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  • 精简生活小妙招-清理爱车

    精简生活小招 simplify and streamline your life. Declutter your car 清理爱车 Your car is a busy place: you bring things in andout of it, leave things in itbasically stuff tends to pile up over time. Grab a trash bag and a small box and head...

  • 精简生活小妙招-反思接纳信息的方式

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Overhaul your information intake systems. 反思接纳信息的方式 Pop-quiz: how many RSS feeds do you follow? What about all of your email and magazine subscriptions? How many people, business...

  • 精简生活小妙招-重审对亲友及同事的承诺

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Reassess your commitments to friends, family andcoworkers 重审对亲友及同事的承诺 Overpromising your time is one way to clutter up your schedule. If you can't truly commit to appointment...

  • 精简生活小妙招-清理电脑

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Give your computer a cleanse 清理电脑 Clutter can appear in many different forms on your computer. Consider clearing out files from your desktop screen(file items or delete them), cleaning out...

  • 精简生活小妙招-重整日常事务

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Dust off daily routines 重整日常事务 Is your daily routine cluttered? That is, is there an easier way to do something in your daily routine or is there actual physical clutter that hinders o...

  • 精简生活小妙招-收拾房间

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Tackle clutter in the rooms of your home 收拾房间 An easy way to figure out what constitutes clutter in a room is simply what doesn't belong or doesn't add value to a particular room. It could...

  • 精简生活小妙招-分类整理文件

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Sort out your files 分类整理文件 Pull together any loose files that are floatingaround the house or your office. Go through each of the files and check thecontents. Iffiles are still active,...

  • 精简生活小妙招-搞定杂乱抽屉

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Deal with junk drawers 搞定杂乱抽屉 Crack open that drawer you know you are afraid to open.It's time to do some much needed cleaning First, pull out any items you can easily identify and kno...

  • 精简生活小妙招-整理衣橱

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Clear out your closet 整理衣橱 Closets are notorious for being cluttered with anything and everything from last year's spring shirts toshoes from the 80s. Begin by purging any clothes that are...

  • 精简生活小妙招-整理办公桌

    simplify and streamline your life. 精简生活小招 Tidy up your desk 整理办公桌 Do you find it difficult to work on your desk or find office supplies when you need them? Remove old sticky notes, outdated papers and notes,junk mail, magazines,...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-创造一个夜晚模式

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Create an Evening Routine 创造一个夜晚模式 Your evening routine is just as important as your morning routine, as it prepares your body for a solid night's sleep. Create a relaxing routine that start...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-设置上网限制

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Set Online Boundaries 设置上网限制 It's too easy to get sucked into an online world of status updates, list posts, and videos. Before you know it,over half your day is gone and you have nothing to sho...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-从小事着手

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Go Minimal 从小事着手 External clutter leads to mental clutter. Do a clean sweep of your home and get rid of everything you no longer use or have never used. By the end of my own clean sweep last year,...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-单一任务处理

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Single task 单一任务处理 Only 2% of the world's population can successfully multitask. The rest of us posers are serial-tasking: flitting from one task to another, nudging ourselves forward with each...

  • 改变生活的日常小习惯-喝水

    daily habits 改变生活的日常小习惯 Drink Water 喝水 Having a glass of water first thing in the morning helps rid your body of toxins that have been stored overnight. Not only does it aid your digestive tract, it also boosts your metabolism...
