We're winding along a ridge on one of APR's newest properties, the 46,000-acre Two Crow Ranch, which abuts the Charles M. Russell refuge on the south side of the Missouri River. I ride shotgun; Two Crow's former manager Danny Maag sits in the back. T
In 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act, which gave settlers title to 160 acres of federal land if they were able to prove up on the property by building a house and planting crops. But 160 acres weren't enough in the short-grass prairies, so Cong
That neighborliness, however, does not extend to APR, which bought its first property in 2004 just south of here. Twice since then, the French family has pitched in to buy ranches that APR was interested in purchasing. A neighbor wants to help you ou
The constraint on wildlife populations is not what the habitat will support, but what humans will support, says Daniel Kinka, an APR restoration ecologist. 约束野生动物数量的不是栖息地选择什么,而是人类选择什么,美国草原
APR has also built new campgrounds and a hut system on its properties, donated beef and bison meat to local Native American communities and food banks, sponsored rodeo athletes, donated buffalo-hunting opportunities for local fund-raisers, and organi
国家地理 没有垃圾的世界可能存在吗(1)
In Amsterdam I met a man who revealed to me the hidden currents of our lives -- the massive flows of raw materials and products deployed, to such wonderful and damaging effect, by 7.7 billion humans. Our shared metabolism, you might say. It was a cri
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All good so far; amazing even, if you're the type to be amazed by human effort and ingenuity. It's what happens next, after our needs are met, that's the problem -- the mother of all environmental problems, in fact. De Wit pointed to the gray fog on
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The circularity gap, as de Wit and his colleagues dubbed it when they presented their report at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2018, is relatively new in human history. It dates to our industrial use of fossil fuels in the 18th century. Until t
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For that same half century, environmentalists have been warning of limits to growth. The new circular economy movement is different. It's a collection of strategies -- some old, such as reducing, reusing, and recycling, and some new, such as renting
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I didn't remember much about that German philosopher. 我对那位德国哲学家印象模糊。 Leibniz said, 'If it is possible, therefore it exists.' 莱布尼茨说,'有可能的必将存在。' And I'm saying, 'If we can make it exist, it's th
国家地理 没有垃圾的世界可能存在吗(6)
The Romans, like the Phoenicians before them, also mined copper from the rich deposits at Ro Tinto in Spain. But they recycled too: They melted down bronze statues from conquered peoples to make weapons. Copper has always been a prime target for recy
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Aurubis sells the aluminum and plastic it recovers to those industries; copper and other nonferrous metals go into its own ovens. In the tidy yard, the dust is swept daily and fed to the smelter. We have no waste here, Laser said. 奥如比斯厂将提
国家地理 没有垃圾的世界可能存在吗(8)
Clothes 服装 The emblem of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a set of nested circles, was on Dame Ellen's teal hoodie when we met in her headquarters, an old sailmaker's loft on the Isle of Wight. In 2005, at age 28, MacArthur finished sailing around
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Jorik Boer makes a living rescuing some of them as head of the Boer Group, a Dutch family business that began a century ago on the streets of Rotterdam with his great-grandfather collecting rags, metal, and paper in a cart. Today, from his base in Do
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At one point Boer eyeballed my gray sport coat, which I felt quite confident of; he couldn't see the ink stains on the inside pocket. We cannot sell your jacket anywhere, he volunteered cheerfully. No one in the world wants to buy it. Boer said he wo