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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语早间课堂>
  • 【英语早间课堂】你在说什么?

    Hello, everyone! this is KeKe Net English. Welcome to Juliets Morning English Class. A saying goes, An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. So, I hope we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here. Weve a way of expressing a spe...

  • 【英语早间课堂】明白我的话了吧

    Hello, everyone! This is KeKe Net English. Welcome to Juliets Morning English Class. A saying goes, An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. So, I hope we can spent a wonderful and meaningful time here. We have a way of asking if an...

  • 【英语早间课堂】明白我的话了吗?

    Good morning, my buddies. Welcome to my class. I'm Juliet。A saying goes, An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. So, I hope we can spend a wonderful and meaningful time here If a speaker wants to know if everyone has understood so...

  • 【英语早间课堂】你理解我的话吗?

    Good morning, my buddies. Welcome to my class in the morning. Im Juliet.A saying goes, An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. So, I hope we can spend a wonderful and meaningful morning together. We have a way to express a speaker w...

  • 【英语早间课堂】到底要怎么说你才明白?

    The mindset of a startup 创业理念 Make Your Passion Your Career 让激情所在,成为你的职业 Yes, you can make money doing something that you kind of like but are not in love with, but to quote a proverb, if you love what you do you'll ne...

  • 【英语早间课堂】教您一招说合作(3)

    特别声明:该节目文稿有可可原创,未经授权请勿转载。 各位亲爱的朋友们,欢迎来到早间课堂《抛招接招》小节目,我是Juliet。 今天继续和您分享一招说合作,我们先来听下面的2个句子,...

  • 【英语早间课堂】一下子花了一笔钱

    现在的网络游戏、数码产品都是些大赚特赚的行业。不过,传统的服装业也不会萧条,因为女人们只要看上了中意的衣服,不管价格。看看下面的句子是怎样描述的: Many women dont pay attention...

  • 【英语早间课堂】大捞一笔

    各位亲爱的听众朋友,你正在收听的是可可早间课堂跟可可学习语。我是Juliet。 我的朋友开了一家川菜馆,为了表示支持,我就约了另外几个好友去品尝品尝。刚进餐厅就发现那里已经人山人...

  • 【英语早间课堂】别欺负我

    各位亲爱的朋友们,欢迎来到可可早间课堂跟可可学习语。上回我们学到了一个习语:be fed up with something or somebody. 今天我们要学的一个新习语就在我们上期课题中的最后一个例句中,我们来回...

  • 【英语早间课堂】受不了了

    各位亲爱的听众朋友,您正在收听的是可可早间课堂跟可可学习语。我是Juliet。 电子邮件的使用给我们带来了很多方便,可是也给我们带来许多麻烦。朋友们也许有这样的经历:每天都要收到...

  • 【英语早间课堂】朴实无华

    各位亲爱的听众朋友,您正在收听的是可可英语早间课堂跟可可学习语。我是DJJuliet。 上回我讲到了一个习语:burn a hole in ones pocket,用之形容一个人挥霍金钱的情形,花钱如流水的情形,不停...

  • 【英语早间课堂】钱袋子破了

    各位亲爱的听众朋友,您正在收听的是可可英语早间课堂跟可可学习语。我是DJJuliet。 不知您有没有这样的感受看到别人住着欧式别墅,开着宝马越野,心中就会产生嫉妒之心,自卑之感。坦...

  • 【英语早间课堂】今非昔比

    各位亲爱的听众朋友,您正在收听的是可可英语早间课堂习惯用语节目,我是Juliet。 大家都知道我们中国有个斗转星移的成语,它最初来自唐代诗人王勃的诗词中,诗中曰:闲云潭影日悠悠,...

  • 【英语早间课堂】包在我身上

    各位亲爱的可友们,欢迎来到早间课堂和Juliet一起来学习片语。 你知道为什么在面试时,小伙子们总是西装革履,而那些女性朋友总是一套得体的职业装吗?把自己收拾得整洁大方,才能给人...

  • 【英语早间课堂】究竟期望什么

    例句:What on earth happened with the elite Republican Guard?It was easy for the American troops to control over Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. 这句话是说:精锐的共和国卫队究竟怎么了?美军很容易就控制了伊拉克首都巴...
