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  • 不该有的念头-别人都比我做得好

    Everyone else is doing better than me. 别人都比我做得好。 Do not feed your insecurities, or they will consume you. 不要再去纵容自己那点不安全感了,有一天它们会毁了你。 Sometimes the reason we struggle with insecurit...

  • 不该有的念头-天快塌下来了

    The sky is falling. 天快塌下来了。 When everything in your life is coming together, youcan hold on to the belief that everything happens for a reason with frivolous ease. 当生活中的一切都非常美好时,你可以轻轻松松相信:任...

  • 不该有的念头-现在是什么样子,将来就是什么样子

    The way it is now is the way it will always be. 现在是什么样子,将来就是什么样子。 Don't confuse your path with your destination. 你要去的目的地,和通往目的地的道路,这两个别弄混了。 Just because it's stormy...

  • 不该有的念头-生活很容易

    Life is easy. 生活很容易。 Life is not easy, it is difficult. That's the greatest truth there is. 生活不易,它其实很艰难,那也是生活最伟大的事实。 It's great because once you understand and accept this truth, you can mov...

  • 不该有的念头-我别无选择

    I don't have a choice. 我别无选择。 You write your own destiny through the choices you make. 当你做下选择,你就写下了自己的命运。 You become what you repeatedly do. It is more important to know where you are going and why, tha...

  • 假期这样过-充实精神

    Feed your soul. 充实精神 As much as you want to connect with your family and friends, it's essential to carve out time for yourself -- even if it's just 10 minutes a day. 和家人朋友联络感情很重要,不过也记得留点时间给自己哪...

  • 假期这样过-让你的购买物体现你的价值观

    Let your purchases reflect your values. 让你的购买物体现你的价值观 Instead of supporting plastics, box stores and rampant consumerism, make gifts more meaningful. 与其花钱支持塑料袋、零售商店和疯狂消费,倒不如送点更...

  • 假期这样过-简化

    Simplify. 简化 It's hard to focus on the true meaning of the holidays when you're rushing from one shopping mall to the next. 如果你总是一味从一个购物商城跑到另外一个,那似乎很难集中精神去体味假期的意义。 Try...

  • 假期这样过-关掉电视

    Tune out. 关掉电视 You can't stop holiday commercialism, but you canrefuse to partake. 你不能阻止假期的商业化,但是你可以拒绝其影响。 Kill your television, and engage kids and family in more festive activities. 关掉电视机...

  • 假期这样过-分享玩具

    Share your toys. 分享玩具 It's never too early to teach kids to share. 教孩子学会分享,越早越好。 Explain to your children that not all boys and girls have gifts to open on the holidays, and ask if they'd like to share some of theirs...

  • 假期这样过-创造一个仪式

    Create a ritual. 创造一个仪式 Rituals anchor holidays, and give kids a sense of continuity and a tradition they can pass on for years to come. 仪式能够很好地衬托节日,给孩子们一种团聚和传统的感觉,让他们可以一年一...

  • 假期这样过-挑选健康食物

    Make food count. 挑选健康食物 How much money does your family spend onmeaningless food -- soft drinks, chips, cookies and the like? 你家要花多少钱买一些垃圾食品呢?比如饮料、薯条、饼干等等。 Reexamine your food choi...

  • 假期这样过-帮助别人

    Be of service. 帮助别人 It's better to give than to receive -- and that applies to more than material goods. 给予永远比获得更有价值,这同样适用于非物质层面。 Some ways to spread cheer to those in need: Help your kids deliv...

  • 缺乏睡眠坏处多-夺去你的生命

    可可电台,每期节目一话题,让英语磨练耳朵的同时学到更多有益的小知识,丰富知识的同时受益于生活。 Kill You夺去你的生命 It's not just heart problems that can lead to sleep-deprivation-related death. In...

  • 缺乏睡眠坏处多-伤害你的心脏

    Hurt Your Heart伤害你的心脏 The stress and strain of too little sleep can cause the body to produce more of the chemicals and hormones that can lead to heart disease, according to 2011 research. 据一项2011年的研究显示,压力、精神紧...
