生活英语手册 031(1.日常生活-1.8购物-询问价
这件开胸羊毛衫多少钱? What's the price of this cardigan? 这个多少钱? How much is it? 这些衣服是减价出售吗? Are these clothes on sale? 这台电视减价出售,只买2300元。 This TV set is on sale for only two tho
生活英语手册 032(1.日常生活-1.8购物-讨价还
讨价还价 1、这个你要卖多少钱? How much do you ask for this? 2、太贵了,能否便宜点? That's too expensive! Can you come down a bit? 3、你这辆自行车卖多少钱? How much will you sell your bike for? 4、你想出多少
生活英语手册 033(1.日常生活-1.9银行-开户头
我想在贵银行存些钱,我该怎么办? I wannt to put some money in your bank,waht should I do ? 我想在贵银行开个帐户。 I'd like to open an account with your bank. 我想开一个我和我丈夫的联名帐户。 I'd like to have
生活英语手册 034(1.日常生活-1.9银行-存款与
我想把三千元存入这个帐户。 I'd like to deposit three thousand yuan into this account. 我存一万美元的三年定期。 I'd like to put ten thousand dollars in a three-year fixed deposit. 请你告诉我还有多少钱? Could you te
生活英语手册 035(1.日常生活-1.9银行-换外币
我可以在这兑换些外币吗? May change foreign currency here? 我想把一些美金换成英镑。 I'd like to change some US dollars into sterling pounds. 今天的兑换率是多少? What's today's exchange rate? 一美金兑换8.5人民币
生活英语手册 036(1.日常生活-1.10邮局)
请给我4张25美分的邮票。 Four 25 cents stamps, please. 我要买些邮票和信封。 May I have some stamps and envelopes, please. 我要买一套纪念邮票。 I'd like to have a set of Commemorative Stamps. 这封信我要寄航空。 I'
生活英语手册 037(1.日常生活-1.11美容院)
我想要理发。 I'd like to have a haircut. 我要洗头。 I'd like to have a shampoo. 我要理发并剃须。 I'd like to have haircut and shave. 我要烫发。 I'd like a perm. 我要做头发。 I'd like to have my hair done. 我要染发。
生活英语手册 038(1.日常生活-1.12饮食-提议外
明天晚上到外面吃饭怎样? Would you like to eat out tomorrow evening? 考完试后到外面庆贺一番怎样? How about a celebration after the exam? 到拐角那家老字号餐馆试一试怎样? Let's try that time-honoured restaura
生活英语手册 040(1.日常生活-1.12饮食-预定餐
订几点的? What time would you like to have your table? 服务员,这张桌子是空的吗? Waitress, is this table free? 请问有3个人用餐的桌子吗? Excuse me, have you got a table for three? 先生,晚上好,一共几位? G
生活英语手册 041(1.日常生活-1.12饮食-点菜)
要喝什么茶? What kind of tea would you like? 红茶吧。 Black tea please. 这是菜单,先生。 Here's the menu,sir. 要不要我解释菜单? Would you like me to help you with the menu? 要点菜了吗? May I take your order now? 请把
生活英语手册 042(1.日常生活-1.12饮食-在餐桌
服务员,我们点的菜还没上呢。 Waiter, our order hasn't come yet. 我饿扁了。 I'm starving. 我很口渴。 I'm thirsty. 请随便吃。 Please help yourself. 请多吃点烧鸭。 Please have some more roast duck. 请尝尝这个本地
生活英语手册 043(1.日常生活-1.12饮食-付帐)
服务员,买单。 Waiter,the check please. 我来请。 It's on me. 我们AA制吧。 Let's go dutch. 一共多少钱? How much is it all together? 我可以看一下帐单吗? Can I have a look at the bill please? 恐怕这里弄错了。 I'
生活英语手册 044(2.求职与工作-2.1个人情况)
我应邀前来面试的。 I come at your invitation for interview. 请坐。 Take a seat please. 我可以问你几个个人问题吗? May I ask you some personal questions? 你叫什么名字? May I have your name please? 你姓什么? Wha
生活英语手册 045(2.求职与工作-2.2教育背景)
你有什么文凭? What's your educational background? 我是大学毕业生。 I'm a University Graduate. 你在哪儿上的大学? What university did you attend? 你毕业于哪所大学? What university did you graduate from? 我毕业于南