. There are currently 73 million people around the world aged 15-24 who want to work but cannot find a job. The International Labour Organization (ILO) sai
新奇事件簿 每年花9000美元养车
A new report from the American Automobile Association (AAA) says that the average car costs over $9,000 a year to own and run. The AAA said that on average, the cost of driving 23,000 km a year rose around two per cent last year. This cost includes f
新奇事件簿 磁共振成像帮助解梦
Japanese scientists say they have found a way to read people's dreams. Researchers at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for what they say is, the world's first decoding of night-time visions. Their
新奇事件簿 萨摩亚航空论斤卖票
Samoa Air has become the first airline in the world to base fares on a passenger's weight. The national carrier of the South Pacific island nation has discarded the traditional pricing model of asking fliers to pay for a seat and instead has moved to
新奇事件簿 生态旅游弊大于利
Ecotourism is a booming business that many tour operators cite as being helpful to nature. Every year, millions of people descend on protected and pristine natural areas to observe rare species. However, a new report casts doubt on the value of this
新奇事件簿 游客偷盗遗迹遭诅咒
The ancient city of Pompeii near Naples, Italy, receives hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. It is one of Italy's top tourist destinations. Most tourists leave the 2,000-year-old site with happy memories, photos and souvenirs. However, some
新奇事件簿 卢浮宫成参观人数最多博物馆
The Louvre in Paris has topped a list of the world's most visited art museums. The annual survey of galleries and attendance was taken by the Art Newspaper. Its results put the Louvre in the top spot with around 9.7 million visitors in 2012. That was