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  • 英国新闻听力 抵制家乐福等于爱国? Protesters in at least 4 cities in China have demonstrated outside branches of the French supermarket chain, Carrefour. They were angry at disruption to the Paris leg of Olympic torch relay by anti-China protesters and at what many see as French supp
  • 英国新闻听力 日本公司为北朝鲜提供浓缩铀 Police in Japan have raided two companies suspected of illegally supplying North Korea with vital equipment for enriching uranium. The authorities were acting on a tip-off from United Nations inspectors who discovered a Japanese made vacuum pump in N
  • 英国新闻听力 北极冰持续融化 New research from United States suggested that the melting of Arctic sea ice is speeding up. And during the coming month the ice cap may shrink to levels never seen before. More details from Richard Black. The colder then average winter in the northe
  • 英国新闻听力 “除非上帝要我下台” BBC News, with Sandy Walsh. The president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has accused the opposition Movement for Democratic Change of lying about political violence ahead of next week's presidential run-off election. He also said that only God could remo
  • 英国新闻听力 非洲移民的泪水 成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。他们最常用的路线是从西北非到达西班牙的加那利群岛。在过去的几周里成千的难民已经成功登陆了加那利
  • 英国新闻听力 印度疯狂的毒蛇 每年,据统计有大约3万人在印度由于被毒蛇咬到而送命。问题不是缺乏抗毒血清,用于治疗被四大毒蛇,眼镜蛇,黑绉纱,蝰蛇和锯状鳞片蝰蛇,咬伤的抗毒血清已经推出数十年之久。困难的
  • 英国新闻听力 红十字会着手艾滋问题 BBC News with Neil Nunes. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies says the Aids epidemic in Southern Africa is so severe that it should be classified as a disaster. In its annual report on world disasters, the federation
  • 英国新闻听力 美国关于伊拉克的进程报告 美国关于伊拉克的进程报告(Us Progress Report on Iraq) 在未来两周,美国驻伊拉克军队的最高指挥官大卫?彼得雷乌斯将军和美国驻巴格达大使瑞安?克罗克将就伊拉克方面的进展情况向布什总统和美
  • 英国新闻听力 即将举行的摩洛哥选举 即将举行的摩洛哥选举(The Moroccan Impending Election) 摩洛哥人将要在9月7日参加选举投票,全世界都密切关注着这次选举。一个伊斯兰党派正义与发展党有望在这个北非王国有不错的成绩。它将
  • 英国新闻听力 卢卡申科总统政权下的白俄罗斯 President Lukashenkas Regime in Belarus卢卡申科总统政权下的白俄罗斯 被美国政府称为欧洲最后一个专政独裁的边区村落,白俄罗斯,十年来一直在亚历山大卢卡申科总统的专政统治之下。亚历山大卢
  • 英国新闻听力 阿尔及利亚并不太平 原以为漂浮在延绵曲折山脉之间的那昏黄污浊的条状物不是远处的低云,但是我错了,那是大火留下的浓烟。这场境外的大火始于巴尔拜山脉,是阿尔及利亚的军队为了驱赶隐藏在浓密的森林
  • 英国新闻听力 古巴新闻自由 对于大多说驻外通讯记者而言,结束报导意味着他可以需要收拾行李,打道回府了。但斯蒂芬吉布斯发现自己不用操心这一点,在四年半的异国生活后,他非常急切的就离开了古巴。 单词注释
  • 英国新闻听力 刚果共和国出现连续暴力 Continued Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo-刚果共和国出现连续暴力 尽管刚果共和国在去年举行了四十多年以来的第一次自由公正的选举,但是暴力活动仍在这个国家的部分地区持续发生。在东
  • 英国新闻听力 英格兰教会赞成任命女主教 The governing body of the Church of England has voted by a 2:1 majority to allow the ordination of Women Bishops. About 1300 clergy have threatened to leave the church if safeguards will not agree to reassure traditionalists. Here's our religious aff
  • 英国新闻听力 印共重申反对印美核协议 A group of left wing and Communist Parties in India said that they are withdrawing support for the government, in protest to the Civilian Nuclear Energy Deal with United States. The announcement is expected to lead to a parliamentary vote of confiden