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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 铜山毛榉案 14预言应验(3) By eleven o'clock the next day we were well upon our way to the old English capital. 第二天十一点钟,我们已经顺利地在前往英国旧都的途中了。 Holmes had been buried in the morning papers all the way down, 福尔摩斯一路上只
  • 铜山毛榉案 15预言应验(4) But the reason is very obvious. The pressure of public opinion can do in the town what the law cannot accomplish. 但这道理是显而易见的。在城市里,公众舆论的压力可以做出法律所不能做到的事。 There is no lane so vile
  • 铜山毛榉案 16来到铜山毛榉(1) The Black Swan is an inn of repute in the High Street, at no distance from the station, and there we found the young lady waiting for us. 那黑天鹅是这条大路上一家有名的小客栈,离火车站不远,在那里,我们看到那位年轻
  • 铜山毛榉案 17来到铜山毛榉(2) I was driven over by my employer, who was as amiable as ever, and was introduced by him that evening to his wife and the child. 我的雇主驱车载着我,他还是和以往一样和蔼可亲,那天晚上他将我介绍给他的妻子和孩子。
  • 铜山毛榉案 18来到铜山毛榉(3) I am glad of all details, remarked my friend, whether they seem to you to be relevant or not. 你所谈的全部细节我都乐意听取,我的朋友说,不管你认为它们与你有无关系。 I shall try not to miss anything of importance. 我尽
  • 铜山毛榉案 19来到铜山毛榉(4) The dress which I found waiting for me was of a peculiar shade of blue. 放在那里等我去穿的那件衣服的色泽是特殊的暗蓝色。 It was of excellent material, a sort of beige, but it bore unmistakable signs of having been worn before.
  • 铜山毛榉案 20来到铜山毛榉(5) Two days later this same performance was gone through under exactly similar circumstances. 两天以后在完全相同的情况下又照样表演一番。 Again I changed my dress, again I sat in the window, 我又一次换上衣服,又坐在那窗户
  • 铜山毛榉案 21来到铜山毛榉(6) I confess that I was disappointed. There was nothing. At least that was my first impression. 我承认开始时我很失望,因为我没有看到什么东西。至少我第一个印象是如此。 At the second glance, however, I perceived that the
  • 铜山毛榉案 22来到铜山毛榉(7) Pray continue, said Holmes. Your narrative promises to be a most interesting one. 请往下说,福尔摩斯说,你的叙述很可能非常有趣。 You will find it rather disconnected, I fear, and there may prove to be little relation between th
  • 铜山毛榉案 23来到铜山毛榉(8) The warning was no idle one, for two nights later I happened to look out of my bedroom window about two o'clock in the morning. 这警告并不是没有根据的,过了两宵,我凑巧在凌晨大约两点钟的时候从卧室窗口向外眺望。
  • 铜山毛榉案 24离奇事件接连出现(1) I took it up and examined it. It was of the same peculiar tint, and the same thickness. 我拿起头发来细细地检查。那罕有的色泽,密度,和我的一模一样。 But then the impossibility of the thing obtruded itself upon me. 眼睁睁
  • 铜山毛榉案 25离奇事件接连出现(2) This aroused my curiosity; so when I went out for a walk in the grounds with my charge, 这引起了我的好奇心,所以当我带着照管的孩子到场地散步的时候, I strolled round to the side from which I could see the windows of this
  • 铜山毛榉案 26离奇事件接连出现(3) Well, Mr. Holmes, from the moment that I understood that there was something about that suite of rooms which I was not to know, 唔,福尔摩斯先生,自从我明白这套房间里有些东西不让我知道, I was all on fire to go over them.
  • 铜山毛榉案 27离奇事件接连出现(4) There was a little passage in front of me, unpapered and uncarpeted, which turned at a right angle at the farther end. 我面前出现一条小过道,这条过道没有裱糊过,也没有平地毯。过道尽头转弯的地方是一个直角。 R
  • 铜山毛榉案 28离奇事件接连出现(5) 'So,' said he, smiling, 'it was you, then. I thought that it must be when I saw the door open.' '不错,'他微笑地说,'果然是你,当我看见门开着,我想一定是你。' 'Oh, I am so frightened!' I panted. '啊,可把我吓死了!