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  • 黄面人08 What may you be wantin? she asked in a Northern accent. I am your neighbour over yonder, said I, nodding towards my house. I see that you have only just moved in, so I thought that if I could be of any help to you in any Ay, Well just ask ye when we
  • 黄面人09 Where in the world have you been, Effie? I asked as she entered. She gave a violent start and a kind of gasping cry when I spoke, and that cry and start troubled me more than all the rest, for there was something indescribably guilty about them. My w
  • 黄面人10 I was struck dumb with astonishment at the sight of her, but my emotions were nothing to those which showed themselves upon her face when our eyes met. She seemed for an instant to wish to shrink back inside the house again; and then, seeing how usel
  • 黄面人11 I had gone into town on that day, but I returned by the 2:40 instead of the 3:36, which is my usual train. As I entered the house the maid ran into the hall with a startled face. Where is your mistress? I asked. I think that she has gone out for a wa
  • 黄面人12 I am sorry that I broke my promise, Jack, said she, but if you knew all the circumstances I am sure that you would forgive me. Tell me everything, then, said I. I cannot, Jack, I cannot, she cried. Until you tell me who it is that has been living in
  • 黄面人13 I am afraid that this is a bad business, Watson, said my companion as he returned after accompanying Mr. Grant Munro to the door. What do you make of it? It had an ugly sound, I answered. Yes. Theres blackmail in it, or I am much mistaken. And who is
  • 黄面人14 The cottage is still tenanted [it said]. Have seen the face again at the window. Will meet the seven-oclock train and will take no steps until you arrive. He was waiting on the platform when we stepped out, and we could see in the light of the statio
  • 黄面人15 My God! he cried. What can be the meaning of this? I will tell you the meaning of it, cried the lady, sweeping into the room with a proud, set face. You have forced me, against my own judgment, to tell you, and now we must both make the best of it. M
  • 黄面人16 It was you who told me first that the cottage was occupied. I should have waited for the morning, but I could not sleep for excitement, and so at last I slipped out, knowing how difficult it is to awake you. But you saw me go, and that was the beginn
  • 证券经纪人的书记员01 Shortly after my marriage I had bought a connection in the Paddington district. Old Mr. Farquhar, from whom I purchased it, had at one time an excellent general practice; but his age, and an affliction of the nature of St. Vituss dance from which he
  • 证券经纪人的书记员02 Ha! nothing could be better, said Holmes, leaning back in his chair and looking keenly at me from under his half-closed lids. I perceive that you have been unwell lately. Summer colds are always a little trying. I was confined to the house by a sever
  • 证券经纪人的书记员03 Your neighbour is a doctor. said he, nodding at the brass plate. Yes, he bought a practice as I did. An old-established one? Just the same as mine. Both have been ever since the houses were built. Ah! then you got hold of the best of the two. I think
  • 证券经纪人的书记员04 The worst of the story is. said he. that I show myself up as such a confounded fool. Of course it may work out all right, and I dont see that I could have done otherwise; but if I have lost my crib and get nothing in exchange I shall feel what a soft
  • 证券经纪人的书记员05 Well. said he, the fact is that I have heard some really extraordinary stories about your financial ability. You remember Parker, who used to be Coxons manager. He can never say enough about it. Of course I was pleased to hear this. I had always been
  • 证券经纪人的书记员06 Not go to Mawsons? No, sir. By that day you will be the business manager of the Franco-Midland Hardware Company, Limited, with a hundred and thirty-four branches in the towns and villages of France, not counting one in Brussels and one in San Remo. T