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  • 英国新闻听力 俄亥俄州立大学男子袭击行人

    Syrian government forces and their allies have continued to drive rebel fighters out of more districts in eastern Aleppo, 叙利亚政府军和盟军继续将叛军战士驱逐出阿勒颇东部更多地区 prompting thousands more civilians to flee...

  • 英国新闻听力 古巴革命领袖卡斯特罗去世

    BBC news. Syrian government forces have been making rapid progress into eastern Aleppo, in a major offensive to cut the rebel held area in two. BBC新闻。在将叛军控制地区一分为二的一场强势进攻中,叙利亚政府军攻入阿勒颇...

  • 英国新闻听力 绿党要求威斯康辛州重新计票

    The Green Party in the United States has formally requested a recount of presidential election votes in Wisconsin where Donald Trump won a narrow victory. 美国绿党正式请求对唐纳德特朗普以轻微优势获胜的威斯康辛州总统选举选...

  • 英国新闻听力 普京向好莱坞巨星颁发护照

    President Hollande says Frances Intelligence Services have successfully dismantled a terror network, preventing a large-scale attack. He was speaking following the arrest of 5 men, who prosecutors say were receiving orders by encrypted mobile apps fr...

  • 英国新闻听力 英国男子跑完401个马拉松

    It's a damp morning in Portsmouth and Ben Smith looks like any other jogger as he pounds along the wet seafront. But Ben's early run is a little different. Ben is running a marathon. He also ran one yesterday, the day before that and the day before t...

  • 英国新闻听力 南极企鹅或面临禽流感威胁

    The sound of penguins in the Antarctic. Penguins are already under threat from global warming, but scientists are now warning about new dangers from diseases spread by migratory birds. A new strain of bird flu has been found in some penguin species....

  • 英国新闻听力 自动提款机被黑客袭击疯狂吐钞

    A spokeswoman for the US president-elect has told local media that Donald Trump won't push for any further investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of her private email server when she was secretary of state. During the election campaign, Mr.Trump ha...

  • 英国新闻听力 日本军队附南苏丹参加维和任务

    Pope Francis has extended indefinitely the power of all Roman Catholic priests to forgive women who've had abortions. Last year, he granted priests the same powers for the duration of what he decreed as the Holy Year of Mercy, which ended on Sunday....

  • 英国新闻听力 特朗普花2500万美元摆平特朗普大学欺诈案

    The World Health Organization has declared that the Zika international public health emergency is now over, 世界卫生组织宣布,寨卡国际公共卫生紧急状态结束, but its spokesman said the infection which is been linked to brain de...

  • 英国新闻听力 戴尔系统出错 便携电脑30美元

    Donald Trump has offered two more key capital posts to conservative Republicans. 唐纳德特朗普又向保守派共和党人提供了两个关键的职位。 He's asked the Alabama senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General. Mr Sessions was rejec...
