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  • 旅行的意义-实现目标

    旅行的意义 Accomplish Goals 实现目标 Having a travel to-do list and slowly crossing things off that list keeps you motivated and positive. That list can include things like visiting certain locations or accomplishing a feat such as climbing...

  • 旅行的意义-减轻的压力

    旅行的意义 Reduce Stress 减轻压力 Taking time off is an obvious way to recharge and reduce stress levels. But while staying home and resting is a worthy use of your time off, traveling removes you from your everyday life and lets you truly e...

  • 旅行的意义-提高社交能力

    Traveling the world and exploring new places can change your life. It exposes you to new cultures and can help shape your mindset. 游览世界、探索新天地,可以改变你的生活。它使你有机会接触新文化,而且有助于你的思维...

  • 灵感发源地-你的存在

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Your Existence 你的存在 Would you say that your life has meaning? I can't imagine you wouldn't, so look for creativity in the most obvious place it could be: inside yourself. Every day is a tiny part of the g...

  • 灵感发源地-高中的橄榄球赛

    the power of location 灵感发源地 High School Football Games 高中的橄榄球赛 Check out a football game this fall for a combination of sports, music, community, and crisp fall temperatures (perfect excuse for hot cocoa and snuggling!). Imagi...

  • 灵感发源地-超市

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Supermarkets 超市 There are few places more neat and tidy than your area supermarket. Check out the nifty food packaging, the attractive (and efficient) shelf placement, the magazine section, the floral selecti...

  • 灵感发源地-和朋友谈话

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Conversation with Friends 和朋友谈话 Ideas happen when you stop talking about them and start making them happen.. to an extent. Have you ever had an idea in your brain or written in a notebook that just felt...

  • 灵感发源地-艺术博物馆

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Art Museums 艺术博物馆 If you're going to learn from somebody, why not learn from the greats? Explore paintings from a variety of eras, countries, and styles to increase your perspective. Challenge your brai...

  • 灵感发源地-故地

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Old Haunts 故地 Are there any places you used to visit all the time but then you got married, had kids and it's been a while since you visited? Maybe the bar you always went to in college, the Mexican restauran...

  • 灵感发源地-电影院

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Movie Theaters 电影院 Whether you're a movie buff or not, there is no denying that films are the preferred art form for most people. So catching some flicks could offer you a hint about what people react to (n...

  • 灵感发源地-繁忙市中心的长凳

    the power of location 灵感发源地 A Bench in a Busy Downtown Area 繁忙市中心的长凳 Can we just all go ahead and admit we enjoy people-watching? I love to plop down on a park bench with a notebook and coffee, watching the busy city life un...

  • 灵感发源地-公园和徒步旅行的路线

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Parks and Hiking Trails 公园和徒步旅行的路线 It's easy to forget that we humans are a small part of the life bustling throughout this world. Explore a trail while keeping an eye out for animal life. Obs...

  • 灵感发源地-酒吧

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Bars 酒吧 If you're a writer looking to sharpen your ability to write conversational pieces that click with your audience, go bar-hopping. But not to one of the annoying ones with music so loud that you have to...

  • 灵感发源地-旅馆

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Hotels 旅馆 Hotels are kind of like the purgatory of living arrangements. It is a place that is hard to feel comfortable in despite the fact that you do home-like activities such as sleeping, bathing, and brush...

  • 灵感发源地-清晨或深夜

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Early Mornings or Late Nights 清晨或深夜 You know what I love? Being awake with no sound but birds chirping and an ever-so-slight morning glow overhead while the lazy sun opens its eyes for a brand new day....
