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  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-创造一个清晨模式

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Create a Morning Routine 创造一个清晨模式 Wake up and do the same things in the same order before you start your day: have a glass of water, exercise, read, etc. Do things that you normally don't ha...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-早起

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Get Up Earlier 早起 I now get all of my important work done before everyone else is even awakeyou would not believe the difference this makes! There's no better feeling than knowing no matter what happens...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-确定你的“第一优先”

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Define Your Priorities 确定你的第一优先 One of the big reasons why you're not reaching your goals is likely to do with how much you have on your plate, professionally and personally. It's likely you...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-想象

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Having enormous goals for your life is exhilarating,excitingand at times, utterly terrifying. If you create daily habits to automate certain aspects of your life, however, you'll create a sturdy foundation...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-友好的邻居

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Friendly Neighbor 友好的邻居 These days, a lot of people don't know their own neighbors. It's a shame,because some neighbors can be the nicest and most helpful people eve...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-工作朋友

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Work Pal 工作朋友 Did you know that with a full-time job, you spend at least 50% of your waking hours at work? Not only that, but you spend some more time commuting to wor...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-和你世界观不同的朋友

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Polar Opposite 和你世界观不同的朋友 We humans are hard-wired to get together in groups and attack outsiders the human pack mentality, if youwill. If you only develop...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-来自不同文化的朋友

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Friend From a Different Culture 来自不同文化的朋友 The last thing you want to be described as is someone who's stuck in their own ways. If everyone had a friendfrom a...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-睿智的导师

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Wise Mentor 睿智的导师 Jesse Jackson once said, Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.If you have someone smart, inspiring,and admirable in your life w...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-敢说真话的知己

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Brutally Honest Confidant 敢说真话的知己 There's certain situations in life where we need to hear the harsh truth. That's what the brutally honest confidant is for. If...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-一个无畏的冒险家

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要的朋友 A Fearless Adventurer 一个无畏的冒险家 We live in a big world where there are so many places to see, people to meet, and experiences to be had, yet so many of us ares tu...

  • 生活中需要哪些朋友-一个忠诚的、最好的朋友

    What types of friends do we need in our life? 生活中需要哪些朋友? Did you know that people without friends are morelikely to die an early death? It's true. Just ask science. To up your chances of living a long, happy life,having a bunch...

  • 如何快速趣味学习英语-看看电影原版的名称

    How to learn English faster and a whole lot more fun 如何快速趣味学习英语 When seeing a new movie look up the original title on IMDB.com The translation sometimes does not correspond directly to the original. Find out what the original titl...

  • 如何快速趣味学习英语-说出来

    How to learn English faster and a whole lot more fun 如何快速趣味学习英语 Produce, produce, produce. No matter how shy you are or how much you don't get English, force yourself to speak Help out a tourist who looks lost. They won't mind you...

  • 做志愿者的好处-为你的简历增添内容如何快速趣味学习英语-和英语国家的朋友

    How to learn English faster and a whole lot more fun 如何快速趣味学习英语 Engage in a conversation on Facebook with friends who post in English When you have English speakers in your timeline, you see their posts daily and get inside inform...
