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密歇根新闻广播(News for Michigan)

  • 密歇根新闻广播 奥斯维辛集中营的乐谱 The Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps were brutal and violent places. By the end of the Holocaust, an estimated 1.1 million people died or were murdered there by their Nazi captors. But as University of Michigan music theory professor Patricia H
  • 密歇根新闻广播 两个意思截然不同的单词 At this point and time, it's pretty clear that the words awful and awesome aren't interchangeable. But why do their prefixes sound identical? Our listener Kalen asks: Why is awesome a positive word and awful a negative word? This is a great example o
  • 密歇根新闻广播 如何制作奶油朗姆酒 One of the most popular drinks that I teach in my classes is hot buttered rum, said Tammy Coxen with Tammy's Tastings as she was putting the kettle on to boil. However, we are not making hot buttered rum. I am a sucker for clever wordplay, so when I
  • 密歇根新闻广播 纳萨尔性侵案远比你想的更严重 Deleted emails. Documents removed in boxes and a suitcase. Lying to investigators. An FBI investigation into Larry Nassar that stalled for seven months. Those are just a few of the stunning details released Monday in a 233-page investigation commissi
  • 密歇根新闻广播 感谢SUV汽车发展 With apologies to Mark Twain, reports heralding the death of auto production in Detroit are exaggerated. General Motors shocked Michigan, Ohio and Maryland last week with plans to idle four assembly plants next year and eliminate 8,000 salaried jobs.
  • 密歇根新闻广播 新任众议院议员推行改革制度 Representative-elect Elissa Slotkin (D-Holly) says she and 45 other newly elected members of the U.S. Congress plan to push U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for big changes. Slotkin spearheaded the writing of a letter to Pelosi, asking her to make pas
  • 密歇根新闻广播 两个非常有关联的肮脏词汇 There are many things in life worth keeping unsullied or unsoiled. From our good name to our best dress shirt, it's preferable to keep things safe from both literal and figurative sullying or soiling. It would seem that sully and soil have a lot in c
  • 密歇根新闻广播 非殖民化的音乐 Syrian-American rapper Mona Haydar describes herself as a poet, an activist, a God-enthusiast, and a feminist. The Flint native is known for her 2017 breakout hit Hijabi, a song about Muslim women choosing to wear the traditional headscarf as an expr
  • 密歇根新闻广播 加强游乐园管理 It was supposed to be a day of fun at AJ's Family Fun Center near Grand Rapids in 2015. Rachel Gibbs wore a scarf on the cool August day. Staff at AJ's made no mention of the potentially dangerous item as Gibbs and her youngest son loaded into a go-k
  • 密歇根新闻广播 为什么教育需要等级系统 A bill introduced by Representative Tim Kelly (R-Saginaw) passed yesterday with some amendments in the state House. If the education bill is passed in the state Senate, it will create an A-through-F grading system for Michigan schools. Rep. Kelly joi
  • 密歇根新闻广播 圣诞节为喜欢图书的朋友买什么 In need of some last-minute gift ideas for the book lover in your life? Never let it be said that your friends at Stateside didn't try to help you out! Who better to guide us to some great Michigan books than a couple of Michigan librarians? Tim Glei
  • 密歇根新闻广播 过度装饰的圣诞节 My apartment has enough Christmas decorations to make some people gag. In my living room there's a strand of lights on the Venetian blinds. More hang from the ceiling. There's a seven foot-tall Christmas tree and a three-foot tall stuffed Santa by th
  • 密歇根新闻广播 dive和dove到底有啥区别 If you think about the verb dive too hard, it can shake your confidence that you know which past tense to use. Let's say you're telling someone about a diving competition you participated in yesterday. Do you tell them you dived yesterday, or do you
  • 密歇根新闻广播 美国乙醇政策进程缓慢引愤怒 Farmers are expressing frustration over the fedearl government's unclear policies on ethanol. As a candidate, Donald Trump promised corn growers he would support increased use of corn ethanol in fuel. But in recent days, EPA chief Scott Pruitt has be
  • 密歇根新闻广播 密歇根州长里克·斯尼德将离任 Less than two weeks from now, Rick Snyder will be just another former Michigan governor. He says he'll return to a vague future that could include advising start-ups and doing a little teaching at his alma mater in Ann Arbor. From there, he'll have a