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  • 如何度过困难期-从中学习

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Learn from it. 从中学习。 There's always something to be learned from everye xperience you go through, good or bad. Take some time to reflect on the situation, how you reacted, and what you c...

  • 如何度过困难期-明白自己不是一个人在战斗

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Acknowledge you're not alone. 明白自己不是一个人在战斗。 Having a support system is essential for any tough moment. Family members, significant others, and best friends are the people...

  • 如何度过困难期-发现你生活中积极的事物

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Recognize positive things in your life. While it may feel like your world is crashing around you, this rough time does not, ultimately, define your life. From family to being healthy, it's best to...

  • 如何度过困难期-制定一个行动计划

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Make a plan of action. 制定一个行动计划。 The best way to overcome a negative time is to bedeter mined to find a way out of it. If you don't like the way something is, do what youcan in y...

  • 如何度过困难期-不要拿自己和别人比

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Don't compare yourself to others. 不要拿自己和别人比。 According to a quote from Steven Furtick, The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes wi...

  • 如何度过困难期-不要浪费时间老是想着问题

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 Don't waste time dwelling on it. 不要浪费时间老是想着问题。 Dwelling on a problem can only make it bigger than it already is. Not only will you feel worse in the long run, but also, y...

  • 如何度过困难期-接受现实

    How to overcome a bad situation 如何度过困难期 No matter what problem you're facing, tough times happen to the best of us. Whether it's financial trouble or just an overall bad day, finding positivity in a daunting situation is the key to over...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-一起尝试新经历

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Try Out a New Experience 一起尝试新经历 Creating fun memories together is a sure way to rekindle a friendship. Email your friend about meeting up and suggest a list of activities you've be...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-邀请朋友一起参加活动

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Invite Her Along to an Event 邀请朋友一起参加活动 Have an extra ticket to a concert, party or book reading? Bringing your friend to a gathering can be more casual-and less intimidating-...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-办一次晚宴派对

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Throw a Dinner Party 办一次晚宴派对 Chances are there's more than one friend you've been meaning to catch up with, so inviting over a group can restart multiple friendships at once. Let yo...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-做件出其不意又充满温情的事

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Do Something Unexpected and Kind 做件出其不意又充满温情的事. Whether it's sending a handmade present or her favorite type of cookies, preparing a small surprise can go a long way inr...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-找时间煲电话粥

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Set a Phone Date 找时间煲电话粥 Hearing a friend's voice can be a great way to reconnect. But with hectic schedules, you may wind up playing phone tag for awhile before you catch each othe...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-寄张手写贺卡

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Send a Handwritten Card 寄张手写贺卡 A note in the mail can be a welcome surprise for a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. And there's no need to wait until a holiday for an excuse to...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-找回旧日共处时光

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Reconnect Over a Favorite Pastime 找回旧日共处时光 An activity that you used to do together can rev up a stalled friendship. Since that drew you together in the past, it should reignite p...

  • 如何重拾旧日友情-去她的社交网络页面上留言

    How to get your friends back? 如何重拾旧日友情 Write Her a Facebook Message 去她的社交网络页面上留言 Getting in touch electronically is one of the easiest ways to catch up. But what do you say in that first note? Start with some i...
