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  • 找自己-学会独处

    What issues do you need to resolve with yourself? 如何学会独处? When you feel lonely you look around for someone to fill the void in your life. You assume that your loneliness stems exclusively from being alone. But once you find company, it...

  • 找自己-正视你的缺点和不足

    What are your flaws and faults? 你的缺点和不足是什么? You will never be flawless. You will never be faultless. Acknowledge your flaws and faults and accept them. Let the difference between your flaws and the flaws of others be that you ha...

  • 找自己-你的下一步是什么

    What's the next step? 你的下一步是什么? Remember, you will never make a bigger mistake than sitting back and doing nothing simply because you can only do a little. So go head and start small. 记住,只在那坐着什么都不干才是最大...

  • 找自己-前进路上的阻碍

    What are the roadblocks standing in your way? 道路上的阻碍是什么? A roadblock is only a roadblock if you don't know about it. If you know about it, it's just a challenge. Look around and evaluate the challenges you face; within them lie th...

  • 找自己-你的目标是什么

    What are you trying to accomplish and why? 你的目标是什么?为什么? Know the answer to this simple question and remind yourselfof it every single day. You must identify, without any doubt, the specific reason you do the work you do. Succe...

  • 找自己-积极转变自己

    How can you make a positive difference? 如何进行积极的转变? Even when it seems like a hopeless effort, do theright thing. 即使看起来是无用功,但也要做正确的事情。 Always live firmly by the forces of love and truth.Keep...

  • 找自己-为自己感到骄傲

    What would make you proud of yourself? 什么会让你为自己感到骄傲? When you follow your heart and intuition, people won't always agree with you. When you find something that makes you happy, not everyone will be happy for you. 当你跟随着...

  • 阳光生活-你是独一无二的,要做真实的自我

    阳光生活 You are unique and you should stop trying to besomeone else 你是独一无二的,要做真实的自我 Do you think that that someone else in your workplace, office, college or school is way too cool or more attractive than you are? 是...

  • 阳光生活-一切皆有可能

    阳光生活 Nothing is impossible 一切皆有可能 Of course, if you want to learn how to fly, we'd saythat is impossible. 当然,如果你想要飞翔,那确实办不到。 But with genuine efforts, each and every one of uscan achieve just ab...

  • 阳光生活-天上不会掉馅饼

    阳光生活 There are no free lunches in life 天上不会掉馅饼 You may have used this truth of life as an idiom in your conversation before but have you realized that this is a truth that you need to know? 可能你以前讲话时经常引用这句...

  • 阳光生活-天助自助者

    阳光生活 God helps those who help themselves 天助自助者 God, luck and fortune comes to those who help themselves. 上帝、运气与财富只会降临那些自助的人。 That's right, folks. The idea of God helping people arises only after...

  • 阳光生活-善有善报,恶有恶报

    阳光生活 What goes around, comes around 善有善报,恶有恶报 If you haven't learnt this yet, you better start accepting the fact that your Karma is going to hit you back like a rock. 如果你还没有过这样的遭遇,最好现在开始就...

  • 不该有的念头-一切都太晚了

    It's too late. 一切都太晚了。 Believing it's too late is the end of your journey;believing in yourself is an endless destination. 你若相信太晚了,你的成功之路也就终止了。相信自己才会使未来之路变得无限可能。...

  • 不该有的念头-我希望

    I wish. 我希望。 The best thing you can do for yourself is to stopsaying I wish, start saying I will, and then go do something about it. 你能为自己做的最棒的事情就是停止说我希望,而开始说我将要,然后采取行动。...

  • 不该有的念头-那不现实

    That's unrealistic. 那不现实。 To be successful, you have to be a little unrealistic. 要想成功,你还得变得有点不现实。 You have to believe that something totally different than what has happened for an eternity can happen. 你必须...
