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  • 经济学人422:科技创新 人造水母水中游 Science and Technology 科技 A synthetic jellyfish that swims 人造水母水中游 Meet Medusoid, a bioengineered artificial jellyfish created by researchers at the California Institute of Technology and Harvard University. 这就是梅多索依德,
  • 经济学人423:营销员如何利用"数学盲"消费者 Business. 商业 The psychology of discounting. 打折心理学 Something doesn't add up. 就是算不对 How marketers can take advantage of consumers' innumeracy. 且看营销人员如何利用数学盲消费者 WHEN retailers want to entice custom
  • 经济学人424:癌症基因疗法取得新进展 Cancer genetics 癌症遗传学 Gene therapy 基因疗法 Genetic mutations predict which cancers will respond to treatment 基因突变将预测某种治疗会对哪些癌症起作用 THE International Cancer Genome Consortium, an alliance of labora
  • 经济学人425:简·奥斯汀 迷中之谜 Books and Arts; Book Review;Jane Austen 文艺;书评;简奥斯汀 A puzzle inside an enigma 迷中之谜 Cults, cultures and one-upmanship 崇拜,文化,胜人一筹 What Matters in Jane Austen? Twenty Crucial Puzzles Solved. By John Mullan.
  • 经济学人426:什么情况下人们会觉得"不公平"? Science and technology. 科技 Psychology 心理 Snot fair! 太不公平啦! Exactly when is something perceived as not fair? 究竟在什么情况下人们会觉得不公平? AS THE bankster phenomenon has so eloquently illustrated, Homo sapiens
  • 经济学人427:资深美国参议院议员罗伯特·伯德 Obituary;Robert Byrd 讣告;罗伯特伯德 Robert C. Byrd, doyen of the United States Senate, died on June 28th, aged 92 罗伯特C伯德,资深美国参议院议员,逝世于6月28日,享年92岁 WHENEVER Robert Byrd walked the corridors
  • 经济学人428:空调行业 制冷方面的发明 Business. 商业 Air conditioning 空调行业 Cool innovation 很酷的发明(制冷方面的发明) An upstart hopes to make rival cooling companies sweat 这个挑战者渴望把与之竞争的空调公司逼出汗来 ON A hot July day in 1902
  • 经济学人429:大不列颠的陨落 Books and Arts; 文艺; Britain's third-world economy 英国的第三世界经济 Relegation for Albion 大不列颠的陨落 Going South: Why Britain Will Have A Third World Economy By 2014. By Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson. 《滑向全球之南:
  • 经济学人430:一个懒汉,两个懒汉,三个懒汉 Science and technology. 科技。 Global health. 全球健康。 One potato, two potato, three potato. 一个懒汉,两个懒汉,三个懒汉。 An effort to count the world's sloths. 来数一数世界上的懒汉。 A PAPER in the Lancet, shame
  • 经济学人431:个性化网购价 你的钱包有多鼓? Business. 商业。 Personalising online prices. 个性化网购价。 How deep are your pockets? 你的钱包有多鼓? Businesses are offered software that spots which customers will pay more. 能发现愿意多付钱客户的软件现可供企业使
  • 经济学人432:余音袅袅在海滩 Books and Arts; Music Review; 文艺;音乐评论; The Aldeburgh World Orchestra 奥德伯格世界交响乐团 Beach music 余音袅袅在海滩 120 players from 35 countries have a ball 来自35个国家的120名音乐家齐聚一堂开party Th
  • 经济学人433:为什么人形机器人那么吓人? Science and technology. 科技。 Robots and psychology 机器人与心理学 Mapping the uncanny valley 了解恐怖谷理论 Why androids are scary 为什么人形机器人那么吓人 ARTIFICIALLY created beings, whether they be drawn or sculpted,
  • 经济学人434:F1能否继续传奇? Business. 商业。 Formula One. 一级方程式赛车。 Flagged down. 落马。 Can Formula One succeed without Bernie Ecclestone? 没有了伯尼?埃克莱斯顿,F1能否继续传奇? BERNIE ECCLESTONE, the boss of the Formula One Group, rarel
  • 经济学人435:用绘画保命的柬埔寨人凡纳 Obituary;Vann Nath 讣告;凡纳 Vann Nath, a Cambodian who painted to stay alive, died on September 5th, aged 65 凡纳,用绘画保命的柬埔寨人,9月5日去世,享年65岁 When he was 52, with a hand that still trembled, Vann Nath pr
  • 经济学人436:学术期刊面临彻底改变 Science and technology. 科技。 Scientific publishing 科技出版业 Brought to book 好书来了 Academic journals face a radical shake-up 学术期刊面临彻底改变 IF THERE is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that ende