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  • 国家地理 加里曼丹岛的地底洞天(14) Near the chamber's entrance, Mad Phil began drilling bolts into the wall, working his way around an overhanging ledge to the roof. The rest of us explored below, pressing forward, sounding the planet's largest known enclosed space. 在洞穴入口附近
  • 国家地理 加里曼丹岛的地底洞天(15) One day, with Mad Phil and a young caver named Ben, I explored along the left side of the chamber, searching for another entrance. Sarawak is so large that it contains many distinct precincts, and we climbed through at least half a dozen of them, pas
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(1) It was when the body of a long-dead friend surfaced near her front door that Bulu Haldar knew her house was as good as gone. 直到一位死去多时的朋友的尸体飘到她的屋门前,布鲁哈尔达才意识到自己的房子已经不在了。
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(2) Haldar, a meticulously dressed widow of about 50, had at least had some inkling of what was to come. She'd watched as the nearby Sundarbans, a vast mangrove forest that flanks the village, had retreated, its trees looking increasingly weedy. She'd no
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(3) Some farmers in Bangladesh -- a country the size of Iowa with a population of 160 million -- refer to their homeland as a divine prank: The soil is fantastically fertile, but you're always in danger of getting washed away. In 1998 an especially monst
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(4) But after years of abuse from man and nature, the mangroves seem to be nearing their limits. Illicit logging, mostly for building materials to house the region's booming population, has thinned out the periphery of the forest. At the same time, incre
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(5) The islands in India's Hugli River, in the Ganges estuary on the western edge of the Sundarbans region, illustrate advanced stages of the decay. At least three islands that a century ago were covered in mangroves -- Lohachahara, Suparibhanga, and Bed
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(6) In February 2018 part of the embankment that holds back the Chunar River west of East Dhangmari, Bangladesh, collapsed for the third time in a year. Sixteen houses were swept away in what for locals had become an almost routine tragedy. But as the ca
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(7) Almost every one of my patients is here because of water-related diseases that were nowhere near as much of a problem before, said Shivapada Mondol. The circumstances are verging on dangerous. On a stretcher outside his office, a skeletally thin old
  • 国家地理 保护着海岸和生命的消失的森林(8) But in the battle to preserve the mangroves -- and in the long run, perhaps Bangladesh itself -- the difficulties are increasing. Dhaka has green-lit the construction of a large, Indian-backed, coal-fired power station at Rampal, on the edge of the S
  • 国家地理 成千上万的萤火虫照亮墨西哥的森林(1) When an editor called to ask if I could photograph a story about fireflies in Mexico, I didn't check my schedule before I said yes. I'd seen these insects light up the forests in Tlaxcala once before, and I jumped at the chance to go back. 当一位编
  • 国家地理 成千上万的萤火虫照亮墨西哥的森林(2) I had three nights to capture the magical scene in the forest. Tripod in hand, I hiked with my colleagues into the misty forest at dusk. I set up, and we waited, our banter dissipating as the daylight waned and tiny specks of light emerged. 我有三个
  • 国家地理 成千上万的萤火虫照亮墨西哥的森林(3) On the last night everything came together. The weather cooperated. I had improved my method for focusing and composing in the dark with quick flashes from a powerful flashlight -- and I'd grown accustomed to insects on my face. 最后一晚所有的要
  • 国家地理 古老森林中的神话生物 Mythical creature found in ancient wood 古老森林中的神话生物 Researchers exploring Brazil's Atlantic Forest discovered some five to seven new species of praying mantises. Among the newfound creatures are unicorn mantises, which have mysteri
  • 国家地理 融化的北极正使一场新的冷战升温(1) Late on a gray November afternoon Marvin Atqittuq, a newly elected patrol commander in the Arctic community of Gjoa Haven, stood on the frozen sea outside town and called his troops in for a meeting. A frigid wind flicked snow in from the south, and