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  • 新奇事件簿 为求美颜效果 整容人数增加 Cosmetic surgeons in the USA are reporting a disturbing increase in the number of patients seeking and having facial procedures to look like their Snapchat selfies. The surgeons have termed this alarming new trend Snapchat dysmorphia. This term deriv
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家解开巨石阵之谜 Scientists say they have uncovered details about who built the 5,000-year-old prehistoric monument Stonehenge. The ancient stones in the southwest of England are famous all over the world. How Stonehenge was built has been a mystery for thousands of
  • 新奇事件簿 法国禁止高校学生使用电子设备 France has voted to ban smartphones and personal tablets from schools. Lawmakers voted overwhelmingly by 62-1 on Monday to prohibit students aged between 3 and 15 from even bringing their devices to school. The ban is part of a campaign to reduce add
  • 新奇事件簿 英国人的旅行必需品—茶 Over half of British people take tea bags with them when they leave Britain to go on holiday or go on a business trip. British people are famous for loving tea and need their cup of tea even when travelling overseas. A survey found that tea bags were
  • 新奇事件簿 吹电扇或不利身体健康 Many people cannot sleep without using a fan, but scientists say this could be bad for us. This is unwelcome news for those of us struggling to nod off during the current scorching hot weather. According to sleep experts at the website Sleep Advisor,
  • 新奇事件簿 太阳的声音是什么样的 What does the Sun sound like? Perhaps you have never thought about what kinds of sounds the Sun makes, but scientists have found out. Researchers from the European Space Agency, NASA and the Solar and Heliospheric Agency studied 20 years of data to l
  • 新奇事件簿 如何正确使用防晒油 Doctors are warning people to use suntan lotion correctly or risk serious burns or skin damage. The warning comes as much of the northern hemisphere swelters in record-breaking and deadly heatwaves. Japan has declared its heatwave a natural disaster
  • 新奇事件簿 南非一大学为支持跨性别者走出第一步 A university in South Africa has decided to no longer use titles such as Mr? Ms or Mrs. The University of the Witwatersrand said it will stop using these titles on any form of communication with students. It took this decision to support people who w
  • 新奇事件簿 美国拍卖登月物品 Space enthusiasts will soon have the chance to purchase a piece of space exploration history. Items from Neil Armstrong's personal collection of mementos are to be auctioned. Mr Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. A variety of artifac
  • 新奇事件簿 研究人员发现世界上最古老的面包 Researchers have found the world's oldest example of bread. A research team from the universities of Cambridge, Copenhagen and London found ancient breadcrumbs while on an archaeological dig in Jordan. The breadcrumbs were charred and burnt, which is
  • 新奇事件簿 恢复经济 墨西哥总统自降薪酬 Mexico's president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is leading by example in his country's austerity drive. He said he would accept less than half the salary of his predecessor when he takes office in December. This is part of an austerity drive to
  • 新奇事件簿 法国获得世界杯冠军 France beat Croatia 4-2 in the final of the FIFA World Cup in Moscow on Sunday night. It was a thrilling and high-scoring end to a hugely successful tournament. France's victory came 20 years after their very first success in 1998. French coach Didie
  • 新奇事件簿 飞行交通工具即将开售 Humanity is set to enter a new era of transport as a flying car could go on sale next year. The BlackFly airborne vehicle was unveiled by maker Opener in California on Thursday. It is the brainchild of Google co-founder Larry Page. BlackFly's designe
  • 新奇事件簿 世界上最古老的颜色 Most of us might think that the world's oldest colour is black or dark grey. However, scientists have found out that bright pink is the oldest known colour. Researchers looked at 1.1-billion-year-old rocks deep beneath the Sahara Desert. They crushed
  • 新奇事件簿 带巨型螯刺的黄蜂 Scientists in the Amazon rainforest have come across a new wasp that could encourage Hollywood to make a horror movie. The newly-discovered insect has a huge stinger on its tail that could inject a powerful and deadly sting into any unfortunate victi