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密歇根新闻广播(News for Michigan)

  • 密歇根新闻广播 关注大学生心理健康 Being a freshman in college is exciting: meeting new people, learning new things, and figuring out who you are. But these big changes can also trigger or worsen mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. If untreated, those disorders can be
  • 密歇根新闻广播 restaurateur和restaurant有啥区别 A person who owns and manages a restaurant is called a restaurateur. Notice anything strange about that word, especially when compared to restaurant? If you're wondering why there's no n after the second a in restaurateur, you're not alone. A listene
  • 密歇根新闻广播 愈加严重的边境问题 This week, a group of faith leaders is taking a caravan of protestors 1,700 miles from Ann Arbor to the Tornillo detention center in Texas. That's where the federal government is holding hundreds of unaccompanied minors who crossed the border, many o
  • 密歇根新闻广播 美大学教练工资不断飞涨 Over the past three decades, the average football coachs salary increased tenfold to $2.5 million. Thats about 25 times more than the average college professor earns, whose salary has merely kept pace with inflation. Today the highest paid public emp
  • 密歇根新闻广播 难以置信的事实 As a long-suffering Lions fan, I've learned to appreciate the things they've taught. Things like the brief moment of hope before the season begins, or the benign satisfaction of a meaningless last second win after already being eliminated from the pl
  • 密歇根新闻广播 亚马逊宣布HQ2第二总部所在地 Amazon.com announced the winners of its HQ2 sweepstakes. In case you missed it, the winners are... wait for it... New York and suburban Washington. What a surprise. Earlier this year, the techy retailer turned the nation's major cities and regions up
  • 密歇根新闻广播 让人迷惑不解的stumble A listener named Allen recently wrote to us about a confusing book review. He was reading the Toledo Blade, when he saw a review of Barbara Kingsolver's new novel Unsheltered. Under a picture of Kingsolver was the caption Barbara Kingsolver, one of A
  • 密歇根新闻广播 琼尼·米切尔的音乐人生 Joni Mitchell is one of the most influential singer-songwriters in music history. But earning that title was no simple feat. Susan Whitall, former writer and editor for the magazine Creem, has edited a new book about Mitchell's life and career called
  • 密歇根新闻广播 通用汽车宣布减产并裁员 General Motors shocked the automotive world on Monday when the company announced it would curb production in five factories nationwide, including two Michigan plants one in Hamtramck and one in Warren. But Michigan State University economist Charley
  • 密歇根新闻广播 师生关系逐渐疏远 In the past decade, American education has gone through some major changes. Parents are sometimes shocked by how different schools look from when they were there, and that can lead to friction between parents and teachers. Stateside's education comme
  • 密歇根新闻广播 大州参议院或更高最低工资和病假 The state Legislature is moving forward with changes to a citizen initiative on paid sick leave. The measure to require employers to offer earned, paid sick time got enough signatures to make the November ballot. But the Senate pre-empted that in an
  • 密歇根新闻广播 among和amongst有啥区别 Amidst some emails, Professor Anne Curzan recently came across a question from a colleague about amongst and whilst. The colleague wanted to know: Why did American idiom preserve amongst but drop whilst? Fair question, though we're not so sure that A
  • 密歇根新闻广播 底特律的Faygo苏打汽水公司 Remember when you were a kid? Well, part of you still is. And that's why we make Faygo, goes an old jingle for one of Detroit's most iconic companies. Faygo was born on Detroit's Eastside more than 100 years ago, and it remains a well-known pop brand
  • 密歇根新闻广播 到底谁才是老大 A lot of old cop movies have a scene like this one, in Die Hard where the feds show up and start bossing local police around. Out in the real world, things are more complicated. Federal law enforcement can't always just boss local law enforcement aro
  • 密歇根新闻广播 老布什的辉煌一生 He may have been born in Massachusetts, and raised his family in West Texas, but former President George H. W. Bush was no stranger to Michigan. He trained on Grosse Ile as a young Navy pilot. In 1980, Bush was picked as Ronald Reagan's running mate