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  • 别自毁幸福-别纠结于困难

    Dwelling on difficulties. 老是纠结于困难 1000517999a013658e.jpg Times of adversity will inevitably affect theconditions in which you live and work; yet you don't have to let it affect who you are and where you're headed. Take note of the setba...

  • 别自毁幸福-放下负担,轻装上阵

    Holding tight to worries and fears. 被担心和恐惧包围 Someday when you look back over your life you'llrealize that nearly all of your worries and anxious fears never came to fruition they were completely unfounded. So why not wake up and reali...

  • "充分"微笑可以长寿可以美容别自毁幸福-怨恨之心不可有

    Harboring feelings of hate. 存有怨恨之心 As Martin Luther King Jr. so profoundly said,Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Truth be told, when we harbor feelings of hate,...

  • 别自毁幸福-别只为了钱而工作

    Working for nothing more than a paycheck. 只为了钱而工作 Work without interest is imprisonment. Even if you aren't super-passionate about your work, you've got to at least be interested in it. When you design a lifestyle in which your work is...

  • 别自毁幸福-创造时机而不是等待时机

    Waiting for the perfect moment. 等待最佳时机 Don't buy into the myth of the perfect moment.Moments aren't perfect; they're what you make them. So many people wait around for the stars to align to do what they're here to do. The perfect moment,...

  • 别自毁幸福-多关注自己

    Focusing on everyone's story except your own. 关注别人而不是自己的故事 Don't be so satisfied with the success stories of others and how things have gone for them that you forget to write your own.Unfold your own tale and bring it to life....

  • 不生病的小秘密-睡觉是灵丹妙药

    Secrets To Never Getting Sick不生病的小秘密 The Magic Bullet睡觉是灵丹妙药 An occasional restless night is nothing to worryabout, but a continuous lack of zzz's can hamper your immune system's abilityto function. 偶尔休息不好没什么...

  • 不生病的小秘密-手部清洁最重要

    Secrets To Never Getting Sick不生病的小秘密 Clean Hands Are Everything 手部清洁最重要 Cold and flu can spread all too easily through touch. Keep your fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, and make sure to mas...

  • 不生病的小秘密-放松打败感冒

    Secrets To Never Getting Sick不生病的小秘密 放松打败感冒Relaxation Fights Off Colds There are a trillion reasons why taking time tochill out might be the last item on your to-do list. But here's why it should be a priority: Being stresse...

  • 不生病的小秘密-和新鲜空气交朋友

    Secrets To Never Getting Sick不生病的小秘密 Make Friends With Fresh Air和新鲜空气交朋友 Common wisdom has it that staying indoors, where it's warm and toasty, is easier on your immune system than being outside in the cold. 一般人对于...

  • 自信法则-计划你的未来

    One of the best ways to overcome self-doubt is to have a clear plan. It's easy to start thinking I'll never do it if you don't know what your next steps are. 克服不自信最好的办法之一就是制定一个明朗的计划。如果你从不做计划...

  • 自信法则-收集祝贺和客户感言

    Collect Compliments and Testimonials 收集祝贺和客户感言 If you're working on a long-term goal, chances are that you've have some nice comments from other people. Perhaps your friend told you how great you look now that you've lost a few poun...

  • 自信法则-询问专业人士的意见

    \询问专业人士的意见 You might have spent months or years honing your skills in a particular area, but you're still worried that you're not good enough. 你也许花了很长时间钻研你在某一方面的技术,但你依然担忧你做得不...

  • 自信法则-读他人成功的故事

    Read Success Stories From Other People 读一读其他人成功的故事 Whenever I've tackled a big goal in my own life like losing weight or starting my own business I've been inspired by stories from others. 每当我着手实现一个目标时,比...

  • 自信法则-表现得自信

    Act Confident 表现得自信 Even if you don't feel at all confident, you can behave as if you are. Once you start acting confident, you'll begin to believe in yourself. 即使你内心一点也不自信,你可以表现得很自信一样。一旦你...
