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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 绿玉皇冠案 38失而复得(9) Well, your own good sense will suggest what measures I took next. 好啦,凭你自己良好的辨别力就能联想到我采取的第二个步骤是什么。 I went in the shape of a loafer to Sir George's house, 我打扮成流浪汉的样子到乔治
  • 绿玉皇冠案 39失而复得(10) I told him that we would give him a price for the stones he held -- 1000 pounds apiece. 我告诉他我们可以出钱买他手里的绿玉--一千镑一块。 That brought out the first signs of grief that he had shown. 这才使他显出一种十分后
  • 铜山毛榉案 01对华生文笔的探讨(1) The Copper Beeches 铜山毛榉案 To the man who loves art for its own sake, remarked Sherlock Holmes, tossing aside the advertisement sheet of the Daily Telegraph, 一个为艺术而爱好艺术的人,歇洛克福尔摩斯将《每日电讯报》的
  • 铜山毛榉案 02对华生文笔的探讨(2) It seems to me that I have done you full justice in the matter, I remarked with some coldness, 在这个问题上我看我对你还是十分公正的,我有点冷淡地说, for I was repelled by the egotism which I had more than once observed to
  • 铜山毛榉案 03对华生文笔的探讨(3) The end may have been so, I answered, but the methods I hold to have been novel and of interest. 结果可能是这样,我回答说,但是我所采用的方法是新颖而又饶有趣味的。 Pshaw, my dear fellow, what do the public, the great
  • 铜山毛榉案 04当事人到访(1) As he spoke the door opened and a young lady entered the room. 话音未落,房门开处只见一位年轻的小姐走进房间。 She was plainly but neatly dressed, with a bright, quick face, freckled like a plover's egg, 她衣着朴素,但很整
  • 铜山毛榉案 05当事人到访(2) There is a well-known agency for governesses in the West End called Westaway's, 西区有一家出名的叫作韦斯塔韦的家庭女教师介绍所, and there I used to call about once a week in order to see whether anything had turned up which m
  • 铜山毛榉案 06当事人到访(3) 'You are looking for a situation, miss?' he asked. 'Yes, sir.' '你是来寻找职业的吧,小姐?'他问。'是的,先生。' 'As governess?' 'Yes, sir.' '做家庭女教师?' '是的,先生。' 'And what salary do you ask?' '你要求多少
  • 铜山毛榉案 07当事人到访(4) It seemed to me that I had never met so fascinating and so thoughtful a man. 我好像从来没遇到过这么动人、这么会体贴人的人。 As I was already in debt to my tradesmen, the advance was a great convenience, 由于我那时还欠着小
  • 铜山毛榉案 08当事人到访(5) 'Or to cut your hair quite short before you come to us?' '或者在你到我们那里之前,让你把头发剪短呢?' I could hardly believe my ears. 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 As you may observe, Mr. Holmes, my hair is somewhat lux
  • 铜山毛榉案 09当事人到访(6) Well, Mr. Holmes, when I got back to my lodgings and found little enough in the cupboard, 唔,福尔摩斯先生,我回到寓所,打开食橱,见里面已经没有隔宿之粮了, and two or three bills upon the table, I began to ask myself
  • 铜山毛榉案 10当事人到访(7) That is the letter which I have just received, Mr. Holmes, and my mind is made up that I will accept it. 这是我刚接到的信,福尔摩斯先生,我已决定接受这个位置。 I thought, however, that before taking the final step I should
  • 铜山毛榉案 11当事人到访(8) Oh, you may carry that feeling away with you. 啊,你可以带着这种想法前去。 I assure you that your little problem promises to be the most interesting which has come my way for some months. 我向你保证,你的小难题有可能成为我
  • 铜山毛榉案 12预言应验(1) It was not very long before my friend's prediction was fulfilled. 过了不久,我朋友的预言果然应验了。 A fortnight went by, during which I frequently found my thoughts turning in her direction 两个星期过去了,在这期间我时常
  • 铜山毛榉案 13预言应验(2) He opened the yellow envelope, and then, glancing at the message, threw it across to me. 他打开那黄色信封看了一下电报内容,就把它扔给我。 Just look up the trains in Bradshaw, said he, and turned back to his chemical studies. 马