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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语听力:自然百科>自然百科2013年>
  • 英语听力:自然百科 热带风潮的革命(4)

    They used to call her the Muse, but that's wrong, she's not the muse. 他们经常称她为艺术女神,但,这是错误的,她不是艺术女神。 She was a musician. 她是一位音乐家。 She could play, she could sing. 她可以演奏,她可以唱...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 热带风潮的革命(3)

    The military strike in 64 was the worst thing that ever could happen to this country, because until today, we have never recovered from that. 在64年的军事打击可能是有史以来发生在这个国家最糟糕的事情,因为直到今天,我们还...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 热带风潮的革命(2)

    Abroad the country image was defined by Bosonova and as international hit, girl from Panama with its promise of an exotic and romantic land populated by beautiful women. 国外的国家形象是由巴萨诺瓦作为国际冲击定义,从巴拿马来的...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 热带风潮的革命(1)

    Brazil's history has been expressed through its national passion for music. 巴西的历史已经表达了这个国家对音乐的热情。 Samba, the country's dominant musical style, was used by politicians in the 30s in an attempt to create unity...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(9)

    Tsering recons these caves could have stored food and supplies to last a year. 这些洞穴在最后一年曾用于储存食物和物资。 So in theory, Guge could have held out for a while. 所以在理论上,古格可以坚持一段时间。 Appar...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(8)

    This was as welcome as it was unexpected. 这是受欢迎的,因为它意想不到。 Not only does Khri bKra shis Grags pa lde proclaim the pair to be his personal guests, he invites them to stay and teach their beliefs even altering the building an...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(7)

    In 1624, a Jesuit missionary, Father Antonio Andrade, wrote a book highly popular across Europe. 1624年,耶稣会传教士安东尼奥安德拉德神父写的一本书深受整个欧洲的欢迎。 In it, he describes his visit to an amazing country...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(6)

    Treachery was repaid by treachery, as he was double-crossed by his supposed allies. 背叛被背叛偿还,因为他被自己的盟友出卖。 But a mystery still remains. 但仍然有个未解之谜。 Why was Tsparang entired abandoned? 为什么Ts...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(5)

    John's theory supports one legend that tells a brutal and merciless execution. 约翰的理论支持着一种传说,讲述了一个残酷和无情的执刑的情景。 After having surrended his kingdom, the king and his administers were beheaded on...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(4)

    The view is breathtaking. 视野令人为之震撼。 But this is only a small part of the once mighty kingdom of Guge. 但这只是曾经强大的古格王国的一小部分而已。 At its height.it was the twice size of Great Britain. 在其鼎盛时...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(3)

    Today ,this is all the remains of Guge. 现如今,这全部是古格的遗迹。 It is capital city....The grand vision of the first kings of Guge is reflected this an extraodinary city, 这里是首都....古格第一任国王的宏伟蓝图反映这个...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(2)

    What happend to bring these great civilization to an end. 到底发生了什么使得这一伟大文明走向灭亡到底。 What is the arrival of the first ever westers to visit the Tibet. 到底发生了什么使得有史以来西方人首次前往西...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 古格 消失的西藏王朝(1)

    West Tibet,The roof of the world. 世界的屋脊西藏。 In the thin air six thousand meters high,a vast area westland as far as I can see,in this remote corner of Western Tibet,lie the ruins of mysterious Kindom. 在我望眼所见海拔六千米高...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 徒步南非 喀拉哈里大沙漠(12)

    Here is the lifeblood of the Green Kalahari. 这里是绿色喀拉哈里沙漠的命脉。 And here is where one of South Africa's least-heralded fruit industries resides. 也是南非水果产业先驱的聚居地。 The vineyards here produce masse...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 徒步南非 喀拉哈里大沙漠(11)

    Namibia. But today Riemvasmaak is fully restored, 纳米比亚。但是今天里福马萨克可是人满为患, an unlikely settlement with famous past and quite possibly a future full of visitors like me. 一个不太可能有着著名过去和将来的...
