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  • 经济学人346:家贼难防 Business 商业报道 Schumpeter 熊彼得 The enemy within 家贼难防 Fraud within companies is a risk that can never be eliminated, just managed 企业内部的欺诈行为是一种无法杜绝的风险,只能控制 BUSINESS has always been pla
  • 经济学人347:中国货币 只有一条路可走 Finance and economics 财经商业 China's currency 中国货币 One way no more 只有一条路可走 Why China's central bank is weakening its currency 为什么中国的中央银行正在弱化它的货币 CHINA'S currency has long been a source o
  • 经济学人348:公司校友 离开但不会被忘记 Business 商业报道 Corporate alumni 公司校友 Gone but not forgotten 离开但不会被忘记 More firms are seeking to stay in touch with former staff 更多的公司正在积极尝试和以前的员工保持联系 COMPANIES do not like to be
  • 经济学人349:公务员与财政紧缩 不曾变革的时代 Finance and economics 财经商业 Civil servants and austerity 公务员与财政紧缩 The times they aren't a-changin 不曾变革的时代 Civil-service payrolls have held up surprisingly well 一直以来,公务员的薪酬都出奇地好 AFTE
  • 经济学人350:女性和工作 玻璃天花板指数 Business 商业报道 Women and work 女性和工作 The glass-ceiling index 玻璃天花板指数 The bestand worstplaces to be a working woman 职场女性待遇最好和最差的国家 AS IT is International Women's Day on March 8th, The Economist
  • 经济学人351:自由互换 Finance and economics 财经商业 Free exchange 自由互换 The once and future currency 货币的今天明天 A new book examines the world's love-hate relationship with the dollar 新书出炉:世界与美元之间的爱恨情仇 LUMPY, unpredi
  • 经济学人352:操控货币市场 Finance and economics 财经商业 Rigging currency markets 操控货币市场 Bank, fix thyself 银行,作茧自缚 The Bank of England faces questions over its role in rigged forex deals. 英格兰面临银行非法操控外币市场的指控。 银
  • 经济学人353:拆乐高 乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司 Business 商业报道 Schumpeter 熊彼得 Unpacking Lego 拆乐高 How the Danish firm became the world's hottest toy company 来自丹麦的乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司 IT IS getting harder to go anywhere without stepping on a piec
  • 经济学人354:经济 另一视角 Finance and economics 财经商业 China's economy 中国经济 An alternative view 另一视角 China's official figures both understate and overstate inflation 中国官方数据既低估又高估了通货膨胀 IS CHINA'S economy underheating? 中国
  • 经济学人355:自由兑换 无中生钱 Finance and economics 财经商业 Free exchange 自由兑换 Money from nothing 无中生钱 Chronic deflation may keep Bitcoin from displacing its fiat rivals 慢性通缩的比特币可能无法取代其法定对手 BITCOIN, to its most ardent fan
  • 经济学人356:俄罗斯与德企 爱人不是敌人 Business 商业报道 German firms in Russia 俄罗斯与德企 Lovers, not fighters 爱人,不是敌人 German exporters are pushing back against economic sanctions on Russia 德国的出口商抵制对俄罗斯的经济制裁 DIPLOMATS wonder if
  • 经济学人357:重塑创意产业的TED Business 商业报道 Schumpeter 熊彼得 Ideas reinvenTED 重塑创意产业的TED TED has revolutionised the ideas industry, in part by putting old wine in new bottles 旧瓶装新酒,TED颠覆创意产业 THE first TED conference in 1984 was su
  • 经济学人358:法律工作 成功的代价 Business 商业报道 Legal jobs 法律工作 The price of success 成功的代价 Some American law schools are paying many of their graduates' salaries 一些美国法律院校正在为许多他们的毕业生支付薪水 EACH YEAR when U.S. News,
  • 经济学人359:日本的巨额养老金 追逐风险 Finance and economics 财经商业 Japan's pension giant 日本的巨额养老金 Risk on 追逐风险 The world's largest pension fund is changing the way it invests, with big consequences for the market. 这个世界上最大的养老金基金正在改
  • 经济学人360:音乐产业 高举丁日的旗帜 Business 商业报道 The music industry 音乐产业 Beliebing in streaming 高举丁日的旗帜 Record bosses now hope that online streaming could become a big enough business to arrest their industry's long decline 唱片公司老板们正希望线