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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 铜山毛榉案 29离奇事件接连出现(6) I was so terrified that I do not know what I did. 我当时吓得不知道做了些什么。 I suppose that I must have rushed past him into my room. 我想我大概是飞快地从他的身边一直奔进了我的房间。 I remember nothing until I
  • 铜山毛榉案 30离奇事件接连出现(7) Holmes and I had listened spellbound to this extraordinary story. 福尔摩斯和我听了这离奇的故事象着了迷一样。 My friend rose now and paced up and down the room, his hands in his pockets, and an expression of the most profound grav
  • 铜山毛榉案 31离奇事件接连出现(8) Excellent! We shall then look thoroughly into the affair. 好极了!那么我们就来彻底调查这件事。 Of course there is only one feasible explanation. 当然,只有一个说得通的解释, You have been brought there to personate som
  • 铜山毛榉案 32秘密潜入(1) We were as good as our word, for it was just seven when we reached the Copper Beeches, having put up our trap at a wayside public-house. 我们说到做到,七点整就已经到了铜山毛榉,并把双轮马车停放在路旁一家小客栈里。
  • 铜山毛榉案 33秘密潜入(2) It was an old rickety door and gave at once before our united strength. 这是一扇老朽的、摇摇晃晃的门,我俩合起来一使劲,门便立刻塌下来。 Together we rushed into the room. It was empty. 我们两人冲进门一看,只是
  • 铜山毛榉案 34秘密潜入(3) You villain! said he, where's your daughter? 你这恶棍!他说,你的女儿在什么地方? The fat man cast his eyes round, and then up at the open skylight. 这胖子用眼睛向四周打量了一下,又看看上面打开的天窗。 It i
  • 铜山毛榉案 35惨案发生(1) Holmes and I rushed out and round the angle of the house, with Toller hurrying behind us. 福尔摩斯和我急忙飞奔出去转过房角,托勒紧紧跟在我们后面。 There was the huge famished brute, its black muzzle buried in Rucastle's th
  • 铜山毛榉案 36惨案发生(2) Then, pray, sit down, and let us hear it, for there are several points on which I must confess that I am still in the dark. 那么,请坐下来,让我们听听看。因为我必须承认这桩事情里面还有几点我仍然不太明白。 I wil
  • 铜山毛榉案 37惨案发生(3) Ah, said Holmes, I think that what you have been good enough to tell us makes the matter fairly clear, 啊,福尔摩斯说,我想你好意地告诉我们的这些情况,使得我们对这件事情已经一清二楚, and that I can deduce all
  • 铜山毛榉案 38惨案发生(4) I am sure we owe you an apology, Mrs. Toller, said Holmes, 我们应当向你道谢,托勒太太,福尔摩斯说, for you have certainly cleared up everything which puzzled us. 因为你无疑把一切使我们伤脑筋的事都澄清了。 And
  • 银色马 01 MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Adventure I. Silver Blaze I am afraid, Watson that I shall have to go, said Holmes as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning. Go! Where to? To Dartmoor; to Kings Pyland. I was not surpri
  • 银色马 02 We are going well, said he, looking out of the window and glancing at his watch. Our rate at present is fifty-three and a half miles an hour. I have not observed the quarter-mile posts, said I. Nor have I. But the telegraph posts upon this line are s
  • 银色马 03 Silver Blaze, said he, is from the Somomy stock and holds as brilliant a record as his famous ancestor. He is now in his fifth year and has brought in turn each of the prizes of the turf to Colonel Ross, his fortunate owner. Up to the time of the cat
  • 银色马 04 Edith Baxter was within thirty yards of the stables when a man appeared out of the darkness and called to her to stop. As she stepped into the circle of yellow light thrown by the lantern she saw that he was a person of gentlemanly bearing, dressed i
  • 银色马 05 What business have you here? asked the lad. Its business that may put something into your pocket. said the other. Youve two horses in for the Wessex Cup Silver Blaze and Bayard. Let me have the straight tip and you wont be a loser. Is it a fact that