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  • 时差N小时 年龄与味觉和嗅觉的关系

    One of the more puzzling consequences of old age is adecreasing ability to appreciate the taste of a fine meal. 人到老年,一个令人费解的苦恼就是对美味佳肴品鉴能力的降低。 Actually,the problem is not only a matter of taste...

  • 时差N小时 洛杉矶人和蚂蚁

    If you've ever driven in LA, you know that people don't cooperate terribly well. 如果你在洛杉矶开过车,你就会知道那里路上人们配合得不是很好, Traffic jams, folks cutting folks off,people shouting at you out their windows...

  • 时差N小时 好心情是一剂良药

    You've probably heard it said that one's attitude affects one's health. 你很可能听过,人的心态影响着健康。 Yeah! Yeah! If you maintain a positive attitude or mood,then you're less likely to get sick than if you're angry or depressed....

  • 时差N小时 肌肉欺骗了你?

    Here's a neat experiment: Find an open doorway and standinside it, facing into the room. 做一个简单的实验:找一扇开着的门并站在门口,面向房间。 Now press your arms outward until the backs of your hands are pressing into the...

  • 时差N小时 灶神星

    You can see the planet Jupiter on a clear night, but Jupiter ishumongous. 在晴朗的夜空下我们能够看到木星,那是因为木星够大; Mars and Mercury are smaller than that, and youcan see them, too. 尽管火星和水星比木星要小...

  • 时差N小时 北极星何奇之有?

    Even if you're not an astronomy buff, chances are you caneasily recognize certain constellations and stars such as the Big Dipper, Orion's Belt and the North Star. 即使你不是一名天文学发烧友,你也能轻易地辨认出某些星座,比如...

  • 时差N小时 管状胶带和疣

    Have you ever used duct tape to tape a duct? 你曾经用管状胶带粘过管道吗? Do you evenknow what a duct is? Maybe not. 你知道管道是什么吗?也许你不知道。 But you definitely know what duct tape is, and you've probably used...

  • 时差N小时 毛虫自卫战

    I could have sworn that I heard a strange tapping sound inmy house last night. 我发誓昨天晚上在家里我听到了很奇怪的敲打声。 It was faint but chilling. I think there mustbe a ghost in my house. 那个声音微弱至极,但就是让...

  • 时差N小时 淡定的老人们

    So here is a question for our listeners: 那么,我想问问我们的听众: If there were apotion that would allow you to stay young forever, would youtake it? 如果有长生不老药,有人愿意吃吗? That's obvious, Yael? 这个问题显而...

  • 时差N小时 饮料的神奇清洁能力

    Let's begin with a cleaning tip: 有个去污点子: If you have some tarnished orcorroded brass that you want to clean, an old brass candlestickfor example, you can use Coca-Cola, or any other cola softdrink, and that brass will come clean. 如果你...

  • 时差N小时 寻找古老的生命

    They know by studying the remains of past lifepreserved in rocks, particularly sedimentary rocks. 研究人员在研究岩石特别是沉积岩中保存着的生物遗骸时找到了证据。 These rocks are formed from particles of mudand sand, typi...

  • 时差N小时 狗比猫更懦弱?

    Have you ever noticed that while it's pretty easy to tell your dog is sick, it's much harder to know how your cat or bird are feeling? 你有没有注意到发现狗是否生病很容易,但想知道猫或鸟的感受就比较难了。 Well, before...

  • 时差N小时 头球危险吗?

    Is heading in soccer dangerous? 头球危险吗? It's a question that has met its fair share of controversy. 这个问题引发了不少争议。 If you've never played soccer, heading may look pretty dangerous to the poor brain. 如果你从未踢过...

  • 时差N小时 米诺鱼的自杀式生存策略

    Beneath the surface of a pond or stream it's a fish-eat-fish world, and the tiny minnow is often lunch for larger fish such as pike. 在池塘或溪流的下面是一个鱼吃鱼的世界。小米诺鱼通常都是大鱼的午餐。 You'd think a tas...

  • 时差N小时 用耳朵治口吃

    Remember that kid in your grade school class who stuttered? 还记得小学时班上那个说话结巴的孩子吗? Well, he was in good companya whopping three million people in the United States alone are affected by this problem. 其实,他的同...
