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  • 经济学人452:光学方法帮助寻找其他太阳系的生命 Science and technology. 科技。 The search for alien life 寻找外星生物 Twinkle, twinkle, little planet 闪烁吧,小行星 An undervalued optical trick may help to find life in other solar systems 一个不被人重视的光学方法可能能
  • 经济学人453:航海家 Mau piailug Obituary;Mau Piailug 讣告;Mau Piailug Pius Mau Piailug, master navigator, died on July 12th, aged 78 庇护Mau piailug ,航海家,于七月十二日逝世,终年78岁 In the spring of 1976 Mau Piailug offered to sail a boat from Hawaii to T
  • 经济学人454:优秀文章:强生公司走出困境了吗? Business. 商业。 Johnson amp; Johnson. 强生公司。 Out of the mire? 走出困境了吗? The Justice Department may spoil the drugmaker's fresh start. 司法部可能会毁了这家药厂的新开始。 FOR the past few years Johnson amp; Joh
  • 经济学人455:旧轮胎建成新式道路可减少噪音污染 Science and technology. 科技。 Quieter traffic. 更安静的交通。 When the rubber hits the road. 当橡胶遇上公路。 Turning old tyres into new roads can help cut noise pollution. 把旧轮胎建成新式道路可以减少噪音污染。
  • 经济学人456:英国政治 幕后智者 Books and Arts; Book Review 文艺;书评 British politics;Backroom boy 英国政治; 幕后智者 In the Corridors of Power: An Autobiography. By David Lipsey. 《自传:在权力走廊》:作者David Lipsey。 Political memoirs generally do t
  • 经济学人457:印度航空业 在低迷中飞行 Business. 商业。 Air India. 印度航空业。 Flying low. 在低迷中飞行。 India's flag carrier is in big trouble. 印度国家航空公司有大麻烦了。 WELL-TO-DO Indian graduates used to line up to join Air India. The national carrier
  • 经济学人458:制造计算机存储器的新奇方法 Science and technology. 科技。 Nanotechnology. 纳米技术。 A fab result. 生物工厂。 A novel way of making computer memories, using bacteria. 制造计算机存储器的新奇方法:使用细菌。 FOR half a century, the essence of prog
  • 经济学人459:20世纪的雄狮 Books and Arts; Book Review; 文艺;书评; Harry Belafonte's autobiography 亨瑞.贝拉方特式自传 Twentieth-century lion 20世纪雄狮 My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte. 《吾之歌:艺术、种族、反抗
  • 经济学人460:唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏 Business. 商业。 The music business. 唱片业。 Universal's gamble. 环球公司的赌博游戏。 A musical merger could create anew model, or a dozy mammoth. 唱片行业的并购案可能会催生一种新的商业模式,亦或者是一个行
  • 经济学人461:蟑螂是怎么消失不见的? Science and technology. 科技。 Insect acrobatics. 昆虫的绝活。 Flipping roaches. 非常蟑螂。 How cockroaches vanish. 蟑螂是怎么消失不见的? ANYONE who has tried to swat a cockroach will know those insects' strange ability, in
  • 经济学人462:职场女性 从此不再羞答答的开 Business. 商业。 Women in management. 女性管理者。 A word from your sponsor. 后台一句话的事。 Time for women to stop being shrinking violets at work. 职场女性,从此不再羞答答的开。 I DON'T know any successful women who
  • 经济学人463:天文学 要太空望远镜吗? Science and technology. 科技。 Astronomy. 天文学。 Psst. Want a space telescope? 喂,要太空望远镜吗? America's spies make a generous donation to NASA. 美国间谍机构对NASA慷慨捐赠。 AMERICA'S civilian space programme is bu
  • 经济学人464:不是不讲理 Uncommonly unreasonable Book Review; 书评; Eli Broad 埃利布罗德 Uncommonly unreasonable 不是不讲理 The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking. 不讲理的艺术:想法脱俗教会我们 Few businessmen have achieved as much as Eli Bro
  • 经济学人465:数字广播有钱可赚吗? Business. 商业。 Clear Channel and radio broadcasting. 清晰频道通信公司与无线电广播。 Come stream with me. 跟我去发展流式音频吧。 Is there money in digital radio? 数字广播有钱可赚吗? FRANK SINATRA knew he was g
  • 经济学人466:最好,最坏的城市 Books and Arts; London fiction 文艺;伦敦小说 The best of cities, the worst of cities 这是最好的城市,也是最坏的城市 The capital as inspiration for novelists 首都伦敦,小说家灵感之源 London is a great cesspool into w