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  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第61期:关于籍贯 1. What is your nationality? 你是哪国人? 2. So are you a local? 那你是本地人? 3. How do you think of your hometown? 你觉得你的家乡怎么样? 4. Where is your domicle place? 你的户籍地是哪里? 5. I come from America. 我
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第62期:现住地址 1. Where do you live now? 你住在哪里? 2. What's your present address? 你的现居地是哪里? 3. Where is your permanent address? 你的永久住所是哪里? 4. Which street do you live in? 你住在哪条街? 5. My permanent address
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第63期:家庭背景 1. How big is your family? 你家有几口人? 2. Who supports the family? 谁来养家呢? 3. How do you get along with them? 你和家人相处得如何? 4. What is your marital status? 你的婚姻状况如何? 5. Do you have any siblings?
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第64期:学历文凭 1. What degree have you received? 你被授予过什么学位? 2. Where did you get your master's degree? 你在哪里被授予硕士学位? 3. How many years did it take you to get the degree? 你花了几年拿到这个学位? 4. What did you
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第65期:毕业学校 1. Which university did you graduate from? 你是哪所学校毕业的? 2. What college are you attending? 你目前就读的是哪所大学? 3. What kind of college is your old school? 你的母校是怎样一所大学? 4. I've just graduated
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第66期:毕业院系 1. What department did you study in? 你上大学时是哪个系的? 2. Which school did you choose in university? 大学期间你是哪个学院的? 3. Which department were you in? 你大学时在哪个学院就读? 4. I was in the Department
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第67期:所修专业 1. What's your major in college? 你的专业是什么? 2. What did you major in? 你的专业是什么? 3. What are you majoring in? 你的专业是什么? 4. Why are you so interested in English? 为什么你对英语那么感兴趣? 5. I t
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第68期:所学课程 1. What courses did you take in college? 你修过哪些课程? 2. Which course did you like best? 你最喜欢的是哪一门课程? 3. What courses did you major/minor in? 你主修/辅修的课程有哪些? 4. I took a lot of courses, such a
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第69期:在校成绩 1. How about your grades of study? 你的学习成绩怎么样? 2. How are you getting along with your studies? 你的学习成绩怎样? 3. What was your best subject in college? 你大学时最好的科目是什么? 4. In all my subjects, I g
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第70期:荣誉奖项 1. Did you get any rewards or honors in college? 你在大学时受到过什么奖励或有过什么荣誉吗? 2. Have you received any honors? 你有过什么荣誉称号吗? 3. Did you have any publications? 你发表过作品吗? 4. I receiv
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第71期:有无处罚 1.Have you had any kind of punishment in your college? 你上大学时受过什么惩罚吗? 2.Did you have any kind of punishment in your life and studies? 你在学习和生活中受过什么惩罚吗? 3.Did you have any records of punishment? 你
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第72期:英语能力 1.Do you speak a foreign language? 你会讲外语吗? 2.How well do you know English? 你英语水平如何? 3.What is your accent in English? 你说英语时口音如何? 4.I am capable of speaking English smoothly. 我的英语讲得很流利。
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第73期:第二外语 1.What other foreign languages do you know in addition to English? 除了英语,你还懂其他的外语吗? 2.Do you understand any other foreign languages besides English? 除了英语,你懂其他的外语吗? 3.I know a little about Frenc
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第74期:电脑水平 1.How is your computer skill? 你的电脑技能如何? 2.What kind of software can you use skillfully? 你会熟练使用哪些软件? 3.Do you have any certificates on computer? 你有什么电脑方面的证书吗? 4.My familiarity to comput
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第75期:交际能力 1. Are you a social person? 你是个善于社交的人吗? 2. What is your strategy in communicating with colleagues? 对于同事之间的交往,你的技巧是什么? 3. Well, the most important thing in communication is your sincerity. 我觉