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  • 做个好的倾听者-提问

    ow to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Question 提问 Ask questions to show that you care and that you are in the conversation. Don't go into interrogation mode. Ask interest questions like, What happened next? or How did you feel then?...

  • 做个好的倾听者-放下手机

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Put the Cell Phone Down 放下手机 We give our phones too much control over us. We jump any time they ring, beep, or buzz. So, silence your phone. Turn it off or put it in a drawer. Better yet, Stop h...

  • 做个好的倾听者-放下其他工作

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Don't Do Other Work In our busy technology driven world, it is tempting to send off that quick text or answer that email. Don't. People can tell when you are doing something else. You may think it is a...

  • 做个好的倾听者-重复,不要反驳

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Repeat, Don't Refute When someone is telling you their story, they aren't looking for you to interrupt with analysis or suggestions. Hear them out. Repeat back to them what you heard. You can put on you...

  • 做个好的倾听者-把他们放在首位

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Make Them Your Top Priority When you are listening to someone, don't take calls or let someone else who walks up take precedence over the current conversation. When you are with someone, make them prior...

  • 做个好的倾听者-不要隔桌而坐

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Don't Sit Across the Desk 不要隔桌而坐 Sitting across the desk puts a barrier between you and who you are meeting with. Come out from behind your desk and meet. A small meeting table is always bet...

  • 做个好的倾听者-认同

    How to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Acknowledge 认同 We need signs that we are being heard. Conversation cues and acknowledgements are part of how we communicate. If you doubt this, the next time you are on a phone call simply stop maki...

  • 做个好的倾听者-倾听

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Listen 倾听 Listen, plain and simple. Nothing stops a conversation colder than, Could you repeat that? Listen like you were going to have to repeat back to them what they have told you....

  • 做个好的倾听者-肢体语言

    How to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Body Language When someone is speaking with you, they want to be heard. Make sure you give them your full attention. Body Language Don't underestimate the power of body language. What you do with your b...

  • 要不得的坏习惯-回想过去,并担心未来

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Dwelling on the past and worrying about the future 回想过去,并担心未来 Ah, yes. This is the most insidious of habits. Fear loves this habit, because it keeps you in a perpetual...

  • 要不得的坏习惯-完美主义和自我怀疑

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Perfectionism and self-doubt 完美主义和自我怀疑 Recently, someone said to me, Perfectionism is actually Failurism. Why? Because when you are a perfectionist, you constantly doubt...

  • 要不得的坏习惯-担心别人对你的看法

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Worrying about what everyone thinks about you 担心别人对你的看法 This may surprise you to hear, but most of the time no one is thinking about you. Don't take this the wrong way....

  • 要不得的坏习惯-把钱花在不需要的东西上

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Spending money on things you don't need 把钱花在不需要的东西上 Not sure this needs too much explanation. Most of the time we buy things to increase our sense of self. Remember...

  • 要不得的坏习惯-持续不断的工作

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Incessant business Whether you have the most important job in the world or not, we all feel the need to do something or many things often. That is fine and natural. But we all must take a...

  • 要不得的坏习惯-拖延症

    Habits You'd Be Better Off Without 你需要戒掉的坏习惯 Procrastination 拖延症 In my experience, procrastination involves some pretty intense anxiety. You know what you need to do, but you just can't bring yourself to do it now. Why put you...
