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  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 02

    As days bleed into years 日子一天天过去 The Prince and his servants were forgotten by the world 王子和他的仆人们早已被世人遗忘 For the enchantress had erased all memory of them from the minds of the people they loved 因为女巫也...

  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 01

    Once upon a time in the hidden heart of France 从前在法国的腹地 A handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle 一位年轻英俊的王子住在金碧辉煌的城堡里 Although he had everything his heart desired 尽管王子拥有一切他...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 56

    Does Leta Lestrange like to read? 丽塔莱斯特兰奇喜欢读书吗 Who? The girl whose picture you carry. 谁 你随身携带的照片里的姑娘 I don't really know what Leta likes these days, because people change. 人是会变的现在丽塔喜...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 55

    So sorry, sorry! 很抱歉 对不起 Dear Mr. Kowalski, you are wasted in a canning factory. 亲爱的科瓦斯基先生 您在罐头厂实在是大材小用 Please take these Occamy eggshells as collateral for your bakery. 请把这些鸟蛇的蛋壳作...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 54

    This is for the best. Yeah, I was, I was never even supposed to be here. 这是最好的结局 没错 我本来 本来就不该在这 I was never supposed to know any of this. 我本不该知道任何事情 Everybody knows Newt only kept me around be...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 53

    I figured somebody oughta keep an eye on this thing. Thank you. 我看这东西还需要某人照看 谢谢你 We owe you an apology, Mr. Scamander. But the magical community is exposed! 我们深表歉意 斯卡曼德先生 但是魔法社区被曝光...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 52

    I ask you, Madam President. 我问你 会长女士 I ask all of you... 我问你们所有人 Who does this law protect? 这法律保护的是谁 Us? Or them? 我们 还是他们 I refuse to bow down any longer. 我拒绝继续遵守这项法律 Auror...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 51

    Keep talking, Tina. 接着说 蒂娜 Keep talking to him, he'll listen to you. He's listening. 继续说话 他会听你的 他在听 I know what that woman did to you. 我知道那个女人对你做了些什么 I know that you've suffered. 我知道你...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 50

    Contain this, or we are exposed and it will mean war. 控制住他 否则我们一旦暴露 便会爆发战争 Credence! Credence, I can help you. 克雷登斯 克雷登斯 我能帮你 Bar the area. Yes, sir. I don't want anyone else down there! 封锁...

  • 《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 49

    Credence, I owe you an apology. 克雷登斯 我得向你道歉 I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. That you were different. 我信任了你 我以为你是我朋友 以为你不一样 You can control it, Credence. 你能控制住它 克雷登...
