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  • 浪费钱的小习惯-我做不到

    costing habits 浪费钱的小习惯 You think I cant do it instead of How can I do it? You can make more money at your current job. You can negotiate more, or improve your skills and then ask for a raise. Or, you could make more money on the side. O...

  • 浪费钱的小习惯-短期/长期计划

    costing habits 浪费钱的小习惯 You think short-term vs. long-term 短期/长期计划 We often don't really take into account the effect of our actions in the long run. For example, you not negotiating a $5k increase in salary does not just cos...

  • 浪费钱的小习惯-你不还价

    costing habits 浪费钱的小习惯 You don't negotiate 你不还价 From negotiating the price of your car, to negotiating your salary, you have a lot of potential to save thousands of dollars. Yet beware, negotiating is not something most people a...

  • 浪费钱的小习惯-觉得自己不会花那么多钱,然后花了

    costing habits 浪费钱的小习惯 You think you would never spend this much money, and then spend it My friend and NYT best-selling author Ramit Sethi likes making fun of people who think they will never spend, e.g. $30,000 on a wedding. But when...

  • 浪费钱的小习惯-负能量的抱怨者

    costing habits 浪费钱的小习惯 You may not realize it, but some things you do habitually can make you lose money. You are a chronic complainer If you always see the bad side, then you might not see the opportunities around you. When you miss op...

  • 学霸必备武器-思维导图

    学霸必备武器 Mind maps 思维导图 A mind map is rough diagram that you can make to visually outline information. You can create a mind map by starting with the primary word or phrase of a topic in the center, with related, lesser categories b...

  • 学霸必备武器-方法

    学霸必备武器 Method 方法 It's always good to have a plan. However big or complex your task may look at first sight, with a feasible plan you can always find a way to manage it。 When studying, break your biggest goal into smaller chunks or t...

  • 学霸必备武器-记忆

    学霸必备武器 Memory 记忆 It helps to know how your memory works. Here is the key to memory: in any sequence, people remember the first and last things best. Whatever you try to remember, you'll find yourself recalling the beginning and the en...

  • 学霸必备武器-地方学霸必备武器-节奏

    学霸必备武器 Pace 节奏 Find the right pace for your work. Sprinters work hard and fast in a burst of energy while marathon runners spread the load and build slowly towards the climax. There's no right or wrong way to pace your studying, excep...

  • 学霸必备武器-地方

    学霸必备武器 Place 地方 Create your own personal work zone. It doesn't have to look like a work-space that's what many students find off-putting. Building on what you did in the previous paragraph, make the place your own and somewhere you en...

  • 学霸必备武器-空间

    学霸必备武器 Space 空间 Make room, mentally and physically, for studying. Usually you're studying for something specific, such as an exam. This can seem daunting, like a mountain to climb. If this sounds familiar, take a deep breath and pause...

  • 旅行的意义-有益于增进感情

    旅行的意义 Have Better Relationships 有益于增进感情 Surveys have shown that couples who travel together report more intimate relationships. While travel can't make you have a good relationship, it can strengthen it. Being free of responsi...

  • 旅行的意义-更有耐心

    旅行的意义 Become More Patient 更有耐心 Travel can involve a lot of waiting. You'll wait in lines. You'll wait for flights. You'll wait at restaurants. Learning how to cope with those waits, how to make conversation with those you're waiting...

  • 旅行的意义-更强的适应性

    旅行的意义 Become More Flexible 更强的适应性 Sometimes things don't go according to plan while traveling. Maybe your flight is canceled or it rains theday you're scheduled to go on an epic outdoor adventure. It's okay -- there are other fl...

  • 旅行的意义-保持健康

    旅行的意义 Stay Fit 保持健康 Once you catch the adventure travel bug, you'll never be the same. Let's say while traveling you get lured into taking a hike with beautiful panoramic views. You go, it's not too strenuous and the experience take...
