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  • 经济学人437:空中客车杀入美国本土市场 Business. 商业。 Airbus 空中客车 Coming to America 杀入美国本土市场 Europe's big aircraft-maker is to open a factory in Alabama 欧洲飞机制造巨头将在阿拉巴马州建工厂 THE red imported fire ant first entered America thro
  • 经济学人438:狗真的能感受人类的情绪吗? Science and technology. 科技。 Animal cognition 动物的认知 Man's best friend 人类的挚友 Can dogs really show empathy towards humans? 狗真的能感受人类的情绪吗? DOGS quickly become part of the family. Tales abound of dogs cel
  • 经济学人439:寄生虫学 全球防虫的危险 Science and technology. 科技。 Parasitology 寄生虫学 The risks of global worming 全球防虫的危险 Widespread use of anti-parasite drugs is reducing their value 广泛使用抗寄生虫药物正在降低其疗效 Safely grazing? 正在安全
  • 经济学人440:Facebook在逆流中前行 Business. 商业。 Facebook Facebook Work in progress 逆流中前行 The stockmarket has lost no time in unfriending the social network 证券市场正加紧同社交网络解除好友关系 IT IS still gaining members-there were 955m by the end of
  • 经济学人441:东西方 "欢喜冤家" Books and Arts; Book Review; 文艺;书评; Asia and the West;Never the twain 东西方;欢喜冤家 The intellectual roots of Asian anti-Westernism 亚洲知识分子反西化的学术根源 From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the W
  • 经济学人442:难以预料的实体书借阅经济 Business. 商业。 Libraries and e-books 图书馆和电子书 Literary labours lent 文学劳动力已借出 The uncertain economics of lending virtual books 难以预料的实体书借阅经济 LIKE a tired marriage, the relationship between libra
  • 经济学人443:太空之旅 送我入太空 THE space race between America and the Soviet Union was as much about ideological one-upmanship as extraterrestrial exploration. A new space race to the moon has an even less lofty goal: sightseeing. Two space-tourism companies are planning rival lun
  • 经济学人444:男士美容 美女和野兽 Business. 商业。 Cosmetic treatment for men. 男士美容。 Beauty and the beasts. 美女和野兽。 More men are enduring jabs and cuts to look younger. 为了看上去年轻,越来越多的男士宁愿接受注射和整容。 IN GEORGES ROMA
  • 经济学人445:世界上首次中微子通信服务 Science and technology. 科技。 Neutrino communications 中微子通信 ET, phone home 外星人,致电家中 The world's first neutrino-messaging service 世界上首次中微子通信服务 PARTICLE physics is all very well for addressing trivi
  • 经济学人446:波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基 Obituary;Lech Kaczynski 逝者;莱赫卡钦斯基 Lech Kaczynski, president of Poland, died in an air crash on April 10th, aged 60 波兰总统莱赫卡钦斯基4月10日坠机身亡,享年60岁 Charming in private, awkward in public, scrupulously
  • 经济学人447:做自己的"愤怒的小鸟" Business. 商业。 Do-it-yourself apps 自己做的应用程序 Make your own Angry Birds 做自己的愤怒的小鸟 Homebrew apps have arrived 私人制作的软件已经来临 LAST year Eddie the pig took Chile by storm. The iPhone game ePig Dash
  • 经济学人448:真实的故事,有关自行车及生活 Books and Arts; Book Review; 文艺;书评; New fiction;Rings of truth 新小说;真实的故事 Gold. By Chris Cleave. 《赤子之心》,克瑞斯克里夫著。 Novels about sport are notoriously hard to pull off. It seems somewhat odd for
  • 经济学人449:医用植入设备 一个甜美的想法 Science and technology. 科技。 Medical implants. 医用植入设备。 A sweet idea. 一个甜美的想法。 Researchers are trying to harness glucose-the body's own fuel-to power implantable gadgets such as pacemakers. 研究人员正试图利用葡
  • 经济学人450:黑人拳王奋斗史 Books and Arts; Book Review; 文艺;书评; Racism in sport;The black white hope 体坛的种族歧视;黑人拳王奋斗史 The Longest Fight: In the Ring with Joe Gans, Boxing's First African-American Champion. By William Gildea. 《最长的奋斗
  • 经济学人451:印度日用消费品吸引小城市消费者 Business. 商业。 Consumer goods in India. 印度的日用消费品。 Seducing shoppers in Sticksville. 吸引小城市消费者。 India's small towns are the next frontier. 下一个前沿阵地:印度的小城市。 GROWTH in India is slowing