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  • 停止拖延

    Stop Procrastinating 停止拖延 I don't feel like procrastinating right now. I'll do it tomorrow. When you procrastinate, you remain stagnant. Whatever you're putting off doesn't go away; resolve the problem, and move on. You'll be much happier in...

  • 停止消极

    Stop Being Negative 停止消极 Now that you're done doubting yourself, stop doubting others. You don't like when people are critical of you, so stop being critical of others. Think about how you make other people feel even if you have good intentio...

  • 停止怀疑自己

    Stop Doubting Yourself 停止怀疑自己 Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later, you die.It happens so quickly, many people don't even realize they had a life until it's a...

  • 找到自己的优势-你赞同自己的哪些优点

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 Which strengths resonate with you? Take a look at a list of personal strengths and notice which personal strengths stand out to you. We are often drawn to the strengths that we display oursel...

  • 找到自己的优势-别人给你反馈的信息

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 What feedback do you notice from people in day-to-day life? This tip might sound similar to number 2, but there's a crucial difference: Whereas the second tip involved approaching and asking...

  • 找到自己的优势-你的偶像是谁

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 Who are your role models? What strengths do you admire in them? Who are your role models? What strengths do you admire in them? Most of us have role models in our business and personal li...

  • 找到自己的优势-什么让你引以为豪

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 What makes you proud? Think about three instances in your life when you really felt proud of the way you acted or responded. What was it about your action or response that left you feeling pr...

  • 找到自己的优势-什么让你精神百倍

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 What leaves you feeling energised? We've already looked at the activities and skills you enjoy, and now it's time to look at what leaves you feeling energised. Another way of approaching this...

  • 找到自己的优势-喜欢自己的哪些品质

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 What qualities do you like in yourself? The qualities you particularly like about yourself will give you some indication of your personal strengths. For example, if you like the fact that you...

  • 找到自己的优势-问问你信赖的家人和朋友

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 Ask trusted friends and family Sometimes it can be hard to judge our strengths with accuracy. Many of us come from cultures where it's polite to be modest, and this can make it hard to identi...

  • 找到自己的优势-留心自己喜欢什么

    How to Find Your Own Strengths 如何找到自己的优势 Notice what you enjoy 留心一下自己喜欢的是些什么 The kinds of activities we enjoy doing are often an indicator of the skills we naturally enjoy. Take a few moments to think about...

  • 心灵对话-创造自己的快乐

    The immediate reality of your own happiness. 创造自己的快乐。 Right now, you have more than enough to be happy. Right now, you have the full capacity to find something small to celebrate. Right now, you have a choice to make. Don't make the m...

  • 心灵对话-试着帮助他人吧

    Talk yourself into helping someone today 试着帮助他人吧。 No exercise is better for your heart and mind than reaching down and helping others up. Happiness and success in life doesn't come through selfishness, but through selflessness. Everyt...

  • 心灵对话-每天胜利一点点

    The little victories of each day 每天胜利一点点。 Sometimes the human mind operates in mysterious ways when it comes to achievements and happiness. We dream of something and we wait and wait and feel like it's taking forever to arrive. Then i...

  • 心灵对话-你愿意为目标牺牲什么

    What you are willing to sacrifice for your goals 为了目标,你愿意牺牲什么? When it comes to goal setting, you must be specific.If you find yourself talking to yourself about wanting everything, it means you are treacherously close to ac...
