Part A: Spot Dictation
1. the majority of employees 2. that affect them
3. two-way communication 4. within the company
5. set in motion 6. between managers and staff
7. value consultation1 with our workforce2 8. to perform effectively
9. know the basic facts 10. more efficient
11. give you one example 12. new products
13. some outline about a company’s profit 14. its competitors
15. future product plans 16. hear about it
17. ignore the face 18. communicate with supervisors3
19. what is going on 20. they haven’t been told formally
Part B: Listening Comprehension
1-5 B D C A C 6-10 C B C A C
11-15 C A D A D 16-20 A B D A C
1-5 D D B C B 6-10 B C B D A
11-15 C D B A D 16-20 D B C C B
日本的失业率早已接近7%,同1992 年美国7.8%的最高失业率相去不远,而当时美国开
Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
1. technology 2. materials
3. electronic 4. economical
5. subways 6. Buses
7. comfortable 8. movies/films
9. meal 10. above
11. 300 12. quieter
13. cleaner 14. plastic
15. pilots 16. sleeping
17. television/radio. etc. 18. often/frequently, etc.
19. farther 20. cultures/nations/countries
Part B: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
1. 我们能否简单谈一下有关这次销售会议的情况?我想确保本月底一切准备就绪。
2. 现在中国妇女同工同酬,90% 的中国妇女有工作,担任卡车司机、科学家和其他大多
3. 20 世纪之前,大多数黑人住在美国南部。因此,人们往往把对黑人的偏见与南方联系
4. 1997 年,贫穷白人的数目增至11.5%。28%的黑人家庭被认定是贫穷的,定期收到食
5. 这一年龄群的人不得不借款买房子或公寓,他们还不得不花很多钱用来添置家具和其
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
1. 我们美国人懒得让人难以置信。我们不会准备简单又有营养的饭菜,而公仅仅是把冷
2. 体育活动是孩子们的事。成年人没有时间打棒球,或绕场奔跑,或在体育馆内做有氧
1. Because both plumbers/builders and lawyers use technical/professional terms which are often
misleading/difficult to lay/ordinary people/to people who are “inexperienced” in such fields.
In this sense their interests can/could be affected4/weakened.
2.The organization has been working over the past decades for the simplification of legal
language. The major target is to use plain English to replace difficult legal jargon/Latin words
and phrases and help people understand law/proceedings more easily. The major measure is to
install all county courts in England and Wales with software to provide the new
vocabulary/legal terms and other (necessary) changes which will provide/give lawyers/court
users/judges easy access to the new vocabulary.
3.On the whole/Generally speaking, lawyers welcome the changes/reforms in legal
terms/vocabulary. They also show some worry over possible technological5 failures. Some of
them feel sorry/sad about the end of a language which they have worked hard to understand.
4. The sentence implies that the manufacturing of furniture legs can be quite “costly6” when
(they are) produced with computerized machine but the proper skills are not mastered by
workers. The first paragraph serves as evidence/gives an example showing the
significance/importance of the theme of the passage-technology transfer.
5. The center is founded with the help of government fund/grant, It is mainly involved in
technology transfer, linking/connecting universities in east London with London with local
enterprises and providing business advice, training, technology support and financial backing.
6. It mainly refers to the integration/combination of academic learning/research in universities
and application of high-tech7 in enterprises and the development of local industry/employment
(in east London area).
7. The sentence means that the courses/subjects offered in schools and the academic
learning/study do not attract/are not very attractive to students/young people.
8. The author holds this view because he thinks the American high school today separates young
people from the outside/adult world, it discourages the development of individuality and
independent thinking. Besides, the quality of teacher training is poorer and the young people
mature much earlier. So when students leave school, they cannot adapt themselves to the
outside world quickly and smoothly8.
9. The author thinks young people today reach maturity9 two years earlier “biologically”, and
they have easier access to the “information and images” of adulthood/adult world/life.
Therefore, the shortening of secondary education can/will suit/meet the
biological/cultural/psychological development of young people.
10. The author means the artificial/superficial/separate/untouchable culture/“definitions”/
“values” differ greatly/are quite different from the outside/real/adult world/real society. The
implication is students/young people can/will not benefit much from such education/school
The Huangpu River flows across Shanghai from north to south, dividing the city into two
parts. Historically, Pudong got its name from its location on the east bank of the Huangpu Priver.
In the 20’s and the 30’s of this century when the finance and Business trade district with the
Bund as its center was established, foreign businessmen and Chinese national capitalists began
to extend their economic activities to the Pudong area. However, inconvenient10 transportation
occasioned by river crossing greatly affected the economic development of Pudong. The long
stretch of foreign concessions11 frequented by thousands of merchants on one side of the Huangpr
River and the vast patch of natural crops on the other side formed a striking contrast.
Since 1990 when the Central Government announced the opening up and development of
Pudong, the Pudong New Area has seen astonishing progress and rapid changes in construction
and has achieved outstanding successes in economic development. High-rises have mushroomed,
combining idyllic12 scenery and modern building, which brings a brand-new Pudong into the new
Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with
blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write
your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the
passage only once. Now let’s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.
(Man) Um…if I could just take this opportunity to briefly13 summarize the company’s
attitude to the question of providing information for our employees, Well…er…we know that the
majority of employees would like more opportunity to let the company know how they feel on
things that affect them. And certainly from the surveys that we’ve done, they seem to emphasize
the value of two-way communication…er…especially at a time of change and uncertainty14 within
the company and in the outside world. Anyway, action has been set in motion to increase
face-to-face communication between managers and staff and to improve the flow of upward
Um…you also know how much we value consultation with our workforce and so we
continue to provide training facilities to enable employees who are elected to consultative
committees to perform effectively in their new role.
Now, when it comes to informing the workforce. Um…well, employees, we believe, have a
right to know the basic facts about the company, whether or not the information makes them
more efficient.
And…um…and “Information Programme” makes this possible. Well, let me just give you
one example. Er…supervisors, for instance, may need informing about new products before they
go into production.
And supervisors should also be given some outline about a company’s profit and marketing15
objectives, and about its performance related to its competitors. At the same time, of course, we
are naturally aware of the problems of giving too much information on future product plans.
Well, er…the competition may get to hear about it too soon!
But…um…but in the end we shouldn’t ignore the fact that even if the management does not
communicate with supervisors, that they and even the workers themselves will know a great deal
about what is going on, even, you know. Even if they haven’t been told formally…
Part B: Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this part of the test, there will be some short talks and conversations. After each
one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken
only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and
write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your answer booklet.
Now let’s begin Part B with Listening Comprehension.
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.
F: Hello, da Rosa speaking.
M: Hello, Miss Rosa. This is Jesper Olsen from Dansk Electric in Copenhagen.
F: How are you, Mr. Olsen? What can I do for you?
M: I’m afraid it’s a problem about your deliveries. The last delivery you made was more than
three weeks late. We’ve had a lot of complaints from our retailers18 about this.
F: I’m sorry to hear that. Did you receive notification from our Sales Department that the
delivery was going to be late?
M: No, we didn’t. What’s the problem?
F: Really, it’s a result of our success. Demand for our radios has been so great that production
just can’t keep up with it.
M: I see. So can we expect such delays with future orders for your radio products?
F: Yes, at least for the next six months. We’re having a new factory equipped at the moment
and it should start producing then.
M: There’s no way you can increase production until then?
F: We’ve taken on some extra workers but it won’t make much difference. It’s just a question
of production capacity given the present size of our factory.
M: Yes, I can see your problem. I’ll just have to warn our retailers about that.
F: I’m very sorry our Sales Department didn’t contact you about the problem. I’ll get onto
them about this. Because of the problems this has caused you, I would like to offer you a
10% discount on this and future orders until our new factory opens.
M: That’s very reasonable of you, Miss Rosa. As this will mean a bigger profit margin19 for our
retailers, I’m sure they’ll be much happier about the situation.
F: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll confirm these details to you in a letter. Is there anything else I can
do for you at the moment ?
M: No, that’s fine. I’ll inform our retailers about the situation. And thanks very much for your
F: Not at all. I’m sorry about the problem. but, as I say, things should be considerably20 better
M: Right. Well, goodbye for now.
F: Goodbye, Mr. Olsen. Thank you for your call.
Question No.1. What does Mr. Olsen complain about?
Question No.2. What has caused the problem?
Question No.3. Which product does the company turn out?
Question No.4. What is the company doing to solve the problem?
Question No.5. Which of the following statements in NOT true, according to the dialogue?
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.
MANILA—Philippine inflation eased in April as a bumper21 harvest stabilized22 food costs
and interest rates fell, but could edge up again due to rising fuel and beer prices, officials and
analysts23 said yesterday.
The inflation rate as measured by the consumer price index fell to 8.0 per cent year-on-year
in April from 8.7 pre cent in March, government data showed. The decline was credited to a
bumper harvest and the easing of interest rates, which reduced production costs and resulted in
stable commodity prices.
Food items account for 55 per cent of the index. Interest rates for the benchmark 91-day
treasury bills declined from 13.459 pre cent in January to 10.051 per cent this week.
However, analysts said an impending24 increase in power rates by the state-run National Power
Corp., a recent uptick in retail17 gasoline prices could push inflation up in May.
DETROIT—General Motors, the leading US automaker on Tuesday reported a 4.2 pre cent
decline in total vehicle sales to 433,723 in April compared with the same month in 1998. Car
sales feel 4.5 per cent and truck sales 3.9 per cent, the company said in a statement here. Despite
the April performance, GM vice-president for North America sales Roy Roberts said:“We’re
going into the summer season with excellent momentum25.”
LAGOS—An outbreak of cholera26, measles27 and tuberculosis28 has claimed at least 100 lives
in Kano, northern Nigeria, in the past month, hospital sources said in reports yesterday. An
outbreak of cholera was first reported early in April when five people lost their lives, the
independent newspaper The Guardian29 reported, citing hospital sources. Mansur Mohammadu, a
medical officer in charge of the state infectious diseases hospital, said over 1,000 people have
been admitted for treatment of the three diseases in the past month. “In all honesty, the figure is
probably above that, More than 100 people have lost their lives in the outbreak,” he said.
OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahomans spend another grim day yesterday tallying30 losses from
a devastating31 series of tornadoes32 which killed at least 43 people in the US heartland.
Governor Frank Keating, who spent much of Tuesday surveying ripped and shattered
neighbourhoods around Oklahoma City,was planning visits to several smaller, outlying towns
which appeared to have been almost wiped off the map by Monday’s furious storms.
In Mulhall, to the north, and Bridge Creek33, to the east, stunned34 townsfolk picked their way
through the rubble35 of schools, markets, and houses looking for anything to salvage36. One teacher,
surveying what had once been her mathematics classroom, choked back the tears.
In Oklahoma City’s hard-hit southern suburbs, police and National Guard troops enforced
an all-night curfew to prevent possible looting.
SYDNEY—International Olympics Committee member Phil Coles denied yesterday he
supplied the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics bid team with secret documents on IOC members,
including notes identifying some members as being open to excessive gift-taking or bribes37.
The documents, revealed in reports on Tuesday by the Australian Broadcasting Corp.,
provided Salt Lake City with a virtual blueprint38 of Sydney’s successful bid for the 2000 games
and included detailed39 notes written by Coles and his partner about individual IOC members.
The continuation of the saga40 led to new calls yesterday for Coles to resign from the Sydney
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) to prevent it acting41 as a further
deterrent to much-needed new sponsors and from hurting ticket sales, both vital to the Sydney
games budget.
Question No.6. Which of the following statements is true about recent Philippine inflation?
Question No.7. By what percentage did the total vehicle sales decline as reported by General
Question No.8. How many people have died in a recent outbreak of infectious diseases in
Question No.9. Why was an all-night curfew enforced in Oklahoma City?
Question No.10. What did an International Olympics Committee member deny doing?
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.
F: Mr. Angelo, you took over running this firm when it was in a very bad way. Can you tell us
what kind of problems you had to deal with?
M: Basically, the faults were management ones. A clear marketing strategy has been developed.
Whereas before we aimed to sell our electrical products both in the lower and middle range
of the market, now our marketing is aimed solely42 at the middle range. We are not able to
compete with cheap foreign imports, so our production and marketing has been
concentrated on higher priced. Higher-profit-margin goods. Of course, to compete in this
market good quality is essential. Therefore, improving quality has been stressed very
F: What exactly has been done to improve quality?
M: Firstly, quality control circles were introduced. Meetings of groups were held at which
suggestions were put forward about how to improve quality. As a result of one suggestion
incentive43 schemes have been introduced whereby staff receive bonuses if certain quality
targets are reached. Also a vastly increased training programme has been developed in areas
where quality was poor.
F: You’ve been in charge of the company for two years now, Mr. Angelo; what is the
company’s present situation?
M: We’ve begun to turn the corner. After several years of heavy lonsses we hope to break even
this year. To do this we’ve had to reduce the work-force considerably but now we can offer
greater job security to our remaining staff. We’re also hoping to pay a dividend44 next year if
the present improvement continues.
F: So would you say the future prospects45 of the company are good?
M: We are hopeful. A lot remains46 to be done, of course, but we think that the new products we
are developing will greatly improve our prospects. For example, a great deal of interest has
already been shown in our satellite TV dish which has just been placed on the market. I
think those investors47 who’ve continued to support us will be rewarded by a substantial rise
in the company’s share price in the near future.
F: Thank you very much of your comments, Mr. Angelo.
M: You’re welcome.
Question No.11. Which of the following is NOT a problem faced by the company, when Mr.
Angelo took over?
Question No.12 What measure has been taken in relation to marketing?
Question No.13 Why have incentive schemes been introduced, according to Mr. Angelo?
Question No.14 When did Mr. Angelo take over the management of the firm?
Question No.15 What is expected of the company’s situation this year?
Question 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
The North American continent consisting of the United States and Canada covers an area of
approximately 7,300,000 square miles. Within this area live about 266 million people. 240
milion in the United States and 25 and a half million in Canada. So many people, living in such a
great area, are naturally different in many ways. If you have traveled around North American or
if you have talked with people from different parts of this continent, then surely you have
obvious differences are in people’s pronunciation, but there are also some differences in
grammar and many differences in vocabulary from region to region. In today’s lecture we are
going to look at some interesting examples of all three types of differences, beginning with
pronunciation, or what you might call “accent”.
Certain accents are easy to recognize because they contain features that are unique to a
particular region of the continent. Let me give you three examples. You can almost always
recognize English-speaking Canadians because they have a special way of pronouncing the
sound that is usually spelled o-u. so, while people in the United States say out, about and around,
Canadians pronounce these words as owt, abowt, and arownd. Can you hear the difference?
Another accent that is fairly easy to identify is that of New York City. Many New Yorkers
pronounce the / a / sound almost as if it were spelled / owu /. Listen to the difference: coffee, / ;
dog, / dowug / ; because / becowuz /. Some New Yorkers also add an / r / sound to many vowel
sounds, such as law and order, pronouncing it/ lawr en order. New Yorkers also say ideer instead
of idea and Afriker instead of Africa. People from Boston, on the other hand say aant and haaf
the way the British do, but in most other places people say aunt and half. Bostonians also drop
most of their r’s. Have you ever heard someone say he was going to pahk the cah? This person
was probably from the Boston area.
Let’s go on now to some differences in grammar. Actually there isn’t much variation in
grammar from region to region. Some variation in spoken grammar, as in the use of the simple
past tense, is acceptable; for example, in some areas it’s normal for people to say I ketched a fish
instead of I caught a fish. But I want to emphasize that we are dealing49 here with spoken grammar,
since, as you know, written English is the same everywhere; it is what we call standard English.
Finally, let’s talk about some vocabulary differences. These are fun to examine. For
example, when you go to the supermarket, what do you carry your groceries home in? In
California, your answer would be a paper bag. In the eastern United States, you would call it a
paper sack; but in the area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, you would call it a poke16! Another
example: For dinner, do you like to eat green beans, string beans, or snap beans? They are, in
fact, the same thing, but each name is used in different geographical50 areas. As you can see, in
North America differences in the names of objects are determined51 by geography and not by
social or economic class as they are in some other countries.
I want to say, in conclusion, that I have given you just a handful of examples of regional
differences in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in the United States and Canada. There
are naturally hundreds of such differences. But in spite of these differences, North Americans do
not have much trouble understanding one another, even if they come from places that are as far
apart as, say, the northern part of Canada and south Texas. The linguistic52 differences are simply
not great enough to interfere53 with our ability to communicate with one another.
Question No.16. Which of the following statements best summarizes the lecture?
Question No.17 Which group of people add an / r / sound to many vowels48?
Question No.18 Which of the following statements is true concerning the grammar of
English spoken in North America?
Question No.19 What determines vocabulary differences in North American English?
Question No.20. What is meant by “standard English”, according to this lecture?
Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk only once.
While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have
enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate answer booklet. You are required
to write ONE word or figure only in each blank. You will not get your answer booklet until after
you have listened to the talk. Now listen to the talk carefully.
Let’s imagine that an American businessman has to go to Paris on a business trip. On the
morning of the trip he gets into his single-seat car that gets more than a hundred per gallon. He
drives it into an automated54, moving traffic lane that takes him directly to a “railport,” or train
station. He leaves his car there and gets on a train that travels at three hundred miles per hour.
Within a few minutes, he arrives at the airport. He and a thousand other passengers get on a
plane that is made almost entirely55 of plastic.
Computers control the plane, which travels at supersonic speed, so our businessman is in
Paris in less than three hours.
Does this description sound fantastic to you? Well, according to transportation experts, we
can expect many changes in transportation technology in the twenty-first century. All the forms
of transportation that we use today will still be popular, but they will be very different in design,
materials, and technology. In today’s lecture, we’re going to look at how these familiar modes of
transportation will change in the next fifty to a hundred years.
Naturally, we will start by talking about the automobile56, which will still be the most
important method of getting around just as it is toady57. But of course, we can expect many
improvements. First of all, our cars will become totally electronic. They will routinely “talk” to
us, reminding us to turn off our lights, get gas, or fix something. Of course, every car will have a
telephone. In addition, the cars of the future will be smaller and more economical. We will
probably continue to use gasoline for fuel at least until the end of the century, but gasoline
mileage will probably go up to seventy-five or one hundred miles per gallon.
Besides the car, several other well-known methods of transportation will be very important
for traveling in cities. First, many people will use subways and other rapid transit58 systems, even
though they will be expensive. Second, bus service will increase. The new buses will look
different from today’s and will be able to carry up to a hundred and fifty people. During rush
hours, they will travel in special bus lanes or maybe even on separate roads especially for buses.
Third, for short trips, there will be many “people moves.” These are sidewalks that move at ten
or fifteen miles per hour. In fact, they already exist today in many modern airports.
Now, for long-distance traveling between cities, buses will still be the cheapest way, but
they will probably be more comfortable than they are today. Imagine a bus with sleeper60 seats,
video games, movies, and even meal service. Buses will change a lot, but trains will change even
more. For one thing, they will be extremely fast. Trains of the future will not travel on rails as
they do today; instead, they will move above the tracks, which will allow them to go as fast as
two hundred and fifty or three hundred miles per hour. With such a train, a trip between
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, would take just half an hour. In the twenty-first
century, people will easily be able to live in one state and work in another.
We can conclude that land transportation will be faster and more comfortable than it is
today. What about air travel? First the airplanes of the future will be made of plastic. As a result,
they will be quieter, faster, cleaner, and more economical. Thy will also be larger, carrying up to
a thousand people. Planes will all have computers as pilots, although there will sleeping
arrangements will be more comfortable than they are today. In addition, each passenger will
have a private T. V. set in the back of the seat in front of him.
With all these improvements in transportation systems, we can predict that in the
twenty-first century, people will travel more often and farther than they do now. Our world will
become a smaller place, and there will probably be much more contact between people from
different cultures than there is today.
Part B: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the
sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write
your version in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Now let’s begin Part B
with Sentence Translation.
Sentence No.1. Could we have a quick word about the sales conference? I’d like to see
everything will be OK by the end of this month.
Sentence No.2. Women in china now receive equal pay for equal work and ninety percent of
all Chinese women work as truck drivers, scientists and most other
traditionally “male” jobs.
Sentence No.3. Until the twentieth century, the majority of blacks lived in the southern part
of the United States. Thus, prejudice against blacks is often associated with
the south.
Sentence No.4. In 1997, the number of poor whites increased to 11.5%, while 28% of black
families were considered poor and received food coupons61 regularly.
Sentence No.5. People in this age group have to borrow money to pay for houses or
apartment, and they also spend a lot of money on furniture and appliances.
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages
only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in
the corresponding space in your answer booklet. You may take notes while you are listening.
Now let’s begin Passage Translation with the first passage.
Passage 1:
We Americans are incredibly lazy. Instead of cooking a simple, nourishing meal, we pop a
frozen dinner into the oven. Instead of studying a daily newspaper, we are contented62 with the
capsule summaries on the network news. Worst of all, instead of walking even a few blocks to
the local convenience store, we jump into our cars. This dependence63 on the automobile, even for
short trips, has robbed us of the valuable experience of walking. If we drove less and walked
more, we would save money, become healthier, and discover fascinating things about our
Passage 1:
Physical activity is for kids. Adults don’t have time to hit a baseball or run around a field, or
to do aerobics64 and lift weights in a gym. They have to earn a living, raise, raise families, and
save money for retirement65. They can leave exercise to their children. I firmly believed this until
one morning, when, late for work, I ran after a bus. My heart pounded; my lungs gasped66; my
head swam. Then, I realized I wouldn’t be around to do my job, support my family, or enjoy
retirement unless I got into the habit of doing something physical to maintain my health. Regular
exercise can rejuvenate67 your body, refresh your mind, and broaden your interests.
Part A: Spot Dictation
1. the majority of employees 2. that affect them
3. two-way communication 4. within the company
5. set in motion 6. between managers and staff
7. value consultation1 with our workforce2 8. to perform effectively
9. know the basic facts 10. more efficient
11. give you one example 12. new products
13. some outline about a company’s profit 14. its competitors
15. future product plans 16. hear about it
17. ignore the face 18. communicate with supervisors3
19. what is going on 20. they haven’t been told formally
Part B: Listening Comprehension
1-5 B D C A C 6-10 C B C A C
11-15 C A D A D 16-20 A B D A C
1-5 D D B C B 6-10 B C B D A
11-15 C D B A D 16-20 D B C C B
日本的失业率早已接近7%,同1992 年美国7.8%的最高失业率相去不远,而当时美国开
Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
1. technology 2. materials
3. electronic 4. economical
5. subways 6. Buses
7. comfortable 8. movies/films
9. meal 10. above
11. 300 12. quieter
13. cleaner 14. plastic
15. pilots 16. sleeping
17. television/radio. etc. 18. often/frequently, etc.
19. farther 20. cultures/nations/countries
Part B: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
1. 我们能否简单谈一下有关这次销售会议的情况?我想确保本月底一切准备就绪。
2. 现在中国妇女同工同酬,90% 的中国妇女有工作,担任卡车司机、科学家和其他大多
3. 20 世纪之前,大多数黑人住在美国南部。因此,人们往往把对黑人的偏见与南方联系
4. 1997 年,贫穷白人的数目增至11.5%。28%的黑人家庭被认定是贫穷的,定期收到食
5. 这一年龄群的人不得不借款买房子或公寓,他们还不得不花很多钱用来添置家具和其
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
1. 我们美国人懒得让人难以置信。我们不会准备简单又有营养的饭菜,而公仅仅是把冷
2. 体育活动是孩子们的事。成年人没有时间打棒球,或绕场奔跑,或在体育馆内做有氧
1. Because both plumbers/builders and lawyers use technical/professional terms which are often
misleading/difficult to lay/ordinary people/to people who are “inexperienced” in such fields.
In this sense their interests can/could be affected4/weakened.
2.The organization has been working over the past decades for the simplification of legal
language. The major target is to use plain English to replace difficult legal jargon/Latin words
and phrases and help people understand law/proceedings more easily. The major measure is to
install all county courts in England and Wales with software to provide the new
vocabulary/legal terms and other (necessary) changes which will provide/give lawyers/court
users/judges easy access to the new vocabulary.
3.On the whole/Generally speaking, lawyers welcome the changes/reforms in legal
terms/vocabulary. They also show some worry over possible technological5 failures. Some of
them feel sorry/sad about the end of a language which they have worked hard to understand.
4. The sentence implies that the manufacturing of furniture legs can be quite “costly6” when
(they are) produced with computerized machine but the proper skills are not mastered by
workers. The first paragraph serves as evidence/gives an example showing the
significance/importance of the theme of the passage-technology transfer.
5. The center is founded with the help of government fund/grant, It is mainly involved in
technology transfer, linking/connecting universities in east London with London with local
enterprises and providing business advice, training, technology support and financial backing.
6. It mainly refers to the integration/combination of academic learning/research in universities
and application of high-tech7 in enterprises and the development of local industry/employment
(in east London area).
7. The sentence means that the courses/subjects offered in schools and the academic
learning/study do not attract/are not very attractive to students/young people.
8. The author holds this view because he thinks the American high school today separates young
people from the outside/adult world, it discourages the development of individuality and
independent thinking. Besides, the quality of teacher training is poorer and the young people
mature much earlier. So when students leave school, they cannot adapt themselves to the
outside world quickly and smoothly8.
9. The author thinks young people today reach maturity9 two years earlier “biologically”, and
they have easier access to the “information and images” of adulthood/adult world/life.
Therefore, the shortening of secondary education can/will suit/meet the
biological/cultural/psychological development of young people.
10. The author means the artificial/superficial/separate/untouchable culture/“definitions”/
“values” differ greatly/are quite different from the outside/real/adult world/real society. The
implication is students/young people can/will not benefit much from such education/school
The Huangpu River flows across Shanghai from north to south, dividing the city into two
parts. Historically, Pudong got its name from its location on the east bank of the Huangpu Priver.
In the 20’s and the 30’s of this century when the finance and Business trade district with the
Bund as its center was established, foreign businessmen and Chinese national capitalists began
to extend their economic activities to the Pudong area. However, inconvenient10 transportation
occasioned by river crossing greatly affected the economic development of Pudong. The long
stretch of foreign concessions11 frequented by thousands of merchants on one side of the Huangpr
River and the vast patch of natural crops on the other side formed a striking contrast.
Since 1990 when the Central Government announced the opening up and development of
Pudong, the Pudong New Area has seen astonishing progress and rapid changes in construction
and has achieved outstanding successes in economic development. High-rises have mushroomed,
combining idyllic12 scenery and modern building, which brings a brand-new Pudong into the new
Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with
blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write
your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the
passage only once. Now let’s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.
(Man) Um…if I could just take this opportunity to briefly13 summarize the company’s
attitude to the question of providing information for our employees, Well…er…we know that the
majority of employees would like more opportunity to let the company know how they feel on
things that affect them. And certainly from the surveys that we’ve done, they seem to emphasize
the value of two-way communication…er…especially at a time of change and uncertainty14 within
the company and in the outside world. Anyway, action has been set in motion to increase
face-to-face communication between managers and staff and to improve the flow of upward
Um…you also know how much we value consultation with our workforce and so we
continue to provide training facilities to enable employees who are elected to consultative
committees to perform effectively in their new role.
Now, when it comes to informing the workforce. Um…well, employees, we believe, have a
right to know the basic facts about the company, whether or not the information makes them
more efficient.
And…um…and “Information Programme” makes this possible. Well, let me just give you
one example. Er…supervisors, for instance, may need informing about new products before they
go into production.
And supervisors should also be given some outline about a company’s profit and marketing15
objectives, and about its performance related to its competitors. At the same time, of course, we
are naturally aware of the problems of giving too much information on future product plans.
Well, er…the competition may get to hear about it too soon!
But…um…but in the end we shouldn’t ignore the fact that even if the management does not
communicate with supervisors, that they and even the workers themselves will know a great deal
about what is going on, even, you know. Even if they haven’t been told formally…
Part B: Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this part of the test, there will be some short talks and conversations. After each
one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken
only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and
write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your answer booklet.
Now let’s begin Part B with Listening Comprehension.
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.
F: Hello, da Rosa speaking.
M: Hello, Miss Rosa. This is Jesper Olsen from Dansk Electric in Copenhagen.
F: How are you, Mr. Olsen? What can I do for you?
M: I’m afraid it’s a problem about your deliveries. The last delivery you made was more than
three weeks late. We’ve had a lot of complaints from our retailers18 about this.
F: I’m sorry to hear that. Did you receive notification from our Sales Department that the
delivery was going to be late?
M: No, we didn’t. What’s the problem?
F: Really, it’s a result of our success. Demand for our radios has been so great that production
just can’t keep up with it.
M: I see. So can we expect such delays with future orders for your radio products?
F: Yes, at least for the next six months. We’re having a new factory equipped at the moment
and it should start producing then.
M: There’s no way you can increase production until then?
F: We’ve taken on some extra workers but it won’t make much difference. It’s just a question
of production capacity given the present size of our factory.
M: Yes, I can see your problem. I’ll just have to warn our retailers about that.
F: I’m very sorry our Sales Department didn’t contact you about the problem. I’ll get onto
them about this. Because of the problems this has caused you, I would like to offer you a
10% discount on this and future orders until our new factory opens.
M: That’s very reasonable of you, Miss Rosa. As this will mean a bigger profit margin19 for our
retailers, I’m sure they’ll be much happier about the situation.
F: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll confirm these details to you in a letter. Is there anything else I can
do for you at the moment ?
M: No, that’s fine. I’ll inform our retailers about the situation. And thanks very much for your
F: Not at all. I’m sorry about the problem. but, as I say, things should be considerably20 better
M: Right. Well, goodbye for now.
F: Goodbye, Mr. Olsen. Thank you for your call.
Question No.1. What does Mr. Olsen complain about?
Question No.2. What has caused the problem?
Question No.3. Which product does the company turn out?
Question No.4. What is the company doing to solve the problem?
Question No.5. Which of the following statements in NOT true, according to the dialogue?
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.
MANILA—Philippine inflation eased in April as a bumper21 harvest stabilized22 food costs
and interest rates fell, but could edge up again due to rising fuel and beer prices, officials and
analysts23 said yesterday.
The inflation rate as measured by the consumer price index fell to 8.0 per cent year-on-year
in April from 8.7 pre cent in March, government data showed. The decline was credited to a
bumper harvest and the easing of interest rates, which reduced production costs and resulted in
stable commodity prices.
Food items account for 55 per cent of the index. Interest rates for the benchmark 91-day
treasury bills declined from 13.459 pre cent in January to 10.051 per cent this week.
However, analysts said an impending24 increase in power rates by the state-run National Power
Corp., a recent uptick in retail17 gasoline prices could push inflation up in May.
DETROIT—General Motors, the leading US automaker on Tuesday reported a 4.2 pre cent
decline in total vehicle sales to 433,723 in April compared with the same month in 1998. Car
sales feel 4.5 per cent and truck sales 3.9 per cent, the company said in a statement here. Despite
the April performance, GM vice-president for North America sales Roy Roberts said:“We’re
going into the summer season with excellent momentum25.”
LAGOS—An outbreak of cholera26, measles27 and tuberculosis28 has claimed at least 100 lives
in Kano, northern Nigeria, in the past month, hospital sources said in reports yesterday. An
outbreak of cholera was first reported early in April when five people lost their lives, the
independent newspaper The Guardian29 reported, citing hospital sources. Mansur Mohammadu, a
medical officer in charge of the state infectious diseases hospital, said over 1,000 people have
been admitted for treatment of the three diseases in the past month. “In all honesty, the figure is
probably above that, More than 100 people have lost their lives in the outbreak,” he said.
OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahomans spend another grim day yesterday tallying30 losses from
a devastating31 series of tornadoes32 which killed at least 43 people in the US heartland.
Governor Frank Keating, who spent much of Tuesday surveying ripped and shattered
neighbourhoods around Oklahoma City,was planning visits to several smaller, outlying towns
which appeared to have been almost wiped off the map by Monday’s furious storms.
In Mulhall, to the north, and Bridge Creek33, to the east, stunned34 townsfolk picked their way
through the rubble35 of schools, markets, and houses looking for anything to salvage36. One teacher,
surveying what had once been her mathematics classroom, choked back the tears.
In Oklahoma City’s hard-hit southern suburbs, police and National Guard troops enforced
an all-night curfew to prevent possible looting.
SYDNEY—International Olympics Committee member Phil Coles denied yesterday he
supplied the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics bid team with secret documents on IOC members,
including notes identifying some members as being open to excessive gift-taking or bribes37.
The documents, revealed in reports on Tuesday by the Australian Broadcasting Corp.,
provided Salt Lake City with a virtual blueprint38 of Sydney’s successful bid for the 2000 games
and included detailed39 notes written by Coles and his partner about individual IOC members.
The continuation of the saga40 led to new calls yesterday for Coles to resign from the Sydney
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) to prevent it acting41 as a further
deterrent to much-needed new sponsors and from hurting ticket sales, both vital to the Sydney
games budget.
Question No.6. Which of the following statements is true about recent Philippine inflation?
Question No.7. By what percentage did the total vehicle sales decline as reported by General
Question No.8. How many people have died in a recent outbreak of infectious diseases in
Question No.9. Why was an all-night curfew enforced in Oklahoma City?
Question No.10. What did an International Olympics Committee member deny doing?
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.
F: Mr. Angelo, you took over running this firm when it was in a very bad way. Can you tell us
what kind of problems you had to deal with?
M: Basically, the faults were management ones. A clear marketing strategy has been developed.
Whereas before we aimed to sell our electrical products both in the lower and middle range
of the market, now our marketing is aimed solely42 at the middle range. We are not able to
compete with cheap foreign imports, so our production and marketing has been
concentrated on higher priced. Higher-profit-margin goods. Of course, to compete in this
market good quality is essential. Therefore, improving quality has been stressed very
F: What exactly has been done to improve quality?
M: Firstly, quality control circles were introduced. Meetings of groups were held at which
suggestions were put forward about how to improve quality. As a result of one suggestion
incentive43 schemes have been introduced whereby staff receive bonuses if certain quality
targets are reached. Also a vastly increased training programme has been developed in areas
where quality was poor.
F: You’ve been in charge of the company for two years now, Mr. Angelo; what is the
company’s present situation?
M: We’ve begun to turn the corner. After several years of heavy lonsses we hope to break even
this year. To do this we’ve had to reduce the work-force considerably but now we can offer
greater job security to our remaining staff. We’re also hoping to pay a dividend44 next year if
the present improvement continues.
F: So would you say the future prospects45 of the company are good?
M: We are hopeful. A lot remains46 to be done, of course, but we think that the new products we
are developing will greatly improve our prospects. For example, a great deal of interest has
already been shown in our satellite TV dish which has just been placed on the market. I
think those investors47 who’ve continued to support us will be rewarded by a substantial rise
in the company’s share price in the near future.
F: Thank you very much of your comments, Mr. Angelo.
M: You’re welcome.
Question No.11. Which of the following is NOT a problem faced by the company, when Mr.
Angelo took over?
Question No.12 What measure has been taken in relation to marketing?
Question No.13 Why have incentive schemes been introduced, according to Mr. Angelo?
Question No.14 When did Mr. Angelo take over the management of the firm?
Question No.15 What is expected of the company’s situation this year?
Question 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
The North American continent consisting of the United States and Canada covers an area of
approximately 7,300,000 square miles. Within this area live about 266 million people. 240
milion in the United States and 25 and a half million in Canada. So many people, living in such a
great area, are naturally different in many ways. If you have traveled around North American or
if you have talked with people from different parts of this continent, then surely you have
obvious differences are in people’s pronunciation, but there are also some differences in
grammar and many differences in vocabulary from region to region. In today’s lecture we are
going to look at some interesting examples of all three types of differences, beginning with
pronunciation, or what you might call “accent”.
Certain accents are easy to recognize because they contain features that are unique to a
particular region of the continent. Let me give you three examples. You can almost always
recognize English-speaking Canadians because they have a special way of pronouncing the
sound that is usually spelled o-u. so, while people in the United States say out, about and around,
Canadians pronounce these words as owt, abowt, and arownd. Can you hear the difference?
Another accent that is fairly easy to identify is that of New York City. Many New Yorkers
pronounce the / a / sound almost as if it were spelled / owu /. Listen to the difference: coffee, / ;
dog, / dowug / ; because / becowuz /. Some New Yorkers also add an / r / sound to many vowel
sounds, such as law and order, pronouncing it/ lawr en order. New Yorkers also say ideer instead
of idea and Afriker instead of Africa. People from Boston, on the other hand say aant and haaf
the way the British do, but in most other places people say aunt and half. Bostonians also drop
most of their r’s. Have you ever heard someone say he was going to pahk the cah? This person
was probably from the Boston area.
Let’s go on now to some differences in grammar. Actually there isn’t much variation in
grammar from region to region. Some variation in spoken grammar, as in the use of the simple
past tense, is acceptable; for example, in some areas it’s normal for people to say I ketched a fish
instead of I caught a fish. But I want to emphasize that we are dealing49 here with spoken grammar,
since, as you know, written English is the same everywhere; it is what we call standard English.
Finally, let’s talk about some vocabulary differences. These are fun to examine. For
example, when you go to the supermarket, what do you carry your groceries home in? In
California, your answer would be a paper bag. In the eastern United States, you would call it a
paper sack; but in the area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, you would call it a poke16! Another
example: For dinner, do you like to eat green beans, string beans, or snap beans? They are, in
fact, the same thing, but each name is used in different geographical50 areas. As you can see, in
North America differences in the names of objects are determined51 by geography and not by
social or economic class as they are in some other countries.
I want to say, in conclusion, that I have given you just a handful of examples of regional
differences in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in the United States and Canada. There
are naturally hundreds of such differences. But in spite of these differences, North Americans do
not have much trouble understanding one another, even if they come from places that are as far
apart as, say, the northern part of Canada and south Texas. The linguistic52 differences are simply
not great enough to interfere53 with our ability to communicate with one another.
Question No.16. Which of the following statements best summarizes the lecture?
Question No.17 Which group of people add an / r / sound to many vowels48?
Question No.18 Which of the following statements is true concerning the grammar of
English spoken in North America?
Question No.19 What determines vocabulary differences in North American English?
Question No.20. What is meant by “standard English”, according to this lecture?
Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk only once.
While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have
enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate answer booklet. You are required
to write ONE word or figure only in each blank. You will not get your answer booklet until after
you have listened to the talk. Now listen to the talk carefully.
Let’s imagine that an American businessman has to go to Paris on a business trip. On the
morning of the trip he gets into his single-seat car that gets more than a hundred per gallon. He
drives it into an automated54, moving traffic lane that takes him directly to a “railport,” or train
station. He leaves his car there and gets on a train that travels at three hundred miles per hour.
Within a few minutes, he arrives at the airport. He and a thousand other passengers get on a
plane that is made almost entirely55 of plastic.
Computers control the plane, which travels at supersonic speed, so our businessman is in
Paris in less than three hours.
Does this description sound fantastic to you? Well, according to transportation experts, we
can expect many changes in transportation technology in the twenty-first century. All the forms
of transportation that we use today will still be popular, but they will be very different in design,
materials, and technology. In today’s lecture, we’re going to look at how these familiar modes of
transportation will change in the next fifty to a hundred years.
Naturally, we will start by talking about the automobile56, which will still be the most
important method of getting around just as it is toady57. But of course, we can expect many
improvements. First of all, our cars will become totally electronic. They will routinely “talk” to
us, reminding us to turn off our lights, get gas, or fix something. Of course, every car will have a
telephone. In addition, the cars of the future will be smaller and more economical. We will
probably continue to use gasoline for fuel at least until the end of the century, but gasoline
mileage will probably go up to seventy-five or one hundred miles per gallon.
Besides the car, several other well-known methods of transportation will be very important
for traveling in cities. First, many people will use subways and other rapid transit58 systems, even
though they will be expensive. Second, bus service will increase. The new buses will look
different from today’s and will be able to carry up to a hundred and fifty people. During rush
hours, they will travel in special bus lanes or maybe even on separate roads especially for buses.
Third, for short trips, there will be many “people moves.” These are sidewalks that move at ten
or fifteen miles per hour. In fact, they already exist today in many modern airports.
Now, for long-distance traveling between cities, buses will still be the cheapest way, but
they will probably be more comfortable than they are today. Imagine a bus with sleeper60 seats,
video games, movies, and even meal service. Buses will change a lot, but trains will change even
more. For one thing, they will be extremely fast. Trains of the future will not travel on rails as
they do today; instead, they will move above the tracks, which will allow them to go as fast as
two hundred and fifty or three hundred miles per hour. With such a train, a trip between
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, would take just half an hour. In the twenty-first
century, people will easily be able to live in one state and work in another.
We can conclude that land transportation will be faster and more comfortable than it is
today. What about air travel? First the airplanes of the future will be made of plastic. As a result,
they will be quieter, faster, cleaner, and more economical. Thy will also be larger, carrying up to
a thousand people. Planes will all have computers as pilots, although there will sleeping
arrangements will be more comfortable than they are today. In addition, each passenger will
have a private T. V. set in the back of the seat in front of him.
With all these improvements in transportation systems, we can predict that in the
twenty-first century, people will travel more often and farther than they do now. Our world will
become a smaller place, and there will probably be much more contact between people from
different cultures than there is today.
Part B: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the
sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write
your version in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Now let’s begin Part B
with Sentence Translation.
Sentence No.1. Could we have a quick word about the sales conference? I’d like to see
everything will be OK by the end of this month.
Sentence No.2. Women in china now receive equal pay for equal work and ninety percent of
all Chinese women work as truck drivers, scientists and most other
traditionally “male” jobs.
Sentence No.3. Until the twentieth century, the majority of blacks lived in the southern part
of the United States. Thus, prejudice against blacks is often associated with
the south.
Sentence No.4. In 1997, the number of poor whites increased to 11.5%, while 28% of black
families were considered poor and received food coupons61 regularly.
Sentence No.5. People in this age group have to borrow money to pay for houses or
apartment, and they also spend a lot of money on furniture and appliances.
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages
only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in
the corresponding space in your answer booklet. You may take notes while you are listening.
Now let’s begin Passage Translation with the first passage.
Passage 1:
We Americans are incredibly lazy. Instead of cooking a simple, nourishing meal, we pop a
frozen dinner into the oven. Instead of studying a daily newspaper, we are contented62 with the
capsule summaries on the network news. Worst of all, instead of walking even a few blocks to
the local convenience store, we jump into our cars. This dependence63 on the automobile, even for
short trips, has robbed us of the valuable experience of walking. If we drove less and walked
more, we would save money, become healthier, and discover fascinating things about our
Passage 1:
Physical activity is for kids. Adults don’t have time to hit a baseball or run around a field, or
to do aerobics64 and lift weights in a gym. They have to earn a living, raise, raise families, and
save money for retirement65. They can leave exercise to their children. I firmly believed this until
one morning, when, late for work, I ran after a bus. My heart pounded; my lungs gasped66; my
head swam. Then, I realized I wouldn’t be around to do my job, support my family, or enjoy
retirement unless I got into the habit of doing something physical to maintain my health. Regular
exercise can rejuvenate67 your body, refresh your mind, and broaden your interests.

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n.咨询;商量;商议;会议 | |
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n.劳动大军,劳动力 | |
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n.监督者,管理者( supervisor的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adj.技术的;工艺的 | |
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adj.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的 | |
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adj.高科技的 | |
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adv.平滑地,顺利地,流利地,流畅地 | |
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n.成熟;完成;(支票、债券等)到期 | |
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adj.不方便的,令人感到麻烦的 | |
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n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权 | |
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adj.质朴宜人的,田园风光的 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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n.行销,在市场的买卖,买东西 | |
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n.刺,戳,袋;vt.拨开,刺,戳;vi.戳,刺,捅,搜索,伸出,行动散慢 | |
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v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 | |
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零售商,零售店( retailer的名词复数 ) | |
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n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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n.(汽车上的)保险杠;adj.特大的,丰盛的 | |
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v.(使)稳定, (使)稳固( stabilize的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 ) | |
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a.imminent, about to come or happen | |
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n.动力,冲力,势头;动量 | |
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n.霍乱 | |
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n.麻疹,风疹,包虫病,痧子 | |
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n.结核病,肺结核 | |
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n.监护人;守卫者,保护者 | |
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v.计算,清点( tally的现在分词 );加标签(或标记)于;(使)符合;(使)吻合 | |
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adj.毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的 | |
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n.龙卷风,旋风( tornado的名词复数 ) | |
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n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 动词stun的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.(一堆)碎石,瓦砾 | |
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v.救助,营救,援救;n.救助,营救 | |
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n.贿赂( bribe的名词复数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂v.贿赂( bribe的第三人称单数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂 | |
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n.蓝图,设计图,计划;vt.制成蓝图,计划 | |
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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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n.(尤指中世纪北欧海盗的)故事,英雄传奇 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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adv.仅仅,唯一地 | |
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n.刺激;动力;鼓励;诱因;动机 | |
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n.红利,股息;回报,效益 | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 ) | |
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n.元音,元音字母( vowel的名词复数 ) | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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adj.地理的;地区(性)的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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adj.语言的,语言学的 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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a.自动化的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.汽车,机动车 | |
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v.奉承;n.谄媚者,马屁精 | |
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n.经过,运输;vt.穿越,旋转;vi.越过 | |
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n.男高音(歌手),次中音(乐器),要旨,大意 | |
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n.睡眠者,卧车,卧铺 | |
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n.礼券( coupon的名词复数 );优惠券;订货单;参赛表 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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n.依靠,依赖;信任,信赖;隶属 | |
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n.健身操,健美操,韵律操 | |
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n.退休,退职 | |
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v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要 | |
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v.(使)返老还童;(使)恢复活力 | |
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