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  • 新奇事件簿 美国对朝鲜失去耐心 The Vice President of the USA, Mike Pence, said on Monday that US-North Korea relations have changed. Mr Pence said the era of strategic patience is over. Pence said that the USA has shown great patience with North Korea for many years. It has tried
  • 新奇事件簿 睡觉是人生最大的小确幸 British people have voted a good night's sleep as life's greatest little pleasure. The Batchelors Cup-A-Soup company conducted a survey into what gave Britons most pleasure. Bed activities filled four of the top ten spots. Cuddling a loved one in bed
  • 新奇事件簿 不整理床铺对健康更有益 Scientists in England believe that not tidying your bed after you wake up may be healthier for you. Their research suggests that the dust mites that live in our mattresses do not like messy and unmade beds. This could be good news for people with ast
  • 新奇事件簿 遭暴力驱逐男子将起诉联合航空 An American airline is in trouble for the way it treated one of its passengers. A passenger on a United Airlines flight was dragged out of his seat and pulled out of the aircraft along the floor of the airplane. The passenger, David Dao, was a 69-yea
  • 新奇事件簿 赤脚慢跑比穿鞋更健康 Jogging barefoot might be better for you than running in jogging shoes. This is the conclusion of new research from scientists at Glasgow University in Scotland. In fact, researchers say running with jogging shoes may actually be harmful to our bodie
  • 新奇事件簿 荷兰旅游小镇制定游客行为规范 It's great being a tourist and leisurely wandering around old towns and villages seeing the sites, but is it such a thrill for the local residents? Villagers living in the area known as 'Old Holland' outside of Amsterdam have had enough of visitors t
  • 新奇事件簿 司机们都认为自己比其他人驾车技术好 Canadian researchers have found that most drivers think they are better than others behind the wheel. The team from Ottawa University interviewed nearly 400 motorists of all ages. They all had to answer questions about what they thought of their own
  • 新奇事件簿 老年人需警惕网上约会陷阱 There is a new scam on the Internet for those looking for love. Criminals are trying to trick people by using old love letters and romantic language. Conmen can easily buy scam packs to help them trick would-be daters into their scam. The pack is ava
  • 新奇事件簿 丛林居民拥有最健康的心脏 Researchers have discovered the people with the healthiest hearts in the world. The Tsimane people live in the Amazon region of Bolivia and have almost no risk of serious heart disease because of their plant-based diet and high levels of physical act
  • 新奇事件簿 清真小吃把澳大利亚人团结起来 A new kind of fast food is having a big impact in Australia. It has helped to bring Australian people together, and it has been named as the People's Choice Word of the Year 2016 by Australia's Macquarie Dictionary. It is the halal snack pack, also k
  • 新奇事件簿 销售份额剥削便利店员工 Convenience stores provide many of us with a handy place to pop into 24 hours a day to buy things we have forgotten or didn't have time to get from other stores. They also provide part-time jobs for thousands of people. A new report from Japan sugges
  • 新奇事件簿 不用洗发水对头发更好吗? Could shampoo be a thing of the past? Millions of us spend a lot of time and money on it, but is it necessary? Shampoo sales have gone down a lot in the UK recently as more people are changing their hair-washing habits. A recent study by Nielsen, a c
  • 新奇事件簿 国际云图确认12种新型云 For the first time in 30 years, scientists, meteorologists, sky watchers and cloud lovers have names for 12 'new' cloud formations. The International Cloud Atlas has recognized 'new' types of cloud for the first time since 1987. The atlas has been re
  • 新奇事件簿 祖父母会增加儿童肥胖风险 Leaving your children with their grandparents may be bad for the little ones health. This is according to new research in the International Journal of Obesity. The British study showed that children who are looked after by their grandparents tend to
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现白发变黑方法 Worried about getting old? Dont want to get wrinkles? Wondering how to stop going grey, or white, or silver? Well help may be at hand with the last one of these fears. Scientists have discovered the drug the body uses to give our hair its natural col