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  • 经济学人361:减肥大作战 Business 商业报道 Schumpeter 熊彼得 Fighting the flab 减肥大作战 Corporate headquarters have put on weight, and need to slim down again 企业的总部体积膨胀,需要再次瘦身 ONE of the most extraordinary corporate centres in Am
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  • 经济学人363:脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博 Business 商业报道 Facebook and virtual reality 脸谱网与虚拟现实 A game of goggles 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博 The social network makes another expensive bet on the future 社交网络又向未来押了一笔高昂赌注 AT SXSW, a te
  • 经济学人364:非洲撒哈拉以南地区就业状况 Finance and economics 财经商业 Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa 非洲撒哈拉以南地区就业状况 Sorry, no vacancies 抱歉,暂无空缺 Why African firms create so few jobs 为何非洲公司创造的就业机会如此之少 AFRICAN bus
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  • 经济学人367:通用被迫面对它的错误 Business 商业报道 General Motors woes 通用的悲鸣 What do you recall? 你召回什么? GM is forced to confront its faults 通用被迫面对它的错误 WHEN Mary Barra took the wheel at General Motors in January she inherited a company in
  • 经济学人368:前沿市场 出险招赚大钱 Frontier markets 前沿市场 Wedge beyond the edge 出险招,赚大钱 Money is leaving emerging markets for riskier bets at the investment frontier 资本正从新兴市场流向前沿市场,追逐更具风险投资 MANY of Africa's roads are s
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  • 经济学人372:网络商业及网络安全 电子心脏病 Online business and security 网络商业及网络安全 A digital heart attack 电子心脏病 A flaw in popular internet-security software could have serious consequences for all sorts of business 广泛使用的网络安全软件出现漏洞,可能
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  • 经济学人374:束之高阁的宝藏 重启旧品牌 Schumpeter 熊彼特 Hidden gems 束之高阁的宝藏 Reviving old brands sometimes makes more sense than creating new ones 有时,重启旧品牌比创造新品牌更有价值 CASH IN THE ATTIC is one of the jewels in the BBC's crown: The show th
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