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  • 认清自我价值-贡献

    Contribution 贡献 A high-value person realizes that he was created to give, and understands that personal wealth is reflected in contribution. His contributions are not made with an ostentatious purpose. Contribution does not have to be at a large...

  • 认清自我价值-意志的力量和道德素质

    Strength of Will and Moral Fiber A high-value person is willful, powerful, and moral. There is a clear difference between right and wrong in his book, and these values are non-negotiable. What this type of individual sees as worth pursuing is given f...

  • 认清自我价值-一直很有勇气

    Consistent Demonstration of Courage一直很有勇气 A high-value person is brave. Bravery does not mean that he feels no fear;instead, he is attuned to the feeling of fear, yet proceeds in the right direction anyway. A high-quality person is courag...

  • 认清自我价值-自我关系的质量

    Quality of Relationship to the Self 自我关系的质量 Think about your interactions with yourself; the voice in your head. How reassuring is it? How positive? How cruel? A high-value person has an honest and fair relationship with himself. He is...

  • 认清自我价值-人际交往的质量

    Quality of Interpersonal Interactions人际交往的质量 We are defined by how we treat other people. Each interaction with another individual reflects a personal belief system and code of morality. How do you treat strangers? How do you treat the...

  • 伤感情之举-让他忌妒

    Trying to make him jealous让他忌妒 If you were content in your relationship, flirting with other guys to make your man jealous wouldn't even cross your mind. So if you find yourself making eyes at the bartender just to make him sit up and notice...

  • 伤感情之举-监视他

    Checking up on him监视他 Snooping his Facebook or email account, checking his phone for illicit texts and constantly worrying that his female friends are more than just platonic will drive you seriously nuts. You just can't live your life in a sta...

  • 伤感情之举-消费无节制

    Money can be a bone of contention whether you're being supported by your partner or are the main breadwinner in the relationship. Exceeding your weekly budget on a regular basis shows a lack of respect for your partner while showing off by flashing y...

  • 伤感情之举-贪杯

    Drinking too much贪杯 A nice relaxing glass of wine after a hard day's work is one thing, but if one or both of you find yourselves drinking until you're legless most nights, it's a clear signal something's not right between you and that you're usi...

  • 伤感情之举-说话刻薄

    Being sarcastic While you can pass the odd sarcastic quip off as a joke, there is often a deep seated hostility towards your partner at play behind the persistent use of sarcasm to put your partner down. If you want your relationship to flourish it's...

  • 伤感情之举-占有欲强,太黏人

    Being possessive and clingy 占有欲强,太黏人 During the honeymoon period it's nice to do everything together, but insisting he spends every waking hour with you alone is never a good idea. He'll start to feel smothered. Everyone even married...

  • 伤感情之举-小题大做

    Playing the drama queen小题大做 Losing your temper, crying or storming out everytime something doesn't go your way will soon wear thin with your man. Instead of throwing a strop and flouncing out, sit down and talk through your problems. It takes...

  • 伤感情之举-回避冲突

    Avoiding conflict 回避冲突 Never fighting or failing to bring up issues that are bothering you is a relationship time bomb. When you're concerned about something it won't just go away if you ignore it just like a bump in the carpet it will pop up...

  • 伤感情之举-唠叨,各种唠叨

    Nag, nag nagging 唠叨,各种唠叨 Yes, he always forgets to take the rubbish and it really gets your goat, but nagging him isn't going to make things any better. Men tune out the sound of women's voices when they start to irritate them so it bec...

  • 伤感情之举-沉默以对

    Giving him the silent treatment 沉默以对 While it might feel good to freeze him out and let him stew, not speaking to him will only have a detrimental effect on your relationship in the long run. He'll get frustrated by your lack of communication...
