经济学人31:心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
Science and Technolgy 科技 Psychology 心理学 All power tends to corrupt 当权者都会腐化、败坏 But power without status corrupts absolutely 但出身卑微的当权者败坏的更彻底 DURING the second world war a new term of abuse ent
经济学人32:天文学 斥资太空
Science and Technolgy 科技 Astronomy 天文学 Throwing money into space 斥资太空 A shiny new telescope is crowding out NASA's other science missions 一个引人瞩目的望远镜把其他科研项目挤出NASA的预算 THE Hubble space telesc
经济学人33:另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
Science and Technolgy 科技 Another Earth? 另一个地球? Home away from home 远离家乡的家 The existence of the most Earthlike planet yet has just been confirmed 类地球行星的存在已刚被确认 ONE of the more memorable slogans to
经济学人34:艾滋病 伙计们,请一起行动
Science and Technolgy 科技 AIDS 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺乏综合症) Get your act together, guys 伙计们,请一起行动 Two UN reports on AIDS are coming out this month. That is one too many 本月联合国将发布了两份关于艾滋
Science and Technolgy 科技 Mars exploration 探测火星 How to land a Mini on Mars 如何让一辆微型汽车大的探测器在火星着陆 The biggest and fanciest Mars rover so far will soon blast off from Florida 迄今为止最昂贵、最大的
经济学人36:医疗设备 有关吸入器的吸入信息
Science and Technolgy 科技 Medical devices 医疗设备 Inhaling information 有关吸入器的吸入信息 How to collect data on asthma while, at the same time, treating it 在处置哮喘的同时如何收集哮喘数据 IN 1985 and 1986 an epid
经济学人37:英雄与狗熊 人性的善与恶
Science and Technolgy 科技 The history of AIDS 艾滋病的历史 Heroes and villains 英雄与狗熊 The story of AIDS involves many larger-than-life characters, good and bad 艾滋病的故事造就了众多的传奇人物,也展示了人性的善
Science and Technolgy 科技 infantile anaemia 婴儿贫血 Blood simple 简单的输血 A small change in how babies are delivered might abolish infantile anaemia 分娩方式的简单改变可能帮助消灭婴儿贫血 CHILDHOOD anaemia is a probl
经济学人39:社会科学 关于群体的思考
Science and Technolgy 科技 Social science 社会科学 Wisdom about crowds 关于群体的思考 To model the behaviour of humans en masse, treat them as people, not molecules 在为人类的全体活动建立模型时,要将他们看作是人,而
经济学人40:气候和太阳圈 在冬日的阳光中发冷
Science and Technolgy 科技 Climate and the solar cycle 气候和太阳圈 Chilling out in the winter sun 在冬日的阳光中发冷 Stratospheric changes can lead to nasty cold snaps 平流层的变化能引发讨人厌的寒流 THOSE unconvinced-
经济学人41:合作关系的演变 社交网络驯服欺骗者
Science and Technolgy 科技 The evolution of co-operation 合作关系的演变 Make or break? 建立还是终止? Social networking tames cheats 社交网络驯服欺骗者 HOW people collaborate, in the face of numerous temptations to cheat, is
经济学人42:阿根廷的科研 炼金术士克里斯蒂娜
Science and Technolgy 科技 Science in Argentina 阿根廷的科研 Cristina the alchemist 炼金术士克里斯蒂娜 Argentina is trying to build a scientific establishment 阿根廷努力打造一个科研机构 SOUTH AFRICA is not the only middl
经济学人43:司法的学问 该吃午餐了
Science and Technolgy 科技 The science of justice 司法的学问 I think it's time we broke for lunch 该吃午餐了 Court rulings depend partly on when the judge last had a snack 法庭判决结果一定程度上取决于法官上一次吃点心的
经济学人44:全民天文学 卧室里的新天地
Science and Technolgy 科技 Citizen astronomy 全民天文学 A new world in your bedroom 卧室里的新天地 Amateur astronomers join the ranks of the planet hunters 业余天文学家加入猎星人行列 IN AN age of professionals, the ability
Science and Technolgy 科技 Science in Japan 日本的科学界 Where rats and robots play 才学通修 Japanese science needs a shake-up. A new institute in Okinawa may provide it 日本的科学界需要一场变革。在冲绳,一所新的学院为