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  • 时差N小时 你对高原反应了解多少?(上)

    Anyone who has vacationed in the higher elevations of Colorado, such as Vail and Estes Park, will tell you altitude sickness can be a real problem. 任何在科罗拉多的高海拔地区,如韦尔和洛杉矶国家公园等旅游胜地度过假的人...

  • 时差N小时 你对高原反应了解多少?(下)

    Scientists wondered how mountain people can remain healthy living at high altitudes. 科学家好奇,生活在高海拔地区的人们如何维持健康。 To see if genes contribute, scientists analyzed the genomes of three ethnic groups living at...

  • 时差N小时 Facebook会让你感到孤独吗?(上)

    Does Facebook Lead To Loneliness? Facebook会让人孤独吗? Dear:A Moment of Science, 亲爱的《科学一刻》: I'm not a big Facebook user, but I have friends who are. 我不是Facebook的忠实用户,不过我的几位朋友是。 And I'...

  • 时差N小时 Facebook会让你感到孤独吗?(下)

    Now, granted, the study looked at only 100 undergraduate students, around half of whom were instructed to update their status more frequently than they normally would. 当然,这项研究只调查了100名大学生,其中约半数的被要求比平...

  • 时差N小时 玫瑰的刺其实不是刺!(上)

    A Rose By Any Other Name 玫瑰不叫玫瑰 Just saying the word rose conjures up images of romance, secret admirers, Valentines gifts, and bridal bouquets. 提到玫瑰,人们容易联想到浪漫的场面,神秘的爱慕者,情人节礼物和结...

  • 时差N小时 玫瑰的刺其实不是刺!(下)

    Those nasty points on the stem of the rose are not true thorns: they are what scientists call prickles. 玫瑰茎上那些令人讨厌的刺并不是真正的刺,科学家们称其为皮刺。 Prickles are smaller than thorns: they are sharp outgro...

  • 时差N小时 为什么烫到的瞬间会觉得冷?(上)

    Have you ever dipped your toe into a very hot bath and felt a flash of icy cold just before you realize that its really burning? 你是否试过把脚伸进滚烫的浴盆里却感到一瞬间的凉意,回过神来才意识到水是滚烫的? Aft...

  • 时差N小时 为什么烫到的瞬间会觉得冷?(下)

    However, if a strong stimulus, like very hot water, can stimulate not only the warmth receptors but also stimulate the pain receptors. 然而,如果遇到滚烫的热水等强烈的外部刺激,不仅能触发暖感受器,而且会触发疼痛感...

  • 时差N小时 为什么紧张会容易口干舌燥?(上)

    Heres the scene. The audience is waiting with bated breath, youre just about to give a speech, and suddenly you notice your mouth is dry as sawdust. You havent said a word yet! Why did you get cottonmouth before you even began? 以下面场景为例。...

  • 时差N小时 为什么紧张会容易口干舌燥?(下)

    Digestion Problems 消化问题 When the fight or flight response is in full swing, digestion comes to a standstill, because who cares about breakfast when youre looking into a tigers mouth? The salivary glands in your mouth are part of your digestiv...

  • 时差N小时 吸烟可以减轻体重?(上)

    One of the really interesting things about the nicotine in cigarettes is that it works in two ways. 香烟中尼古丁的其中一个非常有趣的特质是,它以两种完全不同的方式工作。 When you take a long drag, it acts as a tranqui...

  • 时差N小时 吸烟可以减轻体重?(下)

    Physicians recommend moderate exercise like walking for thirty minutes, three times a week. 医生建议进行适当的锻炼,比如每周三次进行步行,每次步行三十分钟。 Not only does exercise help control weight gain, it also help...

  • 时差N小时 雄性的未来(上)

    What's the matter, Don? You look worried. 发生什么事了,唐?你看起来很担忧。 Well, Yael, you know how people are always predicting that one day women will be able to have babies without men? 嗯,雅艾尔,人们通常预测,如果...

  • 时差N小时 雄性的未来(下)

    The ritual causes the lizard acting as the female to ovulate and lay her eggs. 这种仪式会引起扮演雌性角色的蜥蜴排卵并产卵。 Then, a few weeks later, the two lizards switch roles and repeat this process so that the second female...

  • 时差N小时 你见过老式冰淇淋机吗?(上)

    Old Fashioned Ice Cream Makers 老式冰淇淋机 Have you ever seen an old-fashioned ice cream maker? 你见过老式冰淇淋机吗? Nestled inside the wooden bucket, there's a metal canister with a hand crank on top. 这种冰淇淋机带有木桶...
