福克斯新闻 美国司法部门抵达弗格森镇展开调查
The Justice Department says in addition to the already-started investigation of the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, there'll be a second civil rights inquiry into how Ferguson law enforcement operates generally.
福克斯新闻 奥巴马总统在北约首脑会议上谈论ISIS威胁
The President warning it'll take a sustained effort and a broad international coalition, but saying the U.S. intends to dismantle ISIS (President Obama) You can't contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory. The goal
福克斯新闻 牛仔裤正在逐渐减少?
Blue jeans are as American as apple pie But we're buying fewer pairs of them. The reason? Yoga pants. More of us are going the comfy route these days with yoga pants and leggings. Jean sales fell 6% in the past year after decades of growth. But denim
福克斯新闻 当代美国肥胖问题
The adult obesity rate is over 30% in 20 states It's over 35% in Mississippi and West Virginia. Colorado is the skinniest state. Overall the obesity rate is expanding but more slowly and declining in some states among low-income children. The study,
福克斯新闻 美国政府开始对ISIS制定打击策略
Securing America. Virginia Republican Congressman Frank Wolf says the Obama administration needs to communicate a clear strategy for defeating ISIS, but (Congressman Wolf) Whether it does or not, Congress has to begin to debate this and participate.
福克斯新闻 苹果公司推出新的电子设备
Apple executives announced the new iPhone 6 and 6 plus, which they say will have larger screens, better cameras, more connectivity in more countries. Apple CEO Tim Cook also announced what many have been waiting for for years an Apple product to wear
福克斯新闻 奥巴马总统针对ISIS组织制定策略
The President's strategy involves working with international partners and with rebels in Syria. He's expected to ask Congress for permission to arm the moderate opposition that's been trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad. White House Press Secr
福克斯新闻 9-11:我们一起铭记
Americans are a resilient people, and that resilience was on display at the ceremony in lower Manhattan that marked the 9/11 attacks 13 years ago. Names were read at the plaza, almost 3,000 of them, and while the tone was somber, some family members
福克斯新闻 中央情报局声称ISIS组织拥护者数量急剧增加
As many as 31,500 fighters could make up the ranks of ISIS a CIA assessment tripling an earlier estimate. The new total, the agency says, reflects stronger recruitment since June when the terror group made sweeping gains across Syria and Iraq and est
福克斯新闻 肯特州复古运动衫引争议
Ohio's Kent State University came to epitomize the anti-war movement on college campus' in the Vietnam era. Four student protesters were shot and killed, nine were wounded by National Guard troops in May of 1970. 日前,俄亥俄州肯特州立大学
福克斯新闻 美国司法部针对美国极端分子推出新计划
The Justice Department is launching a series of new programs aimed at combating American extremists leaving the U.S. to join the fight in Syria and Iraq. 美国司法部针对美国极端分子推出一系列新计划,导致美国加入叙利亚和伊
福克斯新闻 美国国家橄榄球联盟的形象问题?
Image consultant Maurice Bonamigo says it remains to be seen what's next, but that 形象顾问Maurice Bonamigo说:还有待看进一步发展,但 (Bonamigo) The NFL's very much so in crisis mode. (Bonamigo) His credibility is lacking. He doesn't
福克斯新闻 奥巴马总统计划加强对抗埃博拉病毒
The President spends the day at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, for a briefing on the west African Ebola outbreak. 奥巴马总统在亚特兰大疾病控制中心就西非埃博拉疫情发表了一段剪简短的讲话。他在亚特兰大
福克斯新闻 为挫败ISIS的恐怖阴谋,澳大利亚派遣军队至中东
As Australian troops head to the United Arab Emirates, the country's Prime Minister Tony Abbott has told them their mission is just and necessary: 日前,澳大利亚派遣军队到阿拉伯联合酋长国,澳大利亚总理托尼艾伯特称,他
福克斯新闻 火星任务:"Maven"抵达火星
It took 442 million miles but a new NASA spacecraft has finally reached its destination. 行程共4.42亿英里美国航空航天局发射的火星探测器最终到达目的地。 All I can say at this point is, we're in orbit at Mars, guys. 此刻我
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