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英语名篇诵读 创造力十大秘诀

时间:2024-06-27 02:44来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The Top 10 Secrets of Creativity


1. Creativity takes time and silent space. It is best to schedule time daily or at least weekly to allow yourself time to develop your creativity.

2. There are cycles of creativity. We are not always in a harvesting phase and there will be times when you feel as if nothing is happening. Don't become concerned.

3. Select mentors , friends and dream partners wisely. A sad, but true, fact is that not everyone(sometimes even those closest to you)will support your dreams. You don't have to sever  any ties, just carefully select the members of your creative team.

4. Commit to yourself. Overcoming guilt is a big factor in unleashing creativity. It may mean having a messy house or not overcommitting .

5. Set strong boundaries. Choose your commitments carefully. To quote a famous saying — “I say No to many things, so that I may say Yes to what gives me life.”

6. Work from your strengths. We have a tendency to focus on our weaknesses and spend enormous amounts of time trying to “improve”. The reality is that if you were to spend 80% of your effort to become good at a weakness you might improve that area by 20%. But if you were to spend that same 80% of your effort to improve an area of strength, you might improve it by 100% or more!

7. Fear is a companion of creativity. Make friends with fear, you will probably feel fear when you venture out into unfamiliar territory. Expect it and redefine it as energy so you can move on.

8. Stop criticizing yourself. Stay positive about your performance. Yes, you can polish it and improve, but focus on the fact that you are taking action in the first place.

9. Get over perfectionism . A tough one! You will rarely try anything new if you only stick to the things you have already mastered.

10. Play, have fun, feel joyful!Creativity is about play. When you do the things you love and abandon yourself to your feelings of joy, you know you've found your highest expression of creativity.

1. 创造需要时间和幽静的空间环境。最好每天制订时间表,至少每周制订,给你腾出足够时间发挥你的创造性。

2. 创造有周期性。我们不是总处于收获时期,而且会有那么一些时期你觉得什么也没发生。不必担心。

3. 明智地选择良师益友和梦想搭档。一个可悲而确实存在的事实是,并非人人(有时甚至是最贴心的密友)都支持你的梦想。没有必要和他们断绝关系,只需要仔细选择你的创造班底的人选。

4. 忠于自己,战胜愧疚是发挥创造力的一大因素。这也许意味着,房子会一团糟,或是没有更好地尽到某些职责。

5. 确定严格的界限。仔细选择你致力要做的事。引用一句名言:“我对许多事情都说No,以便可以对给我生命活力的事情说Yes。”

6. 从你的优势起步。我们有一种集中力量对付自己的缺陷、花大量时间去“改进”的趋势。而实际情况是,如果你花80%的努力试图改善一项缺陷,也许只能把缺陷改善20%,但是如果把同样80%的努力用来改善优势的部分,你可能100%甚至更多地做出改善。

7. 恐惧与创造力同行。与恐惧交友吧!向未知领域探索时,你会感到恐惧。期待它,给它重新定义,把恐惧当作能源动力,以便推动你前进。

8. 不要自我责备。对自己的表现持一种积极肯定的态度。是的,你可以修正并改善做过的一切,不过你应当关注的事实是,你毕竟迈开了第一步。

9. 抵制完美主义。这的确很难办到!但如果你固守已经掌握的东西,就很难去进行新的尝试。

10. 游戏、娱乐、感受快乐!创造本身就和游戏有关。当你做自己喜爱的事情,独自沉浸在愉快的感受之中时,你就找到了创造的最高表现形式。

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