经济学人436:品牌的价值 无法触摸的无形资产
Accounting for brands 品牌的价值 Untouchable intangibles 无法触摸的无形资产 Sometimes you see brands on the balance-sheet, sometimes you don't 一些企业把品牌价值列入资产负债表,而另一些企业却没有这样做 COCA-
经济学人437:加沙停火 没有赢家的战争
Ceasefire in Gaza 加沙停火 A war without winners 没有赢家的战争 Sadly, the end of the fighting is unlikely to mark the beginning of the peace 很遗憾,战斗结束并不就意味着和平到来 THE chances are that the latest of more th
Buses 公共汽车 Up to speed 提升速度 Copying the capital is even harder than it looks 模仿首都易,实则苦难言 FEW Britons feel passionate about buses. Unlike the railways, they spur few protests or angry letters in local newspapers.
经济学人439:意大利企业 把企业控制权留在家族中
Italian businesses 意大利企业 Keeping it in the family 把企业控制权留在家族中 Patriarchs are reluctant to cede control of the companies they built 创始人都不愿放弃操控他们创立的公司 RAISED in an orphanage, Leonardo De
经济学人440:巴以 新常态
Israel and Palestine 巴以 The new normal 新常态 No matter what Israel's prime minister says, the conflict with the Palestinians cannot simply be managed 无论以色列总理说什么,巴以冲突都不可能简单的处理好。 THE prime min
经济学人441:高管薪资 死后算账
Executive pay 高管薪资 The final reckoning 死后算账 When bosses die in office, their true value is revealed 经理意外翘辫子了,他们的真正价值才浮出水面 Worth every penny 一分钱一分货 IN HIS book, Capital in the Twent
经济学人442:法国政治 罗卡尔强势回归
French politics 法国政治 Rocard's return 罗卡尔强势回归 The former prime minister's ideas are making a comeback 前首相的理念卷土重来 THE left wing of the French Socialist Party was still reeling this week after the shock eviction
经济学人443:瑞士手表与苹果手表 这和看时间没有关系
Swiss watches and the Apple Watch 瑞士手表与苹果手表 It's not about time 这和看时间没有关系 Traditional watchmakers are confident they can see off Apple's new bauble 传统手表制造商有信心看到苹果华而不实的新玩意儿
经济学人444:德国和欧元 请依法办事
Germany and the euro 德国和欧元 You Kant do that 请依法办事 Many Germans fear that the European Central Bank is not on their side 很多德国人担心欧洲央行不是他们这一阵营的 HORST SEEHOFER, premier of Bavaria, sums up Germa
经济学人445:苹果的未来 不得不进行的改革
Apple's future 苹果的未来 Reluctant reformation 不得不进行的改革 Apple is becoming a very different company, and not just because of its newly unveiled products 苹果公司正在进行转型,不仅是因为它刚刚发布的神秘新产
经济学人447:土耳其总统 高高在上的埃尔多安
Turkey's president 土耳其总统 Erdogan on top 高高在上的埃尔多安 It would be better for Turkey if the presidency remained mainly ceremonial 土耳其的总统职务保持礼仪性岂不是更好 RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, Turkey's prime minis
经济学人448:移民政策 万事俱备但缺行动
Immigration policy 移民政策 Ready, steady, do nothing 万事俱备,但缺行动 Barack Obama defers his promise to help out illegal immigrants 巴拉克奥巴马在帮助非法移民走出困境一事上或有违背诺言之嫌 TODAY, I'm begin
Brewery mergers 啤酒企业的兼并 Foamy war 弥漫着泡沫的战争 SABMiller may be swallowed up by its main rival, AB InBev 南非米勒也许会被其主要竞争对手百威英博吞并 THE world's biggest brewer, AB InBev, is also the most
Energy in Europe 欧洲能源 The gasman cutteth 煤气工人面临裁员 Europe could survive a cut-off of Russian gas, but only a short one 短期内欧洲有能力应对俄罗斯天然气供应的中断,但也仅限于短期内 NAPOLEON and Hitl
经济学人451:埃博拉病毒 防控刻不容缓
Ebola 埃博拉病毒 Chasing a rolling snowball 雪球越滚越大,防控刻不容缓 The world is still acting too slowly to stop Ebola 世界范围内阻止埃博拉病毒扩散的行动速度过慢 FOR months the world has sat largely idle as a