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  • 【英音模仿秀】逃出熔炉

    模仿文本:First though a film at this week, that hasn't attracted much in the wave of world's attention, but it's compelling if challenging. Now I rate Christian Bale's performance in American Hustle highly but even more impressive is his role i...

  • 【英音模仿秀】温故伊朗革命

    模仿文本: Today we go back to 1979 and the revolution in Iran. It was a life-changing event for many Iranians, especially for women. Lucy Burns has been speaking to Sharan Tabari about her memories of the Islamic Revolution. 译文:今天我们...

  • 【英音模仿秀】安倍经济学的“三支箭”

    模仿文本: Abenomics, the name that's given to a massive economic project launched a year ago by Japan's recently reelected Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. In simple terms, abenomics means reflation, Japan's new deal, if you like, pumping billions b...

  • 【英音模仿秀】联合国呼吁向叙利亚提供人道主义物资援助

    模仿文本: First then, the UN's Humanitarian Chief, Valerie Amos, has strongly urged the Security Council to pass a resolution calling for more humanitarian access in Syria. Nearly 1,400 people have so far been evacuated from the old city of Hom...

  • 【英音模仿秀】小身材也有高声道

    模仿文本: You'll often see the singer with his tail cocked jauntily, singing from a fencepost or shrub. Bill wide,trembling with the effort of producing that earsplitting territorial advertisement. It's the extrovert side of a normally introver...

  • 【英音模仿秀】意大利纸牌屋

    模仿文本:But first, since Mussolini Italy has had no fewer than 43 changes of prime minister. No, make that 44. The latest to make way is Enrico Letta who's just handed in his resignation to the country's President Giorgio Napolitano. Mr Letta...

  • 【英音模仿秀】欧冠梅西阿尔维斯破门

    模仿文本: So much for a Manchester City quadruple. Whatever hopes there were of that looked over after they were comfortably beaten by Barcelona. City's manager Manuel Pellegrini had gone with a more conservative tactical approach, but couldn't...

  • 【英音模仿秀】英国电影学院奖颁发

    模仿文本:Hello, on The Film Programme, as the BAFTA Television coverage comes to an end, we now know who won what. I'll be discussing the results with critics Robbie Collin of The Telegraph and Catherine Bray. Later you can also hear about two...

  • 【英音模仿秀】争议女记者遇险

    模仿文本: We've been hearing from controversial campaigners who've been making waves across Europe. Today we go to Ukraine and to Kiev where clashes between government forces and opposition groups have been at their most violent since the unres...

  • 【英音模仿秀】通胀当道,进退两难

    模仿文本:There is a term that economists like to use - hyperinflation. Prices just develop a momentum all of their own. And that's the risk that people are afraid of. 经济学家们很喜欢引用恶性通胀这个术语。价格在一瞬间突然...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乌克兰首都基辅局势渐平息

    模仿文本: But first to Ukraine where Thursday was another day of shocking violence, the worst since street protests against the government of President Viktor Yanukovych began in November. Dozens of anti-government protesters were killed after...

  • 【英音模仿秀】爱唱歌的云雀——根本停不下来

    模仿文本: It's very obvious song, might seem extravagant and dangerous. A musical form of the peacock's tail which might impress potential partners but at the same time attract the attention of predators. But bravery or foolishness aside, it's...

  • 【英音模仿秀】公平贸易20年

    模仿文本: Imagine the wildest dreams that you had as a child, chocolates, sweets, well, I mean inside that dream. Now, as a chocolate event over there and exploding caramels, the irony though, no kids are allowed. That's because here at the Col...

  • 【英音模仿秀】巴西世界杯内忧不间断 四成国内民众不支持

    模仿文本: It's been a particularly bad week and a bad month for Brazilian football and for World Cup preparations because this month there was all that story about one of the host cities not being ready in time and Brazilians had a lot of hard...

  • 【英音模仿秀】“抖森”饰演史上最酷的吸血鬼

    模仿文本:New to cinemas this weekend is a vampire film, so far so predictable. But this is no familiar blood sucker saga, like the teen skirmishes of the Twilight brood or the gothic excesses of Hammer. The vampires at the centre of Only Lovers...
