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  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第212期:害怕黑暗(4) Thirty years passed and though he went back home several times he always returned to Africa and at last he disappeared. 三十年过去了,尽管利文斯通回了几次家,他总是又返回非洲。最终他消失了。 He was given up for lost
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第213期:害怕黑暗(5) There they signaled a passing ship and asked that his body be taken to England. 在海边,他们向一艘过往的船发出信号,请求将利文斯通的尸体带回英国。 In England he was buried in Westminster Abbey, where the famous and gr
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第214期:动物王国(1) Have you ever been to the zoo or the circus? 你去过动物园或马戏团吗? How would you like to live in a zoo where the animals were not in cages? 如果有个动物园,动物都不关在笼子里,你愿意住在里面吗? The land in A
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第215期:动物王国(2) Other animals looking for food will come along too and must be scared away from the bait or killed. 其他寻找食物的动物也会出现,见到诱饵一定会被吓跑或被猎杀。 The first animal to come along is usually the hyena. 最先出现
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第216期:动物王国(3) Almost every animal makes some kind of sound. It may be his language. 几乎所有的动物都会发出某种声音,那也许就是动物的语言。 He barks, moos, clucks, bleats, mews, whinnies, croaks, roars, grunts, cries, snarls, chirps, scre
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第217期:动物王国(4) I have a peculiar stick and I often ask people to guess what it is made of. 我有一根奇特的棍子,我常常让人猜它是什么做的, They usually say horn or hard rubber. for it will bend. 一般都回答是用动物角或硬橡胶做的,
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第218期:动物王国(5) Some hunters had a box of safety-pins. 有些猎人随身会带一盒安全别针。 The Blacks begged for the pins, and when they were given to them they pinned them through their noses. 黑人向他们讨要别针,讨到后,就别在自己鼻子上
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第219期:彩虹的尽头(1) Gold! It used to be said there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, though no one has ever found it. 金子!过去人们常说在彩虹的尽头有一罐金子。不过从未有人找到过。 Yet men have left their business and their fami
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第220期:彩虹的尽头(2) Now, however, many of the diamonds are cut in Kimberley and are all finished there before being shipped to other countries. 然而,现在多数钻石是在金伯利切割,并在那里加工完毕之后就被船送到其他国家。 Diamonds are m
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第221期:彩虹的尽头(3) An Englishman named Cecil Rhodes went out to South Africa for his health. 一位名叫塞西尔.罗得斯的英国人,为了健康来到南非; He happened to be there when diamonds were discovered and fortunes were being made, and he found his h
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第222期:财富岛(1) Have you ever been homesick? 你有没有想过家? If you haven't, then you have never been far away from home for any length of time, or you never had a home. 如果没有,那么你一定没有出过远门,在外待过一段时间;或者你从
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第223期:财富岛(2) But they found that it cost more to get the gold than it was worthit didn't pay. They didn't give up, however. 但是他们发现挖金子的成本太高,一点都不划算。然而,他们并不放弃, They were bound to make their fortunes in
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第224期:财富岛(3) Men poisoned millions of them and trapped millions more, but for every million killed, millions more were born. 人们毒死了几百万只兔子,又捕捉了几百万只兔子,但是,每消灭一百万只兔子,几百万只兔子又出生了。
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第225期:财富岛(4) The natives of Australia are black people called Bushmen. 澳大利亚本土著居民是被称为丛林居民的黑人, They can't count even up to ten nor write their names nor read a single word. 他们不识数,数数甚至数不到十,也不会
  • 美国学生世界地理教材 第226期:食人生番的岛屿(1) I suppose you know what cannibals aresavages who kill and eat each other. 我想你知道什么是食人生番他们是野蛮人,互相残杀,把杀死的人吃掉。 They used to live on little islands in the Pacific Ocean, which is the biggest,