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  • 新奇事件簿 便携式电脑禁令开始实施 A number of airports in the Middle East have started implementing the ban on taking laptop computers into the airplane cabin on flights to the USA and the UK. A new directive from the USA and UK now requires electronic devices larger than a smartphon
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现大量造血的方法 Scientists from Bristol University in the UK say they have found a way to mass produce blood that would be suitable for patients who need it in hospitals. For a number of years, they have been able to produce red blood cells in a laboratory. However,
  • 新奇事件簿 日本出台政策鼓励老人上交驾照 There is a new road-safety strategy in central Japan to encourage elderly drivers to stop driving. A company that operates 89 funeral homes is offering a 15 per cent discount on funeral services to any driver over the age of 75 who surrenders their d
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家称男性比女性更风趣 Men are naturally funnier than women. This is the claim of a UK male professor, Sam Shuster. He conducted research on 400 different people as he unicycled around his town. He observed the reaction of onlookers and discovered that men made more jokes
  • 新奇事件簿 日本出台政策鼓励老人上交驾照 There is a new road-safety strategy in central Japan to encourage elderly drivers to stop driving. A company that operates 89 funeral homes is offering a 15 per cent discount on funeral services to any driver over the age of 75 who surrenders their d
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现大量造血的方法 Scientists from Bristol University in the UK say they have found a way to mass produce blood that would be suitable for patients who need it in hospitals. For a number of years, they have been able to produce red blood cells in a laboratory. However,
  • 新奇事件簿 便携式电脑禁令开始实施 A number of airports in the Middle East have started implementing the ban on taking laptop computers into the airplane cabin on flights to the USA and the UK. A new directive from the USA and UK now requires electronic devices larger than a smartphon
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现白发变黑方法 Worried about getting old? Dont want to get wrinkles? Wondering how to stop going grey, or white, or silver? Well help may be at hand with the last one of these fears. Scientists have discovered the drug the body uses to give our hair its natural col
  • 新奇事件簿 祖父母会增加儿童肥胖风险 Leaving your children with their grandparents may be bad for the little ones health. This is according to new research in the International Journal of Obesity. The British study showed that children who are looked after by their grandparents tend to
  • 新奇事件簿 国际云图确认12种新型云 For the first time in 30 years, scientists, meteorologists, sky watchers and cloud lovers have names for 12 'new' cloud formations. The International Cloud Atlas has recognized 'new' types of cloud for the first time since 1987. The atlas has been re
  • 新奇事件簿 不用洗发水对头发更好吗? Could shampoo be a thing of the past? Millions of us spend a lot of time and money on it, but is it necessary? Shampoo sales have gone down a lot in the UK recently as more people are changing their hair-washing habits. A recent study by Nielsen, a c
  • 新奇事件簿 销售份额剥削便利店员工 Convenience stores provide many of us with a handy place to pop into 24 hours a day to buy things we have forgotten or didn't have time to get from other stores. They also provide part-time jobs for thousands of people. A new report from Japan sugges
  • 新奇事件簿 清真小吃把澳大利亚人团结起来 A new kind of fast food is having a big impact in Australia. It has helped to bring Australian people together, and it has been named as the People's Choice Word of the Year 2016 by Australia's Macquarie Dictionary. It is the halal snack pack, also k
  • 新奇事件簿 丛林居民拥有最健康的心脏 Researchers have discovered the people with the healthiest hearts in the world. The Tsimane people live in the Amazon region of Bolivia and have almost no risk of serious heart disease because of their plant-based diet and high levels of physical act
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现水稻防水基因 Scientists have found a gene that will allow rice to survive longer in rice paddies that are under water. Plants under water for longer than a week receive so little oxygen they die. The scientists hope their discovery will mean the crops will last l