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  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(2)

    This habitat into connect under all of vital to the well being of the Great Barrier Reef. 这些生存环境相互联系对大堡礁而言至关重要。 This is the little known story of one of the most complex and spectacular Eco-systems on earth. 这...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(1)

    The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on our planet. 大堡礁是我们星球上最大的珊瑚礁。 It's one of the seven recognise to wonders of the natural world. 它是自然界七大公认的奇迹之一。 The reef itself is the pla...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(30)

    A baby grouper,only a centimeter in length,that will one day grow into a giant,over 2 meters long. 小石斑鱼现在只有1厘米长,但很快就会长成2米多的大鱼。 Most reef animals have tiny babies like these,carried at the mercy of the...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(29)

    The rising water temperature also sets the conditions for the most remarkable events on the reef. 升高的水温也为珊瑚礁最壮观的景色提供了温床。 On only a few summer nights each year, and triggered by particular phase of the moon,...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(28)

    A bent twig it seems it's just the thing. 这根稻草看起来正是它要找的。 A few more of them now have a nest, if you can call it that, ready for their single chick. 再来几根,就是一个像样的巢了。如果那也叫巢的话,它们...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(27)

    A pair of noddy terns fly close together over the island on the reef. 一对白顶玄燕鸥在礁石岛上空比翼而飞。 They are two mates, reaffirming their bond. 它们是在重复确认伴侣关系。 Noddies signal to each other continually...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(26)

    At night, the corals don't just hunt. 夜晚的珊瑚虫不单单捕食。 When territory is at stake, whole colonies go to war with one another. 它们还常因地盘之争引发大战。 Once a coral senses another is too close, it launches a barra...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(25)

    Because of their sophisticated senses and remarkable physique, white tips are great reef hunters. 精密的感官和不寻常的体型使得白顶礁鲨成为礁石群中当之无愧的狩猎高手。 At night, they turn it into an art form, better t...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(24)

    Their snake-like bodies can even wriggle into crevices. 它们蛇一般的身形可以挤进礁石的缝隙当中。 And they can fold their dorsal fin flat to squeeze through small holes. 可折叠的背鳍更便于通过狭小的缝隙。 If discov...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(23)

    Within half an hour, the fish is completely enveloped in a slimy cocoon, which traps its smell. 不到半个小时,鹦鹉鱼就整个包裹在一个防止气味外泄的黏糊糊的茧里了。 But not all the reef hunters are fooled. 但道高一尺...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(22)

    The snail appears to release chemicals that paralyse its victim. 鸡心螺释放的一种化学武器麻倒了猎物。 The goatfish seems powerless to escape as it's swallowed alive. 绯鲵鲣无力反抗或逃跑,被整个活吞下去。 Moments...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(21)

    The day shift is still here of course, it's just hidden. 当然白日帮也还在,只是藏了起来。 But it's difficult to find somewhere big enough to hide if you are the size of a turtle. 像海龟这样的大家伙很难找到一个合适的地...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(20)

    A coral reef during the day is a very different place from a coral reef at night. 珊瑚礁的白天与夜晚是两个完全不同的世界。 The atmosphere changes completely. 这里的气氛完全不同。 The day shift has logged off, and the nig...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(19)

    There are many endurings mysteries about the great barrier reef,particularly at night,but this is one of the more enchanting ones. 大堡礁有着无数的未解之谜,尤其是它的傍晚,而待会儿见到的则是最为魔幻的一个未解之谜...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(18)

    Young trevally, they dart for the fish, causing them to panic and break ranks. 澳洲鲹鱼飞快地冲向鱼群,恐慌的鱼群四下逃散。 By putting themselves in the midst of the shoal, the sharks are in a perfect position to exploit the cha...
