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  • 做志愿者的好处-可以帮你工作

    The benefits of volunteering, 志愿者的好处 Can Lead To Work 可以帮你工作 I've seen people go into volunteering with no expectations, and further down the road, ending up working for a non-profit as a coordinator. Of course this line of wo...

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    How to eliminate fatigue 如何消除疲劳 Breaks 休息 If you're so stressed out about a particular obligation that you've lost all motivation to keep working at it, temporarily escape your situation to clear your mind and get a fresh new start....

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    How to eliminate fatigue 如何消除疲劳 Everyday living is often frustrating and exhausted, leaving you with no desire to take over the world with your talents and brain. This fatigue, however, can leave you in a rut where you feel absolutely no...

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    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Get Saucy 对自己狠点吧 Baking your favorite muffins, pancakes or breads usually calls for a hefty dose of butter and sugar. To keep these favorites in your meal plans, change...

  • 健康饮食-不要吃发酵奶油啦

    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Don't Be Sour 不要吃发酵奶油啦 Many recipes call for sour cream, but this creamy ingredient brings along a wealth of fat and calories. Instead, switch out the sour cream for...

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    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Skip the Chips 别吃薯条啦 Chips make the perfect snack, which is what makes them so dangerous to our daily diet, especially when partnered with a tasty dip or salsa. Two ounces...

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    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Study the Labels 研究标签 Companies today are coming up with all sorts of ways to promote their products with a healthy twist, so it's crucial that you know what you are reading...

  • 健康饮食-少吃糖

    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Hold the Sugar 少吃糖 Sugar is included in many food products under a number of names, so it's important to know them all. Sugar is sugar, don't be fooled! Just because food comp...

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    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Don't Drink It In 不要喝它 It's easy to forget that beverages contain much more than just good flavor. A 24-ounce soda is approximately 310 calories, and 5 ounces of wine is 100...

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    Change up your eating habits 改善饮食培养良好的饮食习惯 Reach for the H20 多喝水 We hear it everywhere: We need to drink more water. After all, it's one of the easiest things we can do to improve our nutrition. Many people do not drin...
