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  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 111 炼金术士把金子分给修士和男孩

    When the pan had cooled, the monk and the boy looked at it, dazzled. 锅冷却之后,修士和男孩直看得眼花缭乱。 The lead had dried into the shape of the pan, but it was no longer lead. It was gold. 铅水已经凝固成了圆形硬块,...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 110 男孩和炼金术士来到修道院

    They rode for the entire day. 他们一整天都在赶路。 Toward the end of the afternoon, they came upon a Coptic monastery. 夜幕将至,他们来到一座科普特人的修道院前。 The alchemist dismounted, and told the escorts they could...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 109 男孩把大家吓到了

    The simum blew that day as it had never blown before. 西蒙风从没像今天刮得这么凶猛。 For generations thereafter, the Arabs recounted the legend of a boy who had turned himself into the wind, 阿拉伯地区将会世世代代流传一个男...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 108 男孩潜入世界之魂

    Speak to the hand that wrote all, said the sun. 你去同写就这一切的那只手谈谈吧。太阳说。 The wind screamed with delight, and blew harder than ever. 风高兴得大呼小叫起来,用前所未有的力量呼号。 The tents were...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 107 男孩请太阳帮忙

    The sun thought about that, and decided to shine more brightly. 太阳陷入沉思,决定发出更强烈的光芒。 The wind, which was enjoying the conversation, started to blow with greater force, so that the sun would not blind the boy. 风十分...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 106 男孩与太阳对话

    The wind told me that you know about love, the boy said to the sun. 风对我说,你了解爱,男孩对太阳说。 If you know about love, you must also know about the Soul of the World, because it's made of love. 如果你了解爱,也就了解...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 105 风不了解爱

    The wind's curiosity was aroused, something that had never happened before. 风十分好奇,这可是它从未遇到过的事情。 It wanted to talk about those things, but it didn't know how to turn a man into the wind. 它很愿意和男孩探讨这...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 104 男孩请风帮忙

    The desert didn't answer him for a few moments. 沙漠半晌没有做声。 Then it told him, I'll give you my sands to help the wind to blow, but, alone, I can't do anything. You have to ask for help from the wind. 然后它对男孩说:我可以为...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 103 第三天到了

    On the third day, the chief met with his officers. 第三天,指挥官把他手下的重要军官都召集在一起。 He called the alchemist to the meeting and said, Let's go see the boy who turns himself into the wind. 咱们去看看那个能把自...

  • 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 102 第二天过去了

    On the second day, the boy climbed to the top of a cliff near the camp. 第二天,男孩爬上军营附近一块巨石的制高点。 The sentinels allowed him to go; they had already heard about the sorcerer who could turn himself into the wind, a...
